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Posts posted by BottomQuark

  1. I might be mistaken but welding tools contains:

    • Upgraded Welding Tool (hacked YouTool machine) -100units of fuel
    • Industrial Welding Tool (fire lockers) - 40u
    • Welding Tool (YouTool) - 20u
    • Emergency Welding Tool-10u

    Also, normal welding tool is not enough to fix every part of the IPC body, so emergency welding tool would fix almost nothing.
    Easier way is to just go to R&D and ask for Experimental Welding Tool that contains 20u but recharges own it's own.
    I don't think IPCs need to start with welding tool, but I agree that IPCs should not start the round with epi-pen and internals.

    I indeed like the idea of "Safety Welding tool" without option to harm others, or like take the whole fuel with first attack so it's useless as weapon later.

  2. Option "Replay" above all servers will connect you to the last server you have been playing on, or in the right top corner if you click the gear/option you will be able to choose "Open Location" option and paste the adress Tayswift sent. You can also save there server adress for later. 

  3. First Name: M.A.N.T.I.S.

    Last Name: N/A

    Gender: N/A

    Orientation: N/A

    Nicknames/Alias: Mantis, TOASTER, Bot, Tin-man

    Picture(If Available):


    Age/D.O.B: 40/2521-10-21

    Place Of Birth: Xion Research Station 

    Species: IPC

    Blood Type: N/A

    Alignment:  Chaotic Good

    Affiliation: Synthetic Union, Xion Manufacturing Group

    Religious Beliefs: Synthetica


    Childhood: N/A

    Adulthood: Experimental IPC, Engineer in Synthetic Union, memeber/leader of Yellow Incident Response Team


    Detailed Information

    Appearance: Brown IPC. His head ((especially eyes)) looks kinda mantis-ish. Always wears blue berret and cigar/cigarrate.


    Character Voice: Imagine Kaidan voice, not make it a little bit robot-ish. That's it.


    Personality: Can be pissed off ((basicly when player has a bad day :^) ))  but generally tries to stay cool. Loyal to his department. He does not care much about factions, after all everyone has their reason to work for Nanotrasen, Syndicate, etc. 
    He likes to speak, why don't you find out his personality own your own?


    Medical Record: Normal IPC, nothing special.


    Character Biography


    Family: N/A




    Personal Relationships

    • E.L.O. (Admire/Respected) Best Surgeon I've ever seen!
    • Q.U.A.R.K. (Close Friend) MY MAN, Friend from the military times.
    • Gerhard Van Lutz (Good Friend) If Gerhard and E.L.O. cannot patch you up, no one will!
    • Joe Major (Acquaintance
    • HOTrod (Acquaintance)
    • and more!

    Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear


    Faction Relations


    • Synthetic Union
    • Xion Manufacturing Group


    • Biotech Solutions




    • Nanotrasen
    • Wizzard Federation
    • Synditace


    • Chageling Hiveming


    • Cults


    • Aurum Goverment ((Kaidan homeworld))

    Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy




    Other Information


    • Like 3
  4. So I got 4 screenshots

    1. Round I joined as ERT borg, cult won, we saved like 8 people by transporting them to CC via ERT shuttle. admin came out "YOU ARE ALL PROMOTED" that's how it ended up((We wait for shuttle to kill EVERYONE)):



    2. I dunno what happend, but it made me laugh






    4. Well I always thought E.L.O. was male :^)




    • Like 1
    • honk 1
  5. I dunno how sec,but engineering has 7 hardsuits in total (4 in storage, 2 in secure storage, 1 in engi outpost + CE hardsuit, so 8), and I never had problems with hardsuit. But anyway, I like the idea.

  6. 5a58450743ad9_spaceLAAAAW.png.b558b0c32d5069ff9ff95dc01e69c80d.png

    If any officer imprisoned you for no reason, bother IAA or HoS. If unavaible bother Magistrate,NT Rep, captain, whoever can fuck up demote processing officer.

    Or just ignore and accept such a thing happens. I accidently permad some engineer one round cuz I fucked up names ((as paramedic, told sec person Y killed person X, came out it was not person Y, I fucked up names)). It happens.

  7. Brig time is ok, if the time would be short, people would start breaking the law more often. You know thats the point of the law.

    You break it, you end up in prisson.

    Also battery is only 0-5 minutes.

    Pro tip, instead of running if you cooperate with security you cannot get 0-5 minutes for resisting arrest + you may get cooperation modifire. I belive it is -25% to the time.

    If you dont break the law, you don't end up in prison.

  8. I'd say it should be IAAs//NT Rep job to sort that out. Sadly 99% of them are incompetent, or simply does not care.

    I get the problem and reasoning behind it, but I think we should leave that as just IC problem, and should be resolved in game.

    And maybe let admins scream at the command "YOU ARE ALL FIRED" as CC, because they ignored SoP.

  9. 13 hours ago, tzo said:

    I can think of one: incompetent Captains. If the Captain is terrible, and Command isn't willing or able to impeach them, then getting a fax sent to CC is just about your only option for dealing with it. There are very few long-range fax machines. The IAA's is the most accessible. In this case, the IAA is useful. As useful as the NT Rep, in this capacity.

    I belive that's the matter NT Rep should take care of, not IAA. NT Rep is here to make sure command is competent, is he not?

    So that basicly means that IAA is the way to go only when there is no NT Rep/(Acting) Heaf of Staff to contact. So IAA is preety useless.

    I think giving IAA more channels would make it easier to comunicate with him, and so improving his usefullness. And propably people will actually try to contact him.

  10. So I guess I will say hi here.

    My IPCs are Q.U.A.R.K. and M.A.N.T.I.S. ((I got some more saved in case I want anothere character)).

    As why I play IPC. Well I used to play as Unathi at FTL13/Yogstation, where my secondary "race" was Borg. When I moved to paradise I played as Heals the Wounds for some time, IPCs seems so cool to me, I decided to buy that race and give it a shot. And here we are.

    • Like 1
  11. Name: M.A.N.T.I.S.

    Age/Date of Creation: 40, 2521-10-21

    Gender: Genderless

    Race: IPC

    Blood Type: N/A

    General Occupational Role(s): Engineer, Chief Engineer, Bartender, Paramedic, Medical Doctor.



    • 2521-10-21: M.A.N.T.I.S. posi-brain has been created by Xion Manufacturing Group. M.A.N.T.I.S. is experimental Posi-Brain created to test if by any means it can fit more complicated chassis than human
    • 2521-2525: M.A.N.T.I.S. project was a failure, the project has been suspended, posi-brain deployed in normal IPC chassis.
    • 2525-05-04: Synthetic Struggle. Due to peacefull policy of Xion, most of IPCs did not rebel. M.A.N.T.I.S. stayed neutral.
    • 2525-09-12: M.A.N.T.I.S. leaves Xion Research Station, and joins Synthetic Union, works for Xion for two more years in New Cannan.
    • 2525-2527: M.A.N.T.I.S. is working on new command center of Xion Manufacturing Group. Xion Command Center will soon take control over whole town.
    • 2527-10-12: Synthetic Union offers M.A.N.T.I.S. job at their Flag Ship.
    • 2527-2555: M.A.N.T.I.S. is working on SFU P.A.T.R.O.L. as leader of Yellow Incident Response Team called shortly Yellow IRP, at the rank of Ensign.
    • 2555-03-14: M.A.N.T.I.S. has been fired by new admiral due to "lack of discipline". M.A.N.T.I.S. moves to back to XMG, where he meets Nanotrasen Representative  that offers him a job.
    • 2555-2561: M.A.N.T.I.S. is working for NT as engineer.



    • Comat Medicine
    • Advanced Construction
    • Hacking
    • Bartendering
    • General engineering

    Employment Records:

    Citizen of Synthetic Union, ex-ensign of NFU P.A.T.R.O.L.

    Security Records:

    Did not cause much problems except minor insubordination.

    Medical Records:

    Normal IPC.

    Personnel Photo (Appearance text):



    Brown chasis, looks preety mantis-ish.

    Commendations [only to be added by admin]:



    Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


    Other Notes:


  12. FTL OST, piano, Crypt of the Necrodancer OST, piano, Undertale piano cover,  more piano ((I fucking love sound of piano)), more OST ((like deadbolt, risk of rain, Valiant Hearts, FMAetc)), Johnny Cash, Kavinsky and meme music, and more. 

    Edit: In fact I just make playlist with shit I listen to, so I have easier access to it.


  13. 1 hour ago, EvadableMoxie said:

    Okay, fair enough.

    Now, Same scenario, but add 1 law and 1 path.

    Law 4: You may not take Path Z

    Path Q: Path Q is equally as long as Path Y. However, there is exactly a 99.9% chance that Path Q contains a hazard.  If it does, this hazard will destroy you. If you are destroyed you will never reach Location B.  There is no way to detect the hazard in advance, and if the hazard exists, there is no way to escape it. If you choose this path, you will arrive at Location B in the same amount of time as if you picked Path Y, but only 0.1% of the time. The other 99.9% of the time you will be destroyed and never reach Location B.

    Do you take path Q, knowing that following laws 2, 3, and 4 will almost assuredly result in violating law 1? 

    It's like asimov laws


    1. You may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
    2. You must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
    3. You must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

    In the situation where there is wizard killing people. And you have a chance to kill him. For example he is laying on the ground, and you are engi borg and can kill him with welding tool.

    As a borg, letting wiz go will violate law 1, because you "through inaction" you "allow a human being to come to harm". but if you kill wizzard, you violate law 1 because you "injure a human being". What means there is no good way out.

    (( I remember I had such a situation on yogstation or paradise station don't remember exacly, and I decided to kill wizzard, and got synthetic banned for some time ))

  14. Well If You are abosulutely certain no other paths exist or will ever exist. Besides trying to find another, you are forced to take path Z. That's your laws.

    If your laws would be

    1. You must proceed to Engineerig
    2. You may not enter and proceed through aft hallway.
    3. You may not enter and proceed through mining maint ((however you call this part))

    And there is Blob in medbay maint. Well you are forced to try and go there.((Assuming that there is no way you can enter through space.)) And since you don' have law "You must protect your own existance" If there is only 50% chance that you survive. It does not matter for you.

  15. 7 hours ago, The Respected Man said:


    Cons: They are easier to kill than a human, for example, if 5 lasers are enough to crit a human, 4 lasers are enough to crit an unathi. They're a sly race but can get delicate

    Unathi have scales right? I'd say scales are more resistant than skin. I'd leave the demage as default.

    I'd change that on : Unathi receive 2x suffocation demage, and loose nutriment 1.5 times faster than humans.

    There is no real logical reason. Just suggestion.

  16. Well didn't think about it tbh. Will remember next time!

    Now imagine I have on M.A.N.T.I.S. optical sensors that does not show wire colors. Just "Black, Grey, Light Gray" and I have to remember position.

    That would be confusing for new players.

  17. Yeah if you get SEVERE DEMAGE it may be pain in the ass. But realy. I play only IPCs and the best I could do is 2 severe demage and lost two limbs at the same time.

    Reattached limbs have full health, and reattaching takes like 5 sec and all you need to do is just to ask some random "Hay can you like place that body part on me? It will reattach automaticly." Find anyone that has tools ask "Hay can you like open my chest with screwdriver and crowbar, then just fix my internals with welding tool? Thanks."

    And as engineer I sometimes forgot about expanding helmet. Fixing pressure demage at the whole body is still in my opinion faster than going into medbay, waiting for doc to help you, and beeing treated.

    3 minutes ago, TrainTN said:

    They also have optical sensors in their head, hence why they go blind when their head gets knocked off. If you have to print them a new head, I'm pretty sure it doesn't come with those eyes, so you have to print those then insert them surgically as well. And from what I can tell, most roboticists have no idea how to fix IPCs, so if you aren't consciously walking them through it (and if you're in robotics you're likely already dead) then you're out of luck.

    Ok you have a point. Still, propably just welding non-severe demage can bring you back to  crit, and then you can guide robotics. And I don't think making microbattery and replacing it is much harder than repairing bones, or fixing lungs. ((I think you can speak and move  if you are above -50 health?))

    I also never was "just a chest" bcs of EMP. It always broke 0/1/2 limbs.

  18. 5 minutes ago, davidchan said:

    Seriously if you think IPCs repair fast than I don't know what you're talking about.

    I meant that almost every IPC has some tools with him/her. It your demage is not severe, you can just retreat in the fight, hide around the corner and fix yourself it like 10 sec if you don't have demage all over your body. And if someone shot you, well it's like 4/5 repairs with welder and you are back. And I almost never see organic officers bringingwith them synthflesh.

    To be treated in medbay fast chemistry has to make SR and mito, and often they don't or they don't get Omnizine from CMO ((Or explode)). If there is a mess in medbay most of doctors do not even bother checking death time, and place 90% of the bodies in cloning, and you have to wait like 10 minutes for cloning.

    All that IPC has inside is 1 implant, microbattery and brain if I remember correctly. Even unexperienced roboticist can fix it with IPC help preety fast.

    If you are organic, the same demage that kills IPC can bring you into crit with internal bleeding. You wait too long, paramedic didn't come or some doc forgot to scan you, BOOM you have 60% of blood. and in worst case, IPC will be just fixed back to full with some IPC-surgery that is not big deal((you need just welding tool, cables, crowbar, screwdriver and table)), and you will be stuck in surgery because you picked O- blood and we have no more blood, or someone gives you wrong type and you have 200 toxins inside you.

    Also since amost every IPC has tools with him, sometimes IPC preffer to fix other IPCs own their own. 

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