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Posts posted by BottomQuark

  1. 6 hours ago, Kitchi Ikamura said:

    First Name: ENTROPY (Formerly Rose)

    HMMMMM.... I wonder...

    6 hours ago, Kitchi Ikamura said:

    Age/D.O.M: 65, ??/??/2497



    Current Year: 2562

    The first Posibrain was created in 2510 [...] ((Up to 52 years ago))
    First mass produced in the year 2514, IPCs (Integrated Positronic Chassis) were meant to [..] ((Up to 48 years ago))

    HMMMMM...... Was Entropy organic? Some time ago? Or is it a little mistake?

  2. Kida are just horrible to deal with.

    Their clicks are loud, annoying, and used far too frequently. Sometimes a whole group of them will get together and *clack constantly just to make themselves as annoying as possible. I cannot think of any other race that does annoying shit en-masse like this.

    • They're prone to stealing things, then either denying it, or simply claiming they had to because the thing was 'HUD implant'. No matter what job they're in.
    • They will literally fight each other for the sake of a fancy medical HUD implant.
    • They're quick to scream "R&D I WANT DAT SEC IMPLANT" over comms, and generally insult other crew, given the slighest (usually not justified) reason.
    • They come off as disrespectful, snarky, annoying, and convinced of their own superiority, despite being by far the most annoying race to deal with.

    Are there some decent Kida? Of course. There are decent characters of every species.

    On average, though? I suspect a good chunk of the players who play Kidan, play it because they enjoy the fact that being Kidan gives them a license to act a bit shitty. Stealing things, screaming a lot, annoying people, etc. Rather like how most people playing janitor, or clown, do it because they like being annoying, rather than because they like cleaning things, or telling jokes.

    Not all Kida are bad. But they do have a disproportionate number of annoying characters.


    I just had to :^)

  3. Possesion of Synthetic Union.
    Following audiologs contains mission reports of Yellow Incident Response Team 27 led by Ensign M.A.N.T.I.S.
    You hear some beep's, boop's and ping's


    Translation from trinary:
    Glory to Synthetica! Glory to Synthetic Union!



    Report #27-000:

    You hear click.

    Introduction Report of Yellow IRT 27. It's P.A.T.R.O.L. speaking, AI of SFU P.A.T.R.O.L. interviewing unit M.A.N.T.I.S. please introduce yourself.

    It's Mantis speaking, I'm IPC,  I was made 9 years ago by Xion Manufacturing Group. I'm ensign and leader of new Yellow IRT 27.

    Pleas introduce your current team.

    Of course AI. At the moment, what is before the first mission. My squad has 5 members: 3 engineers, one security officer and one field medic.  All of them are IPCs. Their names are as follows: W.A.R.D., KA-3, Error, IRT-347 and Pinky.

    Thank you. Unit has ran diagnosis of unit M.A.N.T.I.S.. All systems nominal. Moral modules nominal. Logical modules nominal. Backup version stored in AIs core database.

    There is small pause.

    Please state your current relations with your team.

    I have been working with all of them before in team 24. We all consider each other as mates. 

    That's all. Thank you unit M.A.N.T.I.S.. Unit declares Yellow IRT 27 ready for deployment. Please make sure your team is trained and prepared. Would you like to report anything else?

    No thank you AI. 

    You hear click

    Report #27-001:

    You hear click.

    Mission Report. It's P.A.T.R.O.L. speaking, AI of SFU P.A.T.R.O.L. interviewing unit M.A.N.T.I.S.. Please state your mision objective.

    Hey AI. My team was deployed with Yellow IRT 22 in SBP BE-34. Our mission was to fix breach in escape shuttle. Breach has been fixed.

    Please state exact description of the mission.

    We arrived in our transport ship, Captain ZXI-455 met us as soon as we left ship. We were informed that breached was caused by meteor that luckly bounced off the station. We spent couple of hours fixing it. With cooperation with local engineers we fixed breach, set atmospherics and filled area with breathable air. After that captain thanked us and we left the platform BE-34.

    Please state statuses or your subordinates.

    All nominal.

    Please state your status.


    Thank you. Unit will update your backup versions. Please state if any of your subordinates commited any crimes.


    Please state if any of your subordinates acomplished something worth noting.

    Except perfectly fixing part of the station? Nothing special.

    That's all. Thank you unit M.A.N.T.I.S.. Unit declares Yellow IRT 27 ready for deployment. Your current ratings are: Survival: 100%. Mission acomplished: 100%. Would you like to report anything else?


    You hear click

    • Like 2
  4. 5a7fb4d12ce49_Beztytuu.png.6fda9a8da42ab7bf9a031329839384b0.png

    Me (Xan Zxiax) and IPC S.T.R.I.K.E.R. escorting chaplain (Alyssa Miras) to medbay to get us all implanted.

    It was cult round I was assigned to protect chaplain, it was fun, in free time we made some RP. Damn I like Alyssa already. Round was very fun for me.

  5. 19 minutes ago, ZN23X said:

    I read this shamefully as I play an unathi who refers to himself in the third person by his first name all the time

    The more you know :^).

    Straight from the wiki:



    I love those small things. It's like IPC can be up to 47 years old. And you can make IPC up to 80 years old in game :^).

  6. I will add something here:

    1. It's good to learn via RP. What I mean, if you really don't know unathi culture, play it. Go to bar, find some unathi and talk with him You might learn a lot of lore. For example, did you know you should not use first name of unathi? Only second. First name is for "close friend". Also play on what you know. If you see two unathi adressing each other with their first name, they might be very good friends.

    2. "Play role you've chosen" Play character you want to play, there will be people that wont like that,but who cares? If you enjoy playing someone who belives in Odyn, play it.

    3. It's good start to pick non-human character. IPCs like to talk each other in 0-1-2s etc. Beeing the same specie as someone else is nice base for talk. For example simple question "Hey eggbrother, red scales huh? Never seen that before on Moghes, where are you from?" May start very cool RP conversation between Unathi.

    4. The first thing they tell you when you are new to LARPs is: Don't act as yourself, Your character don't know what you know, try to act as your character would, don't be afraid of interactions, if it end up badly, it might be still fun, and propably will be.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. I will say, I don't play in chemistry very often.

    Yeah my point in unstable mutagen was that it should be liquid, not pills or patches. My bad.

    In the round there was another IPC as chemist, all the time when someone asked him to do something he replied "Ask another chemist" :^).

    Once he exploded ((and survived)) CMO was kinda pissed off and demoted him. Good times.

  8. Hello there! As some already know I make video guides.

    And so, I present you my Guides to Medbay.

    Guides are supposed to show BASICS.

    1. Guide to Chemistry: ((will reupload it once I fix a couple of things there))



    2. Guide to Medical Doctor:((will reupload it once I fix a couple of things there))



    I will keep it updated.

    Planned guides:


  9. We had post about IPC demage and stuff some time before.



    I wasn't following that topic, so no idea how it ended.

    I still personally don't see any problem with IPC demage thresholds and stuff.

    I noticed that IPC balance is a big problem here, some people claim that getting more demage than the rest of the species, vulnerablity to EMP and loosing limbs so easly makes IPCs weak af.

    If you compare that to 150 demage beeing threshold to "Crit status", well that's not big deal tbh.
    I mean making IPCs able to talk while not beeing completly dead is preety good idea, but allowing them to move even with like 190 demage? Well.

    I mean if you consider it as a balance to the vulnerablility that IPCs have. Hm...... 

    I really have mixed up feelings about it.

  10. I got medal only once ((for a real reson)).

    Basicly I was paramedic, I saw someone dead in genetics maint "Oh shit gotta go".
    ME: "NAh I will be fine"

    The first seconds I walk in I see some strange person taking stuff from dead husk 
    M.A.N.T.I.S. [common] exclaims, "SECURITY TO MED MAINT NOW!"
    me and the misterious person stay in the maint for like 30 seconds looking on each other doing nothing, saying nothing.
    *Someone is comming, the guy escapes*
    Me:" Oh hello officer! There is dead body, someone just looted that body, you have rogue officer on the loose, he also escaped like 10 seconds ago."
    *Guy comes back, taser hit officer, guy is dragging officer while hitting him with HARMbaton and tries to escape*
    *I managed to pull officer out of murdurer grasp when he has like 170 demage*
    *SAVED, I took him to medbay, into cryo*

    Some time later, I see dying drask officer. I rush into maint to save his ass.
    *Oh look familiar ((or not)) face with the taser*
    *Taser missed*
    M.A.N.T.I.S. [common] exclaims, "SECURITY TO MED MAINT NOW, some asshole is killing Ruum-Ovv-Oumn!"
    *I go back deeper into maints just to make sure I don't die like little arse I am, 30 sec passed, no officer came, so I rush in to try and save him*
    *Cannot find anybody, except one suspicious locker in maint, welded door to that locker, came out there was Ruum in that locker ((Sorry))*
    *Oh shit, It's Officer Ipsum! GREAT, time to hunt!*
    *We find the EoC, he hit Ipsum with taser, SHIT*
    *I helped him stand up, we stunned the shit out of the changeline*

    *Got fixed in robotics, Ipsum was clonned, Ruum was cloned (( like 10 minutes after someone recovered his body)), changelings body has been destroyed*


    Basicly I got that brown medal from Captain Zsi for risking my life for another people.

    ((Rest of the shift I spent bringing some lightly wounded people to medbay, getting shit like experimental welding tools for my fellow IPCs (E.L.O. and P.E.W.) and my boss (Gerhard), that was calm after that. That medbay crew was good medbay crew.))

    • Like 2
  11. Well the point is, after I used paperspray on him we got him o he ground ,we was cuffed and stunned, not dangerous, and people were like "Nah, kill him" and we all started beating the shit out of him. That was preety funny tbh. I'd say security at it's finest

    I just remember that when you said "You want to promote me to captain? I just killed a man!" hillarous!

    But TBH, it wasn't only you that killed him. Like 3/4 of security just decided to kill him. 

    • Like 1
  12. 28 minutes ago, ZN23X said:

    Got promoted to acting captain as the HOS for the first time ever. The decor in my quarters was...unique...fitting?

    *Got promoted to acting captain as the HOS for the first time ever, 10 seconds after killing some innocent man.*

  13. You just gave me an idea for a nice engineering project. The first time I'm engineer and someone else takes care of station project is easy one, I will build noice bar in assembly line for synthetics.

    I wonder if it will work out

  14. 8 hours ago, Kitchi Ikamura said:

    And meanwhile, a song for my new IPC char, E.N.T.R.O.P.Y.

    The songs says " I'm the peel on which you slip ". I am scared now. *honks in the background*


    And for M.A.N.T.I.S. I'd say this:


    Or any Deadbolt OST really. It's cool.


  15. 12 hours ago, BottomQuark said:

    I belive you already would be better CMO than most of 'em *laughs".

    Literally the first round I play after saying that.

    Some random CMO tries to implant someone welding shield.
    *Aim for the head and places hemostat in*
    *I take over the surgery cuz he screwed so much*

    *I want surgery access, cuz we don't have enough docs and surgeon*
    *CMO makes me medical doc even if I asked just for access*

    10 minutes later, after doing shitton of surgery
    *Gerhard arrives and ask for position of chemist when we have JUST spaceallin ((however it is called))
    *E.L.O. arrives*
    *I get back to paramedicing*
    *Someone screams on CMO cuz they are shitty surgeons*
    And I'm like "Shit this medbay just improved it's skills from level -100 to like +999999999"

    X minutes later
    *Cap gets angry "If I hear one more complainment about CMO beeing incompetent, I will make him clean the floor for the rest of his life"*

    And CMO WAS kinda shitty.

    • honk 1
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