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  1. Not at all SS13 related but I had a lot of fun with it so I figured I'd share it here Did an art challenge to combine six of your fav characters into one character design. don't judge my tastes, lol
    7 points
  2. Here's a drawing of Saki in a nanotrasen rep uniform! @Akuen
    4 points
  3. Quick subject made from GIMP. Mh... Good friend made bad decisions.
    3 points
  4. I drew bee. Gummy holding bee. Goombee. Bee.
    3 points
  5. Because Joey is in there, I can't NOT hear this character shouting "BROOKLYN RAGE!" just before they attack with that knife
    2 points
  6. Name of Event: Placating the CEO's kid One Sentence Description: The child of Nanotrasens CEO visits the Cyberiad Map Changes: No Code Changes: No Suggested Number of Players: Highpop Full Description of Event: The CEO of Nanotrasen has a kid. They are spoilt and bratty, as most rich kids are. However, they have a golden future within NT and their parent listens to their kid. If the kid were to say that they wanted the Cyberiad dismantled, the CEO would listen. So the kid would need constant placating during their visit. The crew would need to organize tours for the kid, fun events, their favorite food and a great show by the clown and mime. If the kid leaves Cyberiad unhappy, everyone would lose their jobs. Someone gets to play the kid of the Nanotrasen CEO, who has to be spoilt, bratty and around 20 years of age. They can dress however they want, and they expect everyone to love their sense of style. They should be encouraged to demand certain things constantly, like special gifts, foods or books. Maybe a storyhour session by the librarian, maybe a special new pet delivered from cargo. Maybe they get someone as a bodyguard, or just get the Blueshield as a guard. **Edit** Advanced options: At the start of the shift, before the child has arrived to the station, the player playing the child should be able to Fax the station naming stuff like, favorite food/drink/book/jokes/plants/flowers/pets/clothes/office size/department/gifts/etc (not all, just a few of course). Another option is that the NTREP gets a semi secret message from CENTCOM detailing the kids preferences so they can prepare. As long as the station can make it or order it, it could be on the list. It only has to be a few things to get the crew going in preparing for the event and making sure it's not just the bridge preparing. Kidnapping the kid - Some syndicate agents gets the goal to kidnap the kid, ALIVE, and ransom them for a huge sum or some sort of item from the station, maybe the nuclear codes or something.
    1 point
  7. That is- genuinely a cool character though, dang.
    1 point
  8. Speaking as a mentor here. You get used to the sound after a while. The "open ticket" sound seems too long and drawn on per mhelp, and since its already associated with opening a ticket, it could lead to being confused. A while back on another server I made the mhelp sound the announcement bing but that caused the problems of mhelps being easily ignored. Swapping the sound is a good idea in theory, but you really have to think of a good swap replacement.
    1 point
  9. That feeling when the civi fights to leave medbay before they can be cured of a virus.
    1 point
  10. Finished the base model reference, some changes or little fixing will most likely occur because aaaaagh drawing the side-shot is annoying to get the right preportion to match the other shots.
    1 point
  11. Back on track. A big brain sec main! Omicron, one of the more veteran Officers. @McRamon
    1 point
  12. "leaked" from staff discord
    1 point
  13. A redraw nobody asked for
    1 point
  14. While I'm posting art, here's the uncrunched chikitita from the ref I posted :3 I'm honestly impressed with myself for it
    1 point
  15. Ah... Terror Spiders... My favorite disaster. I'm trying to finish this but now I'm too stumped with so many details I've planned ahead. So it might a while. Enjoy what I got!
    1 point
  16. finally got around to making chiki's ref cleaner because of artfight. the first ones only like two years old and it already hurts me to look at I don't know why I ever thought my terrible handwriting would suffice for this
    1 point
  17. Been in my backlog for a while but I finally decided to finish this dumb comic about the time I escaped a terror spider with friendship and a taco. Red terrorspider, god bless u
    1 point
  18. too busy for new ss13 art lately but heres one from the archives i never put up here. drawn entirely because i get blown up So often and the ghost sprite of a dismembered torso and head always make me laugh
    1 point
  19. Doodling and redrawing two of my old OCs. Never forgetting your old OCs mang?
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Been quite sometimes. Ready for wall of pics. Some of semi-commissions I've finished. Experimenting around with my own OCs and eventually remixing them into another universe-like themes. Last time I tried to remix them into feudal Japan samurai like. Now I just like the idea of world of criminal organisations. Field Agent "Blu Fin" (totally yoinked from my own ss13 character deep lore name) Operative "Iris". Tasked: Field overwatch. Annnd silly storyboard of these two. "We are colleagues now! Here's your arsenal. I'll show you how these phones work." Till next time!
    1 point
  22. So, a certain Vox, Krikikachik, turns themselves into a hell hound a LOT. Now, I'm not one to judge but... I had the sneaking suspicion that it was a reason. I have discovered that @BeanOS's Vox actually wants to be a hot dog boy. I don't know why I made this... I spent... a bit too much time.
    1 point
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