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Everything posted by Shadeykins

  1. One of the largest issues with the karma system is not the karma system itself, but our relative lack of things that one can do with their karma. A regular player quickly accrues (on average) enough karma to buy everything thrice over. Otherwise... * Karma serves to keep the rarity of certain races in check. Given that human is our most popular species (by a margin of over 50% according to survey, IIRC) it seems to be doing this function admirably. While there are instances where there is a "higher proportion" of certain species in elevated command roles, this is happenstance - the vast majority of the crew is, has, and always will be human due to simple metrics (most players play as them, all new players lack other species unlocks, and simple game mechanics). * Karma serves to gate some of the more important jobs. If you want to play Blueshield, NT Rep, or Magistrate for instance you will need to at least put a fair amount of time into the server - this makes people who elect for these more sensitive roles at least somewhat familiar with the backdrop they're playing against compared to fresh players. * Karma serves as an anonymous token of appreciation/admiration. Nobody is entitled to it or required to give it - it's something nice that someone can award you if they feel like it. The absence of it does not imply someone is somehow a terrible player, and the presence of it does not imply someone is a great player. Having karma merely demonstrates that select individuals found (on whatever unknown grounds) your actions worthy of merit. As a suggestion... * Add the ability to purchase extra loadout points (5) for 50 karma. (also add more things to the loadout options in general) * Add the ability to purchase a single antag token for 100 karma (these are only eligible for minor traitor roles, for reference). This is probably a bit more contentious, but it's literally one token. or * Add the ability to spend 100 karma for a fluff item. This won't impact donations for those concerned, as the presence of more fluff items will likely drive people to want them more - meaning we'd see most people opt to donate rather than wait to accrue 100 karma. Really, in general just add possible expenditures to karma that don't deplete in a single buy, and are 'renewable' karma dumps. This would not only give karma a more useful purpose, but it would also make karma-locked species more rare because people would be driven to save for other purposes.
  2. That's why atmos techs and the AI exist. N2O is an emergency release thing as it is. The large scrubbers do not discriminate air types for reference, they siphon everything. Though if we're going to have them, then yeah - there should be one in the court (or maybe remove the door on the court?)
  3. Floor scrubbers can selectively remove only contaminants. It's only when you set it to siphon that it takes air.
  4. Why don't we orient our clothing like we do with sprites? I mean, that would make this suggestion moot - change it so parts of all basic clothing respond to specific dye values and then slap a clothing dye vendor in the clothing area. We could completely remove the jumpsuit and shoe vendors by doing this, and probably remove like 80% of our clothing (which is just recoloured duplicates of the same sprite). Also this would make racial sprites easy for basic clothing types. You would no longer have to recreate the same uniform/outfit in 10 palettes for the new species, you would just make one. Hell, it would also simplify the process of making male/female versions of outfits if we wanted to do that. It would not only massively reduce the amount of files we have in our .dmm and have to handle in code, it would give us way more options to play with.
  5. I've been in a few of these threads, as I've said a billion times I think we should get rid of these alt titles. @alexpkeaton I think the crux of the issue is the Magistrate is not to involve themselves in SoP whatsoever despite ostensibly leading a department focused on it. But I digress, I do agree these alternate titles should go (ESPECIALLY Public Defender).
  6. There is no intersectionality between the NT Rep and IAA's. The wiki was updated to reflect this, even. The NT Rep is only to concern themselves with command-level issues unless there's literally no IAA's available. IAA's are not to concern themselves with command-level issues unless it's to forward it to the NT Rep. They can work together (as anyone on the station can) but they are not, and should not be, subordinate to one another in any fashion. The Magistrate's only concern is on Space Law. It even tells them this on round start - they are not to involve themselves with Command problems whatsoever unless it concerns Space Law. Space Law is their job description, effectively - having bridge access and command comms is a courtesy extended to them, not a mandate. You can not fault the Magistrate for not giving two shits about Command-level issues, this would be like faulting the botanist for not performing surgery in medical. At the end of the day, knowledgeable IAA's wield a tremendous amount of authority for what they do. I don't really think the Nanotrasen Representative (which is a roleplay-oriented role) has much business in having direct authority within the happenings of a department (whereas IAA's certainly have that power when it comes to SoP violations). Over the years it's been repeatedly shown that NT Reps are often incapable of appropriately wielding even their modest authority (remember the stun-cane?), and their power (along with the guidelines surrounding that) has been scaled down on purpose.
  7. I'm a fan of this, though humans should get something as well irrespective of being our "baseline race". Give them something like a pocket knife which can double as a screwdriver/wire cutters while serving as a melee weapon. Honestly anything that's just a baseline item with ubiquitous use would fit within the theme of humanity pretty well. We should be playing up racial disparity more, not less, and this is something that helps break up the species meta at least when it comes to traitors.
  8. This can also just be a sign of competency. If the guy working with me in atmos knows his stuff, one of us can literally just say "I'll do scrubbers" and "Space loop?" and start to work together without so much as another word.
  9. You have to make money somehow. Also, it adds flavour and tension when it's done correctly. I assume you're talking about the people who campaign for genocide against vulps, rather than people who make casual use of epithets like "fleabag" and "toaster". * Geneticists. Geneticists in general. Geneticists in principle. Geneticists period. Can we remove Genetics yet? * Civs who try to steal your patient, or people who *demand* you clone someone because it's "faster". * People who steal the OR's surgical tools. Special place in hell for you. * MD's/Surgeons who wear the OR's surgical tools on their back. Just as bad, because they run off from the OR and more or less incidentally steal them. * Atmos techs who take the job, and then run off to go drink in the bar. At least change the scrubbers if you're taking this job. * People who brutalize monkeys/other things for no apparent reason. This goes double for people who then drag them down the halls. * Adminhelps where people ask you rejuv them because they died in a completely legitimate fashion (normally due to game mechanics). * Poly. * Deadweight CMO's. This is the one head role where you actually *need* to do things (sans HoS). * Doctors who put IPC's/perfectly cloneable bodies in the morgue. * IPC's who come to medbay for treatment and then complain when a clueless and well-meaning doctor cryotubes them. Go to robotics. * Scientists who close the RnD windows because they don't want to take requests. * As stated above, Cargo making people fill out paperwork for the autolathe or refuse to print tools for civilians. * Cargo Technicians who attempt to kick people out of cargo during warops, who are attempting to arm themselves/crew members.
  10. Your own poll disagrees. The chin issue may be related to belly-markings, but the absence of it in any form is native to your sprites in those pictures - it does not appear in Paradise's current sprites while utilizing the white underbelly. Original is left (bucktooth and all), and utilizing the same colour scheme and markings is yours on the right. There is no chin. I suggest you look into that as it is an actual issue that's been identified with your sprites. The belly sharing the same colour schema as the markings also serves to have it bleed into the environment, even taking into account if it's meant to represent the belly. Again. Contrast the original on the left, to the one on the right looking at the belly region specifically. The default Taj does not have a light belly. Out of 11 possible options (including the default non-light belly) only three provide the option for a lighter belly (with one being partial at best). Taj ears are smaller than Vulp ears. Taj snouts are shorter than Vulp snouts, whilst being slightly blockier than the similar sized Unathi snout. This is a non-sequitur anyways, as you haven't actually changed the silhouette of any of these features you're speaking about. My edits served as demonstrations to highlight existing issues with your sprites, not as the end-all be-all. I actually like quite a few of the changes you've made (rounding the hand, sensible shading on the head, and even the contentious waist-pinch on the female sprites), but the identified issues are part of the reason why nearly 50% (not 10%) of people both on your poll and on your PR do not want to see these changes.
  11. 1) You have a full extra line of pixels along the belly in East/West which obscures the arm. I never mentioned anything about clipping, I said "chest ... extending too far into the neck in WEST/EAST" - which it does. See the first and second pictures respectively. 2) Talking about the chin is a little disingenuous unless the sprites that were given to me directly from your PR are somehow wrong. The left is yours, and on the right is the example edit I made to it. Your sprite's SOUTH doesn't actually appear to have a chin whatsoever, which is what my edit added back in. This is what I was referring to when I said "the shoulder area being ill-defined in SOUTH". I also noticed for some reason that you flat-shaded my edit, despite neither my edit nor the original having flat shading for the chin (which you then proceeded to criticize). 3) Given that light doesn't actually interact with sprites on SS13 (because there's no actual depth), detail and distance are things that are ascertained by light/dark values in SS13 - with darker objects appearing further away. We can also use overlapping line to signify whether an object is closer, or further away depending on where and how the lines overlap. I honestly feel like if anything, the original is the best option out of any of these - because yours feels naked and front-facing, and the edit I made only mitigates this issue slightly.
  12. Here's what it actually looks like seeing as I already had these handy in a viewable format. Originals left, new ones right. There's issues with the chest being too wide and extending too far into the neck in WEST/EAST, the shoulder area being ill-defined in SOUTH, and the shading on the ears in NORTH. Here's what it would look like if those issues were fixed. Originals left, edited versions right.
  13. IIRC Parallax was a huge power-hog on the same scale as Goonlights. @Fox McCloud can correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I recall a conversation where it would drop the max capacity of the server by a significant margin due to performance concerns.
  14. The rules on self-antagging don't go out the window wholesale simply because the roundtype changed. All-access is a useful tool. It does not however: allow you to run into the HoS's office to steal their X-01 Laser Gun and all their equipment, the CE's office to steal their advanced hardsuit and magboots, or the Captain's office to steal the hand-teleporter/antique laser pistol Arm yourself? Sure. Rob the HoS? Not so much. As stated, if you see people raiding sensitive equipment for no good reason then ahelp it.
  15. War-ops is built around the express idea of the crew readying itself in advance and arming itself to the teeth. It's why they get all the extra TC. I'm not really sure powergaming arguments are legitimate when it comes to this gamemode - it would be like accusing someone of powergaming during ragin' mages or blob.
  16. Awarding all access can also be incredibly useful in combating operatives as it allows the crew to no longer be impeded in ways which they already were. Not being able to open a door on nukies is literally the difference between life and death for crew members, and more often than not the people you need to handle something (MD's, Security, Science, Cargo, etc) are either too busy with other things or are already dead. It's a double-edged blade. If people are using all access to steal actual important things (war-ops or not) such as the hand-teleporter, NAD, reactive teleport armour, ETC, ahelp it. All-access does not mean people are exempt from the server rules.
  17. We have a lovely tool known as antag OOC, and I remind operatives (irrespective of whether or not they're experienced) that there are mentors online who will gladly answer any questions. I also did something similar throughout my time as a mentor. Despite this, I've only seen operatives make good on utilizing mentors in advance once. Once. It's far more organic if we can simply design these systems in a way which are intuitive and cut down on a lot of the needless, disorganized mess.
  18. Just a few suggestions based off common observations. * Rename the radios they get to "Syndicate Uplink". * Uplinks start spawned in their respective stations. * Uplinks are locked into the station and can not be removed until TC distribution has occurred. * Jetpacks work in the exosuit slot. * Syndicate closets contain magboots. * NV Goggles, Crowbar, & Military Belt spawn in the syndicate shuttle lockers rather than the base lockers. * Base lockers contain regular radio headsets and a random, basic colour jumpsuit. * Syndicate sleepers are upgraded by default, and actually useful. * Donkpocket box on the shuttle bridge renamed to Methpockets. * War declaration automatically adds TC directly to the console, rather than spawning a "War Uplink".
  19. Make the slots unlimited and remove their maint access. Should reduce tide to some extent since they can't get maint loot/run in via maint access corridors with ease while making sure the slot is always available. It would also give the "Emergency Maintenance Access" thing have meaning.
  20. #BringBackCuteMoths Seriously, where's the cute moth people? C'mon.
  21. Assistant slot should never be limited, and they are currently limited/scaleable to security officer slots. Why? Because a lot of the entry-level jobs available to new players are almost always full. Why does this matter? Because newer players join the server and ask why the job selection screen is completely blank, because the limited assistant slots are taken up preventing them from playing.
  22. It was changed because people would accidentally be typing and get proc'd into xenobio mobs all the time. A better change would be to just make it not respond to keyboard feedback at all.
  23. Shadeykins

    IC forum

    This is something that's been missing from the server for a long time, though I'm not sure if @Regen is keen on implementing a subforum for roleplaying. I recall suggesting this once before and was told that's what the Stories of NSS Cyberiad subsection is for (despite that not being the intention of the requested subforum).
  24. I would rather see more mechanical uses for karma than ways to gain it. Like maybe you can spend 50 karma to buy 5 more loadout points (up to a max of two times). Or 100 karma to unlock an additional language option, those sorts of things.
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