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Everything posted by Shadeykins

  1. Multiple people witnessing you EMPing your surroundings with no clear source of that EMP is more than enough testimony. Non mind-shielded personnel can still testify, the only difference is that their testimony is not true by default. Your blatant misreading of Space Law and SOP is not grounds for an argument. You have been told by three admins as to the actual interpretation of Space Law thus far, one of whom actually wrote the document itself. If you bothered to actually read Space Law, you would be well aware that you can't brig people during a station-wide emergency when there's an imminent threat to the health of prisoners. Space Law > SOP. Follow the server rules. /thread
  2. Laws do not overrule one another. There are several exception clauses for "Use of Deadly Force" so Security isn't hamstrung. This is not "overruling other laws," it's quite literally to allow security to do their job. Guillotine/Incinerator are not valid means of execution. The incinerator is literally only permissible because of the Changeling Enemy of the Corporation clause. If you do not follow through on proper execution standards, it's considered murder. This includes improperly executing prisoners. This is Rule 10. Intentionally violating the rules will get you warned/disciplined/job-banned. It is absolutely within the rules that security should be following Space Law. Additional adherence to SOP is expected for security because it handles things like brigging procedures, trials, and execution standards (which are not inherently part of Space Law). The override is inherent in Space Law. Space Law is not under SOP. SOP is complementary to Space Law, not the other way around. Space Law > SOP
  3. https://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Guide_to_Editing_the_Wiki
  4. We're currently maintaining 363 content pages, 2400+ files, and over 200 redirects. Of this, only 46 pages are labeled for updating (36), expansion (7), or deletion (3) and in active need of attention. This means roughly 9/10 (88%) pages are (to my knowledge) up to date. Most wiki-development work occurs either silently (anonymous/personal contribution) or is discussed on the #wiki-development channel on our wiki. The forum section here is sadly deprecated and only really serves as a quick reference for the wiki-contributor tag guidelines at this point. If there are pages not clearly marked by a templated header stating "OUT OF DATE" but updates are required to the page, please inform me of the relevant pages/reasons so they can be tagged for updates. As TDS mentioned, you are also welcome to contribute to the wiki yourself and make emendations where needed.
  5. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pulls?utf8=✓&q=is%3Apr+maint+drone Many issues get resolved on the GitHub or even on the Discord/server. Not everything is noted down on the forums. Asking administration to copy-paste a response on every single pertinent thread/venue in every location (when we may not even know about the thread's existence) is not feasible. If you have a concern about the current status of drones, you are more than welcome to create a new and relevant thread about it. Necroing a thread that has been dead for four months to try and make a critique about the coding team is not the way to do it. Reasoning is already supplied on the pertinent pull request.
  6. This was done and dealt with, as you yourself mention, four months ago. Don't necro threads, please.
  7. And this is why I don't play a Vulpkanin. Thanks, Dreamy.
  8. Just port the /tg/ moths, they look a lot better. Nobody plays Kidan anyways, so we can just replace those right? :^) (Sorry Ki'Li!) But yes, port moths.
  9. As mentioned by ID404, @Warior4356 is working on VR.
  10. Just make it an ID recycler. Old ID in, new ID out. Would be cool if the HoP's computer was replaced with it--demolecularize an ID card and reform it into a new one with different access.
  11. This entire thread shifted from "useless mechanics" to "useful secret tips."
  12. This is more or less true, but the same effect can be achieved by just measuring your input and setting a gas pump accordingly. There's almost no situation where you want specific pressures in pipenets that can't already be achieved by the very simple gas pump.
  13. Very useful in conversion-type rounds like Shadowling, actually. It's also a quick "spur-of-the-moment" way to bucklecuff people. Useless mechanics? Passive gates in atmos are just a recoloured gas pump.
  14. I think the issue here is that it hinges around a "convert only IPCs" factor.
  15. As Regens stated, because it picks from players from a karmalocked race. Raiders does not do this. If you do not have Vox, you can still be a raider. It's selected at roundstart and forces people into random Vox-named characters.
  16. oh, single round thing. I was thinking just implement a tiered rating system where admins can award a rank/rating to players with good roleplay. It would give rewards in a tier and incentivize, y'know, roleplaying. Give them a royal crown.
  17. Don't listen to those hotkey nerds. Classic control scheme has a hotkey for this, it's Page Up.
  18. Locking, given that this was posted in the wrong section. Please follow the instructions above and post an appeal in the proper subforum.
  19. The uplink polls the gamemode, so this is patently untrue. I have tested and verified this myself, you can't do this whatsoever. Even if it wasn't the case you shouldn't be encouraging people to exploit.
  20. 1. Screaming in adminhelps and demanding administrators do things for you will get you banned. 2. It's the Head of Security's job to arrest people and eliminate changelings. Who'da thunk it. 3. Threatening to metagame and screaming in ahelps will, unsurprisingly, get you banned. 4. Surprisingly, most people are actually capable of preventing themselves from smashing their keyboard while talking to other people. 5. Introspection is never a bad thing. I recommend it highly. Locking.
  21. I actually enjoy Rev myself, but it does need some work on mechanics. Maybe we should have an item that's just more than a flash used for conversion.
  22. Neat! The planets on the wiki were created using a freeware program called "Planetarium" along with a fair amount of photo-editing.
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