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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/19/2021 in Posts

  1. As many of you know, it really isn't a secret, staff place a phrase within our rules which we use to verify that a user has read the rules entirely. If you didn't know, then surprise! There's a phrase we've hidden there to do that. What most of you don't know, even though it is a bit of common sense, is why we use this method of verification when its rather easy to by-pass. All you have to do is go to the appeals section and read a few to find the phrase pretty easily, saves time on reading right? Well here's why its a very bad idea to do so. It cheats you, not us. People may think they're pulling one over on us by not reading the rules and providing a phrase from an appeal however, all it does is make things more difficult for the individual. When they break the rules next, which they will, and they're back in the appeals section asking for another chance, we're gonna ask why they'd broken the rules despite having read them (Especially damning if the offense happens close to a recently accepted appeal). If they say they've read them, then we think the individual is unwilling to follow the rules which tanks their appeal. If they said they haven't despite providing the phrase, they lied to us in their previous appeal, also tanking the chances of them getting the next appeal accepted. Either way, it just serves to screw them over and not staff. Anyone caught in a lie can tell you how difficult it is to regain trust afterwards and Staff are naturally suspicious when it comes to individuals who violate the rules, lying to us is just a surefire way of making sure you don't play here. We also will, from time to time, change this phrase in the rules, not only to ensure they're read but to also make sure that individuals who slip up from time to time (Hey it happens to all of us, we're human after all) will refresh themselves on the rules. So don't take the easy way out. Read our rules fully. The easy way is just going to screw you over later and we want you to play here and have fun, not forced to sit outside the party because you were too lazy to read.
    10 points
  2. For Fiona's detailed records, go here. First Name: Fiona Last Name: Phillips Gender: Female Orientation: Bisexual Nicknames/Alias: Most people call her Fio, Fi, or Fifi (though she hates that last one) Picture(If Available) i'm poor and can't afford that right now, here's some heroforge models to give you an idea leave me alone aah https://imgur.com/a/hnh8xgh Age/D.O.B: Exact DoB unclear, 24 years old Species: Human, genetically modified for deep space habitation. Blood Type: B+ Place Of Birth: A mining colony on G1618-X1634, a planetoid located in the debris field around Groombridge 1618, about 16 ly away from Sol Alignment: Are we really doing DnD alignments? I guess Chaotic Neutral. She is egoistic, but not actively malicious, and while she understands the value of order, she will only obey rules as long as it's convenient for her. Affiliation: Nanotrasen - Employee Cybersun Industries - Former employee Religious Beliefs: Agnostic Detailed Information Appearance: Character Voice: Fiona's voice is quite deep and sometimes slighly raspy, partially due to her smoking habits. Her accent is somewhat odd and hard to place, though it does suggest she speaks Gutter as her first language. Personality: Medical Records: Employment Records: Security Records: Character Biography Family: As the colony she hails from is now defunct, its atmospherics system fully broken, it is unlikely that she has any surviving family members. She does, however, consider one person her sibling. Background: Personal Relationships Faction Relations Other Information Place of habitation: Favorite drink: Fiona drinks mostly water when exercising, but is a big fan of milk and other dairy products, as well as sodas, coke in particular. Her favorite alcoholic drink is Fernet Cola, followed closely by White Russian. She also likes Thirteen Loko quite a lot. She usually drinks her coffee black, though she is a big fan of Mocha, as she fondly remembers mixing instant coffee with cocoa powder found in military rations. Favorite food: Fiona does not have any favorite food. Her palate is a crime against humanity due to having eaten bland food for most of her life. She thus subsists on TV dinners, takeout food, and protein shakes. Fiona often adds hot sauce to things - she had eaten mostly nutrient paste for most of her life, before being exposed to "real food" for the first time in a cafeteria while working for Cybersun. What follows is that her bar for food has always been very low, which caused her to become amazed by hot sauce packets found in rations consumed by her during her combat training. Enlighten me as to what else I should put here
    2 points
  3. Essentially, I am proposing some variation of this be added to medical SOP; 10. The Brig Physician is not obliged to treat any injuries prisoners sustain from self-harm. If they kill themselves, put them in a body bag, label the body bag with their name and "suicide", and deliver the body bag to medical for storage in the morgue. Now, I know some people already basically do this anyway, myself included. But at the same time you have people complaining about it/threatening to fire doctors for it/actually firing doctors for it. When in reality it should be as much of an option as suicidal prisoners, given the majority of people that do it aren't doing it for RP reasons and are just tiders that drink themselves to death over and over/punch themselves to death/russian revolver/etc. It's already not possible to revive suicide verb users, I believe that it should be discouraged to revive those that do it outside of the verb. Not only is it a waste of medical resources, but as stated, it just wastes medbays time on some random tider/troll that's doing it to waste others' time or for no real reason at all. Not to mention some people that do it to avoid using *suicide so they can roll for midround spawns(not commonplace at all, sure, but I'm sure it's an issue). Personally I would suggest something like the Brig Physician's SOP, essentially DNRing those that commit suicide in any manner if it's provably suicide or obvious self harm. At the very least severely discouraging their revival.
    2 points
  4. Since this is a configuration setting to disable, im making a topic for it here. Nightshift lighting is nice from an rp standpoint, but for an overall game experience, it's preferable to be disabled. One of the reasons is that a diona can actually die in that light, and that there are performance issues around enabling and disabling it.
    1 point
  5. Do not be to afraid to ask for help when you are learning we all started at 0.
    1 point
  6. hihi, im back! moving on to art for april this post... this was art i prepared for an april fool's joke on twitter! it's also got an up close look at freya's cybernetic eyes. these are some fairly unrelated art pieces i did either as commissions or for fun! they were very interesting to work on :] alongside all this, i also took some time to make some super corporate looking ID cards that i picture Idunn would have attached to her jacket for convenience. here's hers and freya's!
    1 point
  7. Win? Win how? Outside of causing performance issues when it starts, and generally bringing nothing to the round other then annoyance, if ya want it for enviromental rp, then sure, enable it in the apc. But for everyone else, it can just stay disabled.
    1 point
  8. Only concern with this is reducing the amount of maints space we have on the station. Maints is already very cramped- It would only be compounded by this. Otherwise, definitely a good idea.
    1 point
  9. Security should wait for the current stun overhaul to go through before other aspects of it are modified.
    1 point
  10. I think Paradise had enough tg ports. I'd prefer to see new, unique systems which are carefully designed to fit within Paradise's vision.
    1 point
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