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Posts posted by BottomQuark

  1. 5 minutes ago, Shotz said:

    Why on earth would anyone want to play security?

    1. You can fight antags
    2. You can detain greytides
    3. You can beat the shit out of clown
    4. There is a lot of action
    5. Some people like how it is there
    6. Some people *coughs* IPSUM *coughs* Don't mind dying at all.
    7. It is stated even in rules, that as security officer, you should know SoP and Space Law, and to be good sec, you need to know SoP and SL.
    8. It can be really fun.

    Why would anyone play medical doctor? It's stressful, why would anyone play engineer? It's boring etc. etc.

    • Like 1

    One day I made so bad engineering guide, that I decided to remake it. And here we are.

    I want every guide to be max 10 minutes long, Oh dear I already know I will fail on that.

    Guides are for BEGINNERS. Do not expect anything fancy.

    Guides might be VERY chaotic, sorry!


    1. Introduction((will reupload it once I fix a couple of things there))
    That's just talking about engineering, locations in engineering. Nothing special.



    2. Wires and basic construction((will reupload it once I fix a couple of things there))
    Guide where I show how to connect wires, how to build basic things ((like walls)) and how to construct machines/computers




    3. Tesla/Singularity engine and solar panels((will reupload it once I fix a couple of things there))
    Need power? NO PROBLEM! Here you actually might learn two cool tesla engines design (y).




    Planned guides:

    • Guide to hacking
    • Guide to "How start the shift correctly in my opinion" :^)
    • Guide to atmospherics
    • Guide to fixing hull and equipment
    • ???Guide to station goals???
    • Like 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, R1f73r said:

    Another idea is having departmental security as an option, sec officers with additional access to a department, and an added radio channel into the department.

    That was/is the thing on yogstation from what I remember. It worked well there. 

    They even have/had small sec outposts in every department

    • Like 2
  4. And you did not mess up the dates! 

    To everyone that does not know:


    First mass produced in the year 2514, IPCs (Integrated Positronic Chassis)  [...]

    What means IPC cannot be older than 48. ((If I'm not mistaken))

    • Like 1
  5. On 22.03.2018 at 11:31 PM, Fethas said:

    Also the kidan biolum is brighter then you think and notable if you actually change the color

    Well I decided to check it... And yeah it actually works as they told me, the color depends on your body markings color.

    How about we change it to eye color? Most of Kida have black body markings since bright body markings don't look that good.

    And Every Kida has different eye color, I for example have green, most of Kida have yellow/white/orange/etc.

    Having black body markings completely disables biolum light.  And if we change it to base on eyes color, people would actually use it. 

  6. 10 hours ago, bigfatbananacyclops said:

    I suggest kidans can spawn with special goggles for them like sec huds , its impossible to play security as a kidan specially when you get flash gear, and you have no protection of it.

    Since I play Kidan: Yeah, I like that idea. 

    In engineering, mesons are not that important, in medbay CMO starts with medical HUD implant, in security, you are basicly garbage if you play Kidan.

    The only good advantage here is "Kida take 20% less brute damage". 
    I never used that glow ability since it just does not work or is so weak that you cannot even notice that.
    Claws are not that big deal.
    And beeing unable to wear glasses is damn annoying. 

    I wouldn't say that Kida are unbalanced or something.

    By adding special glasses for Kidan race we remove the biggest ((and maybe the only that matter)) disadvantage they have.

    Adding special goggles/HUD implants to "Racial" section in loadout that only Kida can use would be preety neat tho.

  7. Picture Update!

    My IRL friend asked me if I wanna some drawing, so I said sure! And here we are!

    He didn't really wanted me to post his nick here for some reason (y)


    He also gave me pink jacket version :^)



    • Like 1
  8. IT-ish Cream

    Description: Favorite drink of irish IPCs!

    Taste: [I don't remember what it says for IPCs when they drink]


    1 part Synthanol

    1 part Whiskey

    1 part Cream


    Lady Tesla

    Description: Just by looking at it, you can feel the shock!

    Taste: You can taste THE ENERGY! [The same effect as when you drink beepsky smash]


    3 parts Vermouth

    1 part Mercury

    3 parts Vodka

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Tayswift said:

    Be prepared to be questioned on this! And don't use a massive word for your name if you're not willing to explain it.

    *coughs* M.A.N.T.I.S. *coughs* 

    1 hour ago, Tayswift said:

    Just name your synthetic the word itself, instead of capitalizing it and putting periods in between for no reason.

    ((Yeah I was thinking about that, I picked up wrong name :^), at least now I have motivation to finally make something with it ))

    • Like 2
  10. From what I remember, gateway is supposed to be the place where you can go if you are bored with your job or just want to do something interesting etc.

    So, making it karma-job hm.... as much as I like the it, I don't think it's good idea.

    New people should be able to explore gateway, it might encourage them to stay on the server and play more.

  11. IPC> I'm into science, cyberpunk and all that stuff, I'm styding automatics control and robotics (Y). And IPC is damn ROBOT! That's cool. Also IPCs give you a lot of RP potential. You want to be souless/emotionless? Sure! You want to be broken? Sure? You want to be like human? Sure! *yes

    Kidan> Well, I just like their style. And the GREEN eyes I have! *click

    Medbay> I enjoy saving people asses from death. In every game I play, I play supports, and I mean EVERY GAME that has supports :P. M.A.N.T.I.S. says, "Suit sensors to max please"

    Engineering> I guess I just like fixing stuff. I also belive I'm just good at it. Xann Zxiax says, "AI, anything needs repairs?"

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