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Everything posted by Shadeykins

  1. On a side note, thanks for quoting that - I just realized it uses the wrong biological terms and is a little off-kilter. And by that I mean the biology is completely and absolutely wrong and contradictory. It now reads thus. But yes, Kidan balance needs to be revised. Almost nobody is willing to play them.
  2. Off the top of my head the primary one is EMP's don't kill - they do some damage and stun them for a long enough time where they can be easily killed, but it's not outright death.
  3. Killing someone with epi-pens takes at least 3-4 pens worth of epinephrine. You definitely don't spawn with anywhere near enough to harm someone.
  4. Guides exist on the wiki as well for IPC's, in multiple places in fact - both in the surgery guide, and the guide to robotics.
  5. Why is your art style so adorbs? Ahhhhh
  6. Well, if we're implementing traits - I suggest we go the tried and tested route for humans. Humans have a certain adaptability, a general competency at things. Give them a trait that allows them at a basic level to be marginally more competent in some designated category. In an "attribute" system, this would look like giving them 1-2 extra attribute points in lieu of any special ability.
  7. This has been beaten down about 7-8 times. The reason being that more or less anything that impacts round balance is a no-no for roundspawn (even fluff). Welders/cables can be used for a lot more than just healing. Would probably have more traction if it was something that could only be used to fix IPCs in limited circumstances. (Epi-pens are only useful if you're literally dying, for instance).
  8. I'd also like to throw in here... Chemistry. Access to stims, healing over time, etcetera. These are more or less completely denied to IPCs. While degreaser exists, IPCs can't make use of any of the incredibly useful traitor stimulants. Lack of access to meaningful chemical reagents and a proper balance to this is honestly a big deal, and is the primary reason why I personally stopped playing IPC almost altogether. I wouldn't mind seeing EMP's become less of a fuck you to IPC's in terms of repairing them after the fact. As it stands, you'll have an easier, faster (and probably more successful) time SR'ing and fixing someone who came out of an emagged recycler.
  9. In truth, they congealed into a dark matter blob. The AI was ultimately punished for not killing the unmentionable abominations when it had the chance.
  10. Cheers, the page is already marked for table revision (as you said) so I wouldn't worry too much about letting people know - there's a generated specialpage that displays all the wiki pages that are WIP, out of date, slated for deletion, etc. There's also the #wiki-development channel on the discord where you can discuss these sorts of things.
  11. If the Captain fails to resolve an issue, bringing it to an IAA is the actual resolution to that. That's why the IAA's can fax Central Command and get awful command members shitcanned, whereas say, the Chief Engineer can't. In fact, it happens on a relatively frequent basis. The lion's share of head-level demotions issued out are because an IAA/Rep alerts CC to an issue.
  12. No. The IAA handles everything crew level. The NT Rep isn't even supposed to stick their nose in something unless it directly concerns Command or Nanotrasen's vested interests, unless there's no IAA to handle it. They're not even in the same departments, IAA's making up the Legal/Law Department, and the NT Rep simply being another member of command. This is laid out very cleanly in their respective SOP and their wiki job pages. The change to the alternate title was to try and prevent IAA's from using titles that really have nothing to do with their job - they're not lawyers, nor are they "public defenders". They're people who have a vested interest in enforcing compliance and resolving issues, which is exactly what a human resources agent does.
  13. Constructing a new AI already requires Captain-level authorization IIRC.
  14. Ahelp that. People shouldn't be sparking a security manhunt over being demoted. That's why we have IAA's and an NT Rep.
  15. We used to have the prior two, it honestly just lead to a lot of powertripping. You can fire someone already for not doing their job, they don't need to be brigged as well.
  16. If you create a workplace hazard via your own negligence and it kills people, you are guilty of manslaughter. * The scientist who deliberately doesn't launch their TTV and kills people in the surrounding maint area is guilty of manslaughter (though they're probably gibbed anyways). * The engineer who decides it would be funny to hotwire the engine and leads to people dying from electric shocks is guilty of manslaughter. * The miner who drills out the floor in the hallway and kills people is guilty of manslaughter. * The security officer who directly beats the clown to death is guilty of murder. * The guy who has a fight in the rage cage and beats the other guy into crit, at which point he bleeds out and dies, is guilty of manslaughter. * The incompetent chemist who doesn't make any chems when medical is flat out of everything is guilty of absolutely nothing, and just deserves to be fired. Basically anywhere you have someone's actions directly hurting/assaulting another individual and causes their death in a non-deliberate fashion can be charged with manslaughter. If it's indirect, it's not really manslaughter. Involuntary manslaughter as noted above would lead to 40% of the medbay being brigged every other round.
  17. Seems like a good change to me!
  18. The change to pulling is an interesting one. If possible make it a variable 10-20%, so it's also noticeable when trying to speed-drag people while using stimulants.
  19. It can certainly be frustrating, yeah - honestly with fastmos the space-faring capability of both Vox and Plasmaman was nerfed. They're incapable of making very good use of it without also stealing or protolathing a pair of magboots too. Keep in mind that any wanted entity in space is automatically considered to be "Armed and Dangerous" under Space Law, and may be immediately engaged with lethal force (at the discretion of the officer).
  20. IPC's can't be vampires because they're machines. Slime People can be vampires as well, unless this was merged out. On another note... * Plasmamen can't disguise themselves whatsoever. Not only are they scarce, but they are given a job-designated suit that they can't remove without dying - they are immediately identifiable in all of two seconds of looking at the manifest even if they're an "Unknown" by virtue of not wearing their ID. Stealth is a non-option for plasmamen traitors. * Plasmamen can't readily change equipment. They can never be immune to major catastrophe (tesla release). They can't steal security armour to get the benefits from it. They can't become immune to syringe guns in any capacity, ever. They can never be immune to heat damage, unless they manage to steal an atmos/CE suit (others have fire suits available) and even then, they're stuck being permanently on fire. Their suit will auto-extinguish them a few times, but this has finite charges and doesn't restore temperature. * Plasmamen, like Vox, are permanently missing a slot which others can make use of - for Vox this is a pocket or belt (A huge deal), and for Plasmamen it's an exosuit slot (which you can often stow spare weapons in). This is probably one of the biggest nerfs they have - I would dare anyone to try and play with a missing inventory slot. It is a serious, serious handicap that strips you of the ability to take that one extra thing that you really need (like a spare gun). When duffelbags were first introduced they had no slowdown - literally everyone on station had duffelbags because they recognized the massive advantages involved in having more inventory space. * Plasmamen can't be anesthetized with anesthetic tanks, which means breaking a bone as a traitor is even more dangerous. Your traitor buddy patching you up now has to also steal a very specific chemical from chemistry, or dose you with a debilitating amount of ether if they don't want to probably break *more* bones by trying ghetto surgery. * Plasmamen are complicated to clone, and in the minds of most players are regarded as "uncloneable" due to the process involved (which pretty much requires either two people and very precise timing, or clever ingenuity). * A plasmaman who loses their suit is permanently dead, whereas a Vox can simply replace their breathing mask if they lose their stuff. Plasmamen, for reference, are no more immune to space than someone wearing a basic EVA suit. They have absolutely no mechanical advantages outside of not having blood, and having their suit. They're not immune to chemicals either, as every chemical in the game functions similarly on them as they do in humans with the exception of Heparin (they have no blood to lose) and Plasma (which heals them). In the context of the round that drew forth this thread, there were ten security officers, two detectives, a HoS, and a warden that shift (the Captain/HoP increased the job slots). The issue with the particular plasmaman in that scenario (And I'm well aware of it, since I was the warden and was ardently tracking the suit sensors of every member of security) was not "plasmamen are unfair and unbalanced", it was a matter of "security repeatedly failed to respond to cries for help, refused to travel in pairs, and subsequently let themselves get picked off by an antagonist who specializes in hunting single targets". For instance, the HoS was captured and dying - there were six available members of security armed with lethals (four of ten were dead at this point), and there was no ongoing arrests whatsoever. Despite calling out their exact location, the location being repeatedly verified by Medical and myself, and exact coordinates via suit sensors being given, zero officers responded. To contextualize this further, at the end of the round the fourteen man security department only managed to arrest the HoP and a single vampire who willingly entered their custody. The plasmaman was not "op", security was just really, really bad.
  21. My two cents. Dart pistol fits into pockets. RSG and syringe gun does not. You can't silently draw or holster either the syringe gun or the RSG. Syndicate pistol is already S-level if it's paired with more than one bullet (read its description). Chameleon sec HUDS are undetectable sec huds. That's their benefit - you can disguise them as other eyewear. This is arguably one of the biggest tools to wreak havoc on the station with, I'd honestly rather not promote giving a 15 minute sentence to the shitler who sets everyone on station to arrest using a chameleon HUD. Riot foam weapons shouldn't be in the hands of the crew. It's why the ammo for it is latheable only under a hacked lathe. If you manage to nick the detective's revolver and modify it into a .357, you should expect just as much trouble as if you loaded any other gun with non-standard ammunition. We already delineate on these sorts of charges, IE: the bartender is fine to have a shotgun, but the second they load it with buckshot there's a massive issue. You can also make foam riot bullets lethal by inserting pens into them (which boosts them to 5 damage per bullet, hefty considering they also do a boatload of stamina damage per hit). "Items that are illegal to possess but not necessarily traitor items. Possession of any 1 of these items is considered a breach of the Possession of Contraband (300) law. Having 2 or more of these, or using any one of these items to commit a Major Crime, automatically classifies you as an Enemy of the Corporation." "These items are also considered to be part of the Contraband (C) category for determining whether someone is in possession of multiple Contraband items." Two counts of contraband already elect you for EoC as is from C level and up. To clarify on other counts, syndicate dufflebag isn't contraband unless it has the MMI in it. Also, Camera Bug from S-Level to C.
  22. All object pages are a WIP. Feel free to hop on any as you like--please ensure you use the new table formatting found on the Security Objects page if you do, as the tables are being migrated to something easier to manage. I recommend leaving general items object page for last however, as it's going to be the most arduous to finish--the more specialized object pages are more useful as it were.
  23. Hi, thanks. This looks like something that belongs in the suggestions thread--the wiki reflects the mechanical realities of the server, and thus this isn't subject to change on the wiki unless it changes on the server. So long as the alternate titles are available, the wiki (though I don't believe it presently does anyways) will reflect this. Subsequently I've moved this topic to suggestions, as I believe you're making the suggestion to remove these alternate titles.
  24. Yeah, Headmin decision was to add these all to S-Level - so this suggestion is kind of moot. They've been added to contra.
  25. For a moment I thought this was actually in the ban appeal section. Either your powers to suspend disbelief are incredible, or this closely mirrors reality.
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