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Grell Wilde

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  1. Oh the more you know i guess. I still think the molotov would be a nice touch from rev rounds and the blackjack might be cool to try.
  2. I know the server has some improvised weapons already, but I wanted to expand on it. I know it most likely will help shitter Graytide but it would be interesting. Molotov Cocktail: pretty simple, any bottle of alcohol and a rag or paper, once made you light it and throw. It would break once it hits something and have a nice area of fire. It would also make the bartender more useful during nuke ops. Blackjack: A club like weapon that is used as a way to knock someone out. i figure it you'd be able to make it with some wood and circular saw to cut it. that way if you really want it then you're gonna have to go find the saw. But the way it should work is if you hit someone in the head with it there should be a chance to knock out. Improvised Flash bang: I forget how to make it in real life but there's a way to make a flash bang out of a cheap lighter. you use the flint and striker and once it make contact with something it causes a small flash. i guess it would work like a flash grenade but a smaller radius. Improvised Garrote: Kinda like fiber wire to strangle someone, but instead you would make it with cable coil (and something else to use as handles). you would be able to use this to strangle your foes faster. Backpack bomb: I thing there should be a way to turn your backpack into a bomb and set it in a wardrobe locker or something then activate a timer. it should be able to be defused easily and should make a soft beeping noise ever 5 seconds. to make it maybe have 3 or 4 IEDs, A backpack, timer, and igniter. i figure it would explode like a regular IED but bigger. Improvised flail: A pipe, some cable, tape, and glass shards. Pretty self explanatory, You can pretend you are a knight while bludgeoning your targets to death. That's just things that I've thought about, feel free to add to it or give be feedback.
  3. A while ago I was thinking of some unique objectives that might spice things up. One of the things that came to mind is kidnapping someone and escaping the station alive with them. Upon further thinking, that would be weird showing up to CC with someone tied up. So what if you could use the pods and when the ETD is counting down you could change the destination to arrive at the syndicate station? I'm just shooting ideas here so feel free to change things around to make more sense. Another kind of style I think would be cool is a sorta spy role, like if you could "bug" someone. Maybe a implant that allows you to hear everything they say but is also your objective. That or sabotaging some key department. And the last I came up with was that if nuke ops is going on then there should be 1 traitor on the station with the objective to assist the ops. I know nuke ops are pretty powerful as is, but i just thought it might be cool if war was declared that the one undercover traitor could sabotage something or relay information to the nuke ops. These are just some things I thought about and I figured id share them to see if they make any sense.
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