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Posts posted by BottomQuark

  1. M.A.N.T.I.S. the Station Engineer reporting in.

    Beginning as always, arming youself up with multitool and the rest. Hardsuit up, and it seems someone is taking care of engine already. So I head to solars, and BOOM. IT seems someone fucked up engine, and we have no generators. So Atmo sets up turbine, we set up solars. Nothing special right?

    So I was setting up Aft solars, and repairing one small explotion as always, set up electrical maint while IPCs are talking about another Synthetic Struggle. AI says, nothing is broken, what means BREAK TIME.

    So I head to bar. And there! D.I.T.T.Y. serving the drinks, S.P.E.C.T.R.E drinking something. I sit next to them and start speaking, soon A.M.I.G.O. joins. And in that team we spend next 30 minutes speaking, drinking. Having FUN.


    I noticed that S.P.E.C.T.R.E. had nice New Cannan University of Technology Hoodie, so I asked if he was there. That started the talk about New Cannan. Now I know S.P.E.C.T.R.E. finished university in 57', and Xion Manufacturing Group basicly rules over some town there. Then we start speaking about brands, and that A.M.I.G.O. was mady by Shellguard that makes armors, weapons, battle chassis, etc. And so we speak and we speak. We just having fun.

    From time to time some greytide or blueshield comes to bar, and leaves. Captain says "Break for everyone in bar, happy new year!".

    But then. Detective PDA me. " I'd like you to meet me in old bar, to talk about certain peron. I'm waiting. " I say "Uh, ok." 
    [Engineering] M.A.N.T.I.S. says, "If I die any time soon, it's Det. Do not ask."

    And so I come to old bar. 

    M.A.N.T.I.S. says, "Detective"
    Imrak Stonebeard says, "Hello."
    *I stand and look at the detective sitting at the old bar stool, with cig in his moth, just looking at the wall. Like I was not standing there.*
    Imrak Stonebeard says, "You seem to have a good day, spending it in a bar"
    M.A.N.T.I.S. says, "Yeah, spoke with my fellow IPCs"
    *I notice my power level, I need to charge up. Det still looks at the wall, in the darkness. I sit two stools next to him. I smoke my cigar in my hardsuit. At this moment Det turned , looked at me and again at the wall.*
    M.A.N.T.I.S comfortably sits on the stool.
    Imrak Stonebeard asks, "So, do you know ipc named MONIKA?"
    Imrak Stonebeard drools.
    M.A.N.T.I.S. says, "Have heard her on the comms, havn't seen her tho."
    Imrak Stonebeard says, "She's quite a criminal, enough to go to perma."
    Imrak Stonebeard drools.
    Imrak Stonebeard says, "The problem is that she ran out, escaped."
    *Is he going to put me into prison for something I didn't do?*
    M.A.N.T.I.S. asks, "So.... you want me to find out where she is?"
    Imrak Stonebeard asks, "Do ya know about her any friends?"
    Imrak Stonebeard stammers, "T-Th-h-hat-t-t c-coul-ld-d h--hav-ve b-br-r-rok-ke h-her-r out-t?"
    M.A.N.T.I.S. asks, "Where was she working?"
    Imrak Stonebeard says, "She was engineer."
    *Am I beeing framed?*
    M.A.N.T.I.S. says, "Engineer....."
    M.A.N.T.I.S. says, "We have tro more IPCs in engineering, HOTrod and CE."
    M.A.N.T.I.S. says, "I'd say HOTrod could do such a thing. But It cannot b-"
    Imrak Stonebeard suddenly collapses.
    *Yep, he is sick, or too much cigs*
    *I try to help him stand up, after a while he manage to stand up."

    Imrak Stonebeard yells loudly, "GODDAMN POSION."
    M.A.N.T.I.S. laughs.
    Imrak Stonebeard yells loudly, "AN-N-ND-D BRAIN-NR-ROT-T P-PR-ROB-BAB-B-BL-LY-Y."
    Imrak Stonebeard  has thrown the cigarette.
    M.A.N.T.I.S. says, "That's propably it."
    *Imrak leaves his stool, now standing in the middle of the room, looking at me. Straight at me.*
    M.A.N.T.I.S. says, "I can ask around."
    Imrak Stonebeard yells loudly, "ANYWAY, THE PROBLEM IS."
    *I can hear that he is going to get something out of his backpack.*
    Imrak Stonebeard yells loudly, "I'M A BADDIE TOO, AND I GOTTA KILL YOU"
    *Before I could even react, he extands the telescopic baton*
    Imrak Stonebeard has knocked down M.A.N.T.I.S. with the telescopic baton!
    *There is still hope, I still have my radio!*
    [Common] M.A.N.T.I.S. says, "HELP OLD BAR, HELP!!!"
    [Common] HOTrod exclaims, "MANTIS!"
    Imrak Stonebeard yells loudly, "AYE NEED PAROXETINE! I WANNA PET TEH MONKEYS"
    *He is mad, why NT hires such a people?*
    Imrak Stonebeard tried to remove M.A.N.T.I.S.'s engineering radio headset.
    M.A.N.T.I.S. says, "You are screwed. You are not gonna get out alive. NOT THIS TIME."
    *Detective opens three hidden doors, taking me to electrical maint*
    M.A.N.T.I.S. says, "NO!"
    *Luckly for me, Brainrot kicks in, det dropps on the floor, I ran and try to hide, while waiting for rescue*
    ((I just didn't even try to uncuff myself for a while, just to give det chance))
    *After a while I'm uncuffed, and it seems that Det cannot stand up. I hit him with the baton, cuff him with the same cuffs he used on me. I try to wake him, iterrogate him, maybe hit him couple of times, but he does not wake up.*


    After that, security arrived, I was searched, what happend to the det is unknown to me.

    That was one of the best rounds I had in long time. Speaking with IPCs was realy fun. And the kidnapping scene is something I needed after beeing killed two times in the row by Mr Service borg (( Yeah, round by round the same borg killed me )).

    That was preety fun. Have to say I fucked up when I called on common for help, that would be neat scene. And shame det had brainrot. I also hope det did not get banned. It was FUN.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Streaky Haddock said:

    I had an IPC character since 2015. The climate for IPCs is now far, far more hostile to IPCs than it ever has been. Robustness won't save you when you can be insta-killed by a large AOE that scorches every inch of your body. Not to mention that changelings and traitors can trigger these EMPs even when they are handcuffed or otherwise subdued.

    Yeah I know. I was once paramedic, PDAd everyone without sensors up, to max it. EVERY. ONE.
    12:30: first dead in engineering, I stop at the main hallway to check the location, some greytide just came EMP flashed me and I'm dead. (( I was preety salty after that ))

    I also got killed once by Ion Rifle. I got killed by EMP while transfering prisonner from perma to shuttle.

    I know the drill. But I also play from time to time in security. And I'm fine with it realy.
    It's different game when you know everything can just kill you in one sec, and even if it does not it will make you so slow, and unefective in everything that you are basicly trash.

    Even in normal firefight. One shot and :

    • leg > you are slow AF.
    • arm > you drop items in hand,
    • head > you are blind.

    So even after 1 shot you are out of combat. And it's FINE.

    I would not say "IPCs just can't be security officers". They can, and they can be preety good at it. The big deal is their fast-repair. Medbay is full of bodies, med crew is understaffed, and there is no sec alive? Just drop IPC officer at robotics, one minute and he is alive. Got shot in gunfight? Retreat, reapir, go back.

    I'd say. If you die as IPC sec. Learn from death. Learn what type of antag uses EMP, how often. Learn when to fight, when not. Learn to react to certain things. And if there are things you cannot beat. So be it. Besides that, not every traitor gets EMP.


    ((You also need that metal shield that gets first three hits, don't you?))

    • Like 1
  3. 33 minutes ago, Streaky Haddock said:

    Don't be an IPC sec officer, you are objectively inferior to any other race and no amount of skill or preparedness can really save you.


    In order to survive as IPC officer, you just have to be ROBUST


    • Like 1
  4. Sooooo.

    We all know that there are new people that leave the option "Get radnom job if preferences unavabile" and get Medical Doctor, while they do not know a single thing about it. 

    And so I decided to make some video guides in free time. The quality is BAD, english is BAD. But hay I did my best.

    So far I made two guides. First general, basics of basics. Like how to connect to the game, UI and hotkeys.


    I guess I could change the TTS if my language is too offensive? I guess.

    And second one, is the Engineering Guide. It's preety long one (35 minutes), that covers basic construction, tesla engine, what you should take with you at the start of the round, solar panels, hacking (part of it) and theory of station goals.


    The part with Station Goals is preety messed up, and the clips of me repairing are not enough I belive. But I'm too lazy to record more.

    The vids are ULISTED, what means no one can find it yet on YT.

    I know we have better guides on forum, but we all know first thing we check is YouTube.

    So, before I make it public. I'd like to ask you what is wrong in the guides. ((Just please skip my shitty english, I know like 50% of what I tell is wrong, I also had some problems with TTS)).


    I wanted to make like 5 guides before asking you that, but I don't think I'm gonna have time for this any time soon. 

    Also any feedback would be nice. ((Also if the guides are too shitty, yeah it's better to just send people to forum.))
    If I will continue making guides, next guide I make will be general idea of what do to and what not to do, how to deal with emergency as a new player, continue engineering guide, and maybe paramedic/medical doctor guide. ((I just enjoy teaching people I guess?))

  5. Noice guide. But I would add "Confirmed outbreak of level 7 major viral biohazard aboard NSS Cyberiad. All personnel must contain the outbreak.".

    It always pisses medbay off when new players ignore docs, and soon whole station has some weird gravity-virus. It's not maybe end-game-crisis, but still worth mentioning ((maybe in next guide? Since "New Player Guide #1" looks like you wanna make more))

    • Like 1
  6. @tzo

    I often as paramedic bring people to cryo in free time. So I'd like to know:

    So the question is: Am I allowed to take off someones equipment before taking him to cryo sleep? (( Of course admin helping it first )) Rules says:
    "You may not touch or interact with people under the influence of 'Sudden Sleep Disorder' except to pull them to Cryodorms and place them in a Cryosleeper, to provide medical care to SSD players, such as medication or surgery, or to remove them from an immediate life threatening situation, such as a plasma fire;"
    It also says : If you believe an SSD person needs to be interacted with (such as an SSD Captain needing to have their equipment removed), ask the Administrators first. 

    It happend to me that once as medical doc I saw paramedic SSD for like 1h, so I stripped him off the hardsuit, so new one have one, and placed him into cryo. Admin PMed me bout it, and told me that it is fine as long as I adminhelp it first.
    Another round, as paramedic I found medical doc SSD for 20 minutes with equiped health HUD and some aid kits, PMed admins if I can leave his stuff at storage, got response "Sorry ,but you will have just to take him to cryo".

    So, are admins told to say "yes" or "no", or do you just tell what you think is best? Just wanna know so I don't bother you if you gonna tell "no" every time.


    PS: Also I belive that SSD players do not have information “They have suddenly fallen asleep!” as the rules say ,but something like "[...] They might be sufferring from SSD!" don't remember exacly, will try to catch the info next round I play.

  7. Do I get it correctly that we would rebuild CC? Or like just an emergency station? That for sure would be intressted. A BIG project. We would have to minimalize antagonists, so engineering dont have to work on both stations. Also engineering would have be preety good.

    Also I think that would be nice if admins would send messages to cap as space factions, offering help((not for free ofc)), or something liek this.

    • Like 1
  8. So I used to play on FTL13 server for a while, and they have some very intresting crime system there.

    I looked at it and I personally think Paradise station would make use of some new crimes.

    1. Insubordination
    -To disobey a lawful direct order from one's superior officer.
    -Charge issued by a head of staff to one of their direct subordinates. The person is usually demoted instead of incarcerated. Security is expected to assist the head in carrying out the demotion.
    I would place that in the "Medium" or "Minor" category. What is the use of that? Basicly that would make people listen to the superior. From time to time we all have that engineer that just steals hardsuit and just walks around the station. If this crime existed, engineer would be imprisoned if disobeyed the order from CE to put the hardsuit back.

    2. Dereliction of Duty
    -To willfully abandon an obligation that is critical to the ship's continued operation.
    -A demotion is often included in the sentence. Emphasis on the word critical: An officer taking a break is not dereliction in of itself. An officer taking a break knowing that operatives are shooting up the Captain is. Engineers who refuses to fix breaches can also be charged. 
    In the Major/Medium category. Would force people to work in extreme situations.

    Something from me:

    3. (Major) Breaking of SoP
    -To (severely) break the SoP
    -Can be applied only if the suspect refused to follow SoP at least one time before, suspect has to get WARNING first. That includes the officers mishandling prisoners, as much as hydroponists not helping chef for a long time. The crime does not stack with crimes like "Drug Distribution" etc. What means if the crime can be called as any other, it is.
    That would apply ONLY in extreme circumstances like hydroponist ignoring chefs requestes for 1,5h. Or Officer constantly badly processing prisonners. Would force people to know SoP, and make IAA job more interesting.

    I also suggest some changes in parolling. What would be:

    If suspect commited crime against one person, that person might PRAROLE the prisonner.

    Current paroling works like "Prisoners may technically be paroled for any crime. However, for Capital Crimes, see Enemy of the Corporation above. For non-Capital Crimes, Parole may be offered at the discretion of the Warden, Head of Security, Captain or Magistrate."
    That means only sec can parole the prisonner, and we all know that sometime sec might be wrong. And would ignore the "random guy walking around screaming that someone is innocent". With that system applied, manslaughtered guy might parole the prisonner. 


    I know the crimes might be to harsh, BUT That's only suggestion after all.

  9. Hm... Are you SoP Bot?
    Most of the IPCs have names like N.A.M.E. or NAME-[number] for example:

    ((can't remember the rest, I remember MARI too, but have no idea if it was M.A.R.I. or Mari-[numbers]))
    So I would go with that kind of style, since you wanted Solan so maybe just S.O.L.A.N.
    ((Nice RP tip: IPC can have max 47 years, since they have been created 47 years ago))

    • Like 1
  10. That's the story what NOT to do as engineer.

    Basicly: CE orders to make tesla, someone sets up singulo, CE turns on PA and dies due to EMP. I as IPC, didn't remember singulo emits EMP and still thought that we have tesla((thought somehow tesla electrocuted CE)), so I left PA on. Saved CE, he didn't set of the PA.

    Then  Singulo gone 7x7, and started to break floor and glass. EMP killed borg, borg has been dragged to shield generator and stopped at that. I tried to rescue borg, failed and died due to EMP.

    Then, PA turned off. Sparks from borg could pass the shields, and gave singulo material to rise to 8x8 (( or whatever is nexrt stage )).

    So that's what you DO NOT do as engineering.

    It came out that Singulo Cult PLANNED ALL THIS ((admin did announcemet))


    @Spacemanspark I bet you planned that all along.

    So now I wander, what was yours "best" engineering fail?

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