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Keep Dirty Floors


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Pretty straightforward, this.


Keep dirty floors in, it gives people something to do in downtime and provides the janitor (which there are a max of two of as-is) with a steady line of work.


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It literally makes the janitors job impossible; it's difficult enough to keep up with the mess of blood, ash, gibs, vomit, and other similar messes---dirty floors are literally impossible to keep up with, since it occurs in every single area of the station, up to, and including maintenance.


The "number of messes on the station" metric is thereby a useless barometer of how well the janitor did his job because there will always be hundreds upon hundreds of messes on station, thanks to the dirt.


Not only that, but from a realism standpoint--where is the dirt coming from. Yes, you may track in dirt, for each person that arrives, but the station floors aren't going to turn into an awful mess by the few little particles of dust tracked in by people who arrive---there's simply no dirt around, on a space station, to begin with.


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That's a bit of a misnomer.


There will be plenty of dust, and therefore detritus and dirt that piles up.


Cloth fibres, scraps of random things, skincells, etc.


Even undisturbed areas with relatively little air circulation still get dirty due to the accumulation of dust. A realism argument here is moot. If there are people, there is dust/dirt.


There's also floorbots, janiborgs, the ability to attach the mop to the pussy wagon, medbay has space cleaner, etc.


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This is actually a problem for them; they usually spend the majority of their time cleaning dirt and not the actual visible messes/blood because of how many dirty tiles there are and their incessant accumulation. As I said; it's literally impossible to keep up with, especially when you factor in any area that has movement will have dirt----this includes areas the janitor is never going to even remotely be privileged to have access too, even on a good day.


"um, excuse me, could I please be allowed into the AI upload/captain's office/etc to clean up the dirt".


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If it's kept, halve the amount of dirt that builds up (at LEAST). For the amount of people and the nature of the environment, it seems to be a bit too fast.

Then again, I'm not entirely sure of the scale of removing ghosts' ability to create dirt's effect.


I'm fine with it being ripped out, useless sidequest for me as a Janitor-- although I've gotten quite good at spotting dirt stage 1 overlays while going full meth speed :]


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I say you shouldn't remove dirty floors. There's nothing wrong with them and if you argue that ghosts making them is a problem then I argue that it's a drawback of their haunting. Making floors dirty doesn't impact the station at all and the janitor can decide to do his/her job or not with regards to them

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Why not simply make it so that only blood, oil, and other player-generated messes count towards the "keep the station clean" text?


That way janitors could still care about dirty floors if they want to, but they're not obliged to.


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I might be wrong on this, but from what I can remember, wasn't EVERYTHING causing dirt to build up, including ghosts and observers? Its one thing to have dirt, another to have even ghosts tracking filth into places the janitor cant reach.


If we want janitors to have even a remote possibility of doing their job, then dirt needs to at least be nerfed so it accumulates slower, if there is such opposition to it being yanked entirely


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Wait, people actually give a shit about the stats at the end? Weird.


But anyway, yeah; I'd like dirty floors to stay. None of the reasons that have been stated so far strike me as particularly good ones for straight-up removing them. Reducing the rate it accumulates, maybe, but not removing them. Even then, I'm a little hesitant.


Oh, and fix it so only living mobs cause it.


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I've played janitor a few times and I think dirt is trivial. If removing it improves performance by not having to track 200 tiles of dirt, I support it. When it is there, it's basically unnoticable, so removing it wouldn't change anything.

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I would prefer nerfing amount of dirt collecting than completely deleting it. In case round completely lacks fights/blobs/anything else creating blood and chaos, janitor has something to do. When station is in full chaos, janitor just usually ignores dirty floors.

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why do people care so much about an overlay you have to squint to even see


Janitorial pride.


That said, I would have preferred a fix to how much it accumulated rather than outright removal. Feels artificial.


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because having the world be responsive to player actions is always a plus?


same reason games bother to have footprints trail behind you, NTSAM


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Keep mah dirt.


Let you know if the Janitor was even trying to do their job. Plus with the dozen and one ways to clean it seems pointless to remove unless it's causing a massive amount of stress on the server.


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"um, excuse me, could I please be allowed into the AI upload/captain's office/etc to clean up the dirt".

I highly doubt the janitor is going to get in there if it's covered in blood, either. That's a pretty moot point.


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Unless ghosts are flying around AI core all the time (likely during malf rounds) AI core shouldn't be really dirty, and during malf rounds who cares about dirt?

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In slow rounds one janitor can handle any messes with ease. Bar sweep, med sweep, respond to calls. After that as Janitor there's not much to do besides wait and chucklefuck. Dirt adds something to do. Regular messes rarely, if ever, are too much for a janitor.

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Except it does. Dirt accumulates ridiculously fast, to the point where 50% of your job as a Janitor is mopping the small area between the Bar and Medbay.


Hence my preference for simply reducing the rate of accumulation.


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Except it does. Dirt accumulates ridiculously fast, to the point where 50% of your job as a Janitor is mopping the small area between the Bar and Medbay.


Hence my preference for simply reducing the rate of accumulation.


That sounds fine too, I think there was something mentioned about ghosts triggering the dirt accumulation too? Dunno if that's what caused the hysteria of removing dirt.


But yeah reducing the rate is much better than removing it.


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