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Posts posted by BottomQuark

  1. The point is, that we don't want an event, we want station goal.

    I do like the idea of sending CC some shit.

    We could make a list of for example 50 items CC would want us to send them, randomly take 10 of them, list would be sent via communication console, just as every station project report is beeing printed. We could implement nice variety, one shift for example they would want us to send materials and tech boards, another round mechs, bluespace backpacks etc.
    I have no idea how hard would it be to code, but that could involve every department if done right.

  2. 8 hours ago, Trubus said:

    Build a miniature station with science, med, small security, bridge, and engineering


    8 hours ago, BqRel said:

    An idea I had would be a NT-owned shuttle coming to the Cyberiad, and needing to be repaired before it could be sent off. It would dock where the Emergency shuttle would normally, be, and need to be rebuilt to repair any hull breaches, broken tech, and resupplied. 


    Even if it sounds fun, it's more of a amin event than station goal. It has to be something that you can code "BOOM constructed, switch that bool to true and there we go, green text at the end of the shift"

    Building minature station is again, 99% engineering job, since people will come to the station after engineering fill the area with pressure, what means, already hull, power source atmospherics and piping, possibly already making windows, airlocks, etc. etc. to make it secure. What then? Engineering makes  shitton of computers, machines, what means science has to bring that from R&D, medbay sec and service would be involved really late if involved at all.

    8 hours ago, BqRel said:

    Main issues I can think of, is that it would require an above-average amount of admin involvement, and might impede calling the Emergency Shuttle until it is sent off

    That would be the main issue, it has to be something that can be finished without admin involvement. Tho I'd love to see things like that happening, but instead ships docking to that 2-tiles-wide dock in arrivals. It's just not a station goal.

    All current station goals can be completed on station, they do not require admin to do anything from what I know and provide something in return.

    • Like 1
  3. So, today we had community meeting.

    I asked "Hey, what about station goals?"

    They answered "We would like to have more"

    So, if you have an idea for one nice station goal, post it here, let's see if we come out with something creative.

    Station Goals are supposed to involve whole station.Who plays in engineering knows, that it's mostly engineering, cargo and science.

    Current Station Goals:

    1.DNA Vault.

    Basicly, you make room for DNA Vault, ask cargo to order crate with board, then you just wait for science to reasearch parts then collect DNAs. BOOM that's it.

    Once finished every crew member can just come to DNA Vault and obtain one of 2 random powers.

    2. Blue Space Artillery

    Basicly, you make big ass room ((The hardest station goal for engineering)). make machine frames, ask cargo for boards, then insert them. Scream at cargo for bluespace stuff, scream at science for parts. install

    Once finished, you have one big ass cannon on station

    3. Station Shields

    Basicly, scream at cargo, make one computer, place sats in space, activate them.

    Once finished, you are "protected" from meteors. That's also not true, some meteors always breach the station.


    Current station goals do not involve security, medbay and service ((except hydroponics)) at all.
    As engineer main, I'd love to see more station goals, cuz people don't want to make the same shit over and over again.
    I propably will come out with something myself but it's 0:44 am, SLEEP

    • Like 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, Hawker said:

    Those are kind of out of date, I came back after having not played in a few months so I'm trying new things.

    ohh, ok that explains, I made Xann ((my engineer main character Kidan)) at the beginning of this year

    So if you need that: major changes in engineering:

    1. When you open maintanance panel on airlock, you can now add metal/plasteel to secure it, if someone wants to hack secured doors they need to remove cover
    2. Now, airlocks can get demaged, when you attempt to weld airlock on help intent you will attempt to fix airlock. In order to weld or unweld airlock, you will need to chose another intent

    That's propably everything.


    13 minutes ago, Hawker said:

    and I don't understand your hashtag jab

    I mean that:

    On 10/12/2017 at 9:48 AM, Hawker said:

    Qualifications, In order of skill:

    • Dabbling Chemist
    • Novice Chaplain
    • Adequate Security Officer
    • Competent Bartender
    • Competent Paramedic
    • Skilled Quartermaster
    • Proficient Roboticist
    • Proficient Chief Engineer
    • Adept Atmospheric Technician
    • Adept Head of Personnel
    • Expert Shaft Miner
    • Expert Station Engineer
    • Accomplished Cargo Technician

    You basicly have character skilled in engineering, atmospherics, chemistry, mining, cargo, paramedicing (medicine then too), robotics, command and security.
    Some people don't like that, even if that does not bother me, I can see why.

    • Like 1
  5. People that know me propably noticed that I use a lot of "Aye".

    Why? Sounds better to me than yes/ofc/sure/etc.

    And for some reason "Defenestration" reminded me of "Defenestrations of Prague".

    One of the few things that I remember from history class

    • Like 1
  6. I personally have like uh.... 150? in total, counting spent karma, not counting spent karma I have 26
    Actually, I'll count it

    5+5+30+30+15+30+26, that makes 141 in total, tho I am playing for like 1 year now. And I don't really need karma right now, I got the race I want to play, I don't need other jobs.

  7. I'd love to play.... hmmmmm........ 10PM PDT it literally 8AM in here :^) the next day

    The problem is: would it be your friday, saturday or sunday, and for how long? Sadly I propably have no time for a campain, tho I was thinking about buying this game anyway.

    I would be up for Tabletop Sim and other games like Pulsar for example.

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