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Everything posted by EvadableMoxie

  1. My main main concern is that if the system becomes something akin to say, virology, you're going to have geneticists who master it and then are handing out X-ray every round 15 minutes into the round, the same way that a Virologist who has mastered Virology can produce a min/maxed virus in the first 15 minutes.
  2. I'm pretty sure I remember someone being banned for something similar to this.
  3. So, I'll just repost what I said the last time this got brought up: To summarize: The problem isn't so much that it's too easy or too hard to win, because that really depends on the skill level of the players, and there is a huge gap there. The problem is that the high skill players don't have sub-optimal paths to challenge themselves with. You'll never balance shadowlings because the difference between a new player and an experienced player is way too wide. If you balance for the newbie, the experienced player always wins. Balance for the experienced player, the newbie has no chance. So instead, give multiple paths to victory and what happens is the experienced players will challenge themselves. This is how basically all other antags work. Except shadowlings. For shadowlings, experienced players snowball to a quick victory because there's literally no other way to play shadowling. Oh, and one easy way to improve the mode I think would be to end it as soon as a shadowling ascends. If any antag doesn't deserve a 5 minute gloating murderbone victory lap, it's shadowlings.
  4. Sometimes it's cool to have a trial and the law allows it to happen, but forcing security to take the time and manpower to indulge every EoC in a trial would probably be a disaster.
  5. It looks a container of Duke purple tea has a 20% chance of having 3 units of mugwort tea in addition to the actual tea: /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/drinks/tea name = "Duke Purple Tea" desc = "An insult to Duke Purple is an insult to the Space Queen! Any proper gentleman will fight you, if you sully this tea." icon_state = "teacup" item_state = "coffee" list_reagents = list("tea" = 30) /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/drinks/tea/New() ..() if(prob(20)) reagents.add_reagent("mugwort", 3) Tea reagent 'tea' does heal 1 toxin damage on a 20% chance per tick: /datum/reagent/consumable/drink/ name = " " id = "tea" description = "Tasty black tea: It has antioxidants. It's good for you!" color = "#101000" // rgb: 16, 16, 0 nutriment_factor = 0 adj_dizzy = -2 adj_drowsy = -1 adj_sleepy = -3 adj_temp_hot = 20 drink_icon = "glass_brown" drink_name = "Glass of Tea" drink_desc = "A glass of hot tea. Perhaps a cup with a handle would have been smarter?" taste_message = "tea" Looks like I missed the other effects, though.
  6. Noted, thanks. That cell charger change is mildly annoying, going to have to move it back to the cryo tubes every round. Not sure why they'd change that. Especially weird since they just added one to that location on Meta.
  7. Damn it, I copy and pasted that line from Drask. Good catch. Also good idea on the damage types.
  8. Encyclopedia Medicina When I first started playing SS13 the first job I picked up was medical doctor. Over the years I code dived to learn more about the profession and recording my findings. I eventually moved on from medical, but the notes remained. I've reformatted all the data I've mined from looking at the code and placed it into Encyclopedia format, along with my own experiences and advice in medical. Because the info was extracted over a period of a few years some info might not still be accurate although I've tried to go back and update everything. If there is anything you know for sure is inaccurate please let me know. I've tried to stick mostly to facts and not opinions although a but of editorializing was necessary. If you disagree with anything herein feel free to reply and give your reasons respectfully. If anything is inaccurate or incomplete please let me know so a correction can be made.
  9. Or you can cut out a lot of steps by just putting any amount of Mutadone in the syringe.
  10. It should be possible to code yes, although eliminating reagents slower isn't necessarily even a bad thing. It would make beneficial reagents more powerful.
  11. To answer the question regarding Kidneys: If damage is 10 or higher and coffee is in the subject’s system, they take 0.1 toxin damage per tick. If damage is 30 or higher and coffee is in the subject’s system, they take 0.3 toxin damage per tick. Livers are similar but affected by more reagents. Specifically: Ethanol, toxin, plasma, sulfuric acid, fluorosulfuric Acid, cyanide, amanitin, or carpotoxin. It's all done on the same check so if you have multiple types of those reagents you still only take 0.3 toxin per tick. To quote the notes in the code: // This should probably be expanded in some way, but fucked if I know
  12. I hate it when Nukies just blitz the disk in stealth because if they are competent there is no way 2-3 sec armed with tasers because it's green alert is going to stop even one d-sword elite hard-suit nukie on adrenals. It's an absolute waste of time for everyone involved. That said, just because nukies don't war dec doesn't mean they always Blitz, and there is something to be said for the sudden "Oh fuck" factor of nukies charging the bridge. The problem is it's only fun when the nukies are bad and decide to randomly murderbone the crew, giving the Captain and security time to regroup. I think I like Anticept's idea of splitting it into two modes the best. It gives us both stealth and loud but lets us better control the situation and gear, so stealth nukies get stealth equipment instead of blitz equipment. The problem is that SIT would have to be handled very carefully, lest it become something no one cares about. What I mean is an SIT should be a pretty big deal, not something where the round ends with a crew transfer and at the end game screen everyone goes "Oh, there was an SIT?" because none of the goals actually impacted anyone. SIT goals should be things that the crew is going to feel, not just "Steal the hand teleporter." Admins have run space pirate or SIT events before and generally it's pretty boring for everyone but the SIT when the SIT is good and doesn't get caught because no one really much cares if some items go missing. That's a problem that will need to be fixed.
  13. Karma isn't something we can program a computer to handle. If there are actions you can take to get karma then powergamers will find a way to optimize it, leading to the exact type of behavior we're trying to avoid, and reducing the benefit of the type of behavior we're trying to reward. Karma is not a perfect system, but it's not one we can improve via automation.
  14. I'm not saying this isn't a good idea but I don't really feel it's required per se. For broken bones, a standard analyzer will tell you if a limb is broken, so that only leaves head, torso and lower body as locations that aren't specifically listed. The patient will generally know since moving around will produce a message. You can also tell by how much brute damage they have and where. For internal bleeding, you likewise look at areas with high amounts of brute damage. Then you try starting surgery on those areas. If the internal bleeding option comes up, you found it. If not, cancel the surgery and try another location. I don't think toxin damage or whatever is needed. If it's a code red ERT and above item I don't see a need to balance it, we aren't talking about printing these from RnD.
  15. There is no such thing as Grand Breaking and entering. It would be Major Trespass which is up to 15 minutes. If we throw in Theft that's up to another 15, still half what you'd need to perma someone. They'll probably resist arrest, that's another 5. And if we throw +25% at them for not cooperating that's 43 minutes and 45 seconds, still not enough for perma.
  16. The Championship Belt counts as Grand Theft? Not sure I'd agree with that for a fluff item with no actual use. Grand Theft seems more designed for traitor objectives.
  17. Salicylic acid is coded to have a 'shock reduction' value of 25 and then to set a 'shock' variable to 0 if that variable is under 100. I don't really know how 'shock' is calculated. Just from my own experience I know that after recovering from critical damage sometimes you're still slowed, and taking Salicylic acid gets rid of that slowdown. MedChem basically never makes it There's a pill bottle of it that spawns in Medical that the Brig Phys might be able to swipe for you. Otherwise, you can find a pill of it in Brute and Burn kits and carry a couple around. You can also try to ask for Hydrocodone, which is far more likely to be made by MedChem and lets you ignore pain completely. Surgeons often carry it to speed up surgery as you can just inject someone with it and then do surgery on them while they're awake.
  18. I'm not sure if you're trying to actually make this argument that people are only complaining about EMPs because IPCs are popular. If you aren't, I'm not sure why you brought it up, and if you are, well you sort of already argued against it yourself but... While water is clearly easier to get and make than an EMP it's also far less effective. It being less effective is a lot more important than how easy it is to get. You spawn with an oxygen tank in your box which can be used to kill someone. Since you spawn with it, it's infinitely easy to acquire. This has not lead to a string of emergency oxygen tank murders. Likewise, while grays do occasionally die to fire extinguishers it's fairly rare because the best way to kill a gray is basically the same way you kill anything else: Stun, cuff, kill. If a racial weakness doesn't make it easier to kill that race with their weakness than it does to kill them by stunning, then really it isn't particularly relevant because it's only being done by someone choosing not to use the optimal route anyway. A simple exercise: You have to fight an enemy 1 v 1, and you have to pick either a taser or an item to exploit their racial weakness. The enemy always has a taser. For the sake of this exercise, you're trying to win. No arguing you'd pick the weaker weapon for a more interesting fight, we're talking mechanical strengths and weaknesses here. Slime person: A syringe gun with Frost Oil or a Taser? Kiden: Bug Spray or a taser? Diona: Herbicide spray or a taser? Gray: Fire extinguisher or a taser? IPC: EMP grenade or a taser? In 4 out of 5 of those situations if you took the racial weakness you'd be at a disadvantage against an enemy with a taser. Against the IPC you just automatically win. That's the difference we're talking about here. It's not a subtle difference, it's pretty extreme. The racial weaknesses of other races aren't anywhere even close to what the weakness to EMPs is for IPCs. Racial weaknesses of other races are simply not comparable to IPC EMP weakness. EMP weakness is on a whole other level.
  19. More people playing a race doesn't make the race stronger, so saying they can't be under-powered because they're popular is just objectively false. The fact is nothing really matters except for EMP weakness. EMP weakness is such a massive downside that it's not even hyperbole to say that every IPC alive on the station is only alive because everyone else is allowing them to be. The most robust SS13 player in the universe playing an IPC is trivial to kill.
  20. Yea, things like infection or reagents that are causing damage still proc inside cryotubes and can still kill. That said, being at below 170k body temperature stops (but doesn't heal) bleeding and pauses the progression of Internal bleeding, which is handy for IB patients when the ORs are occupied.
  21. This will only amplify the problem with borers, which is that by and large crew WANTS TO BE infected. Yea, there is always a chance at a shittery borer but you can wrestle control back pretty easily and then sugar it down long enough to be removed. Because borers are almost pure benefit everyone wants them even though they really should be a bit more wary of the idea. But now you're removing their ability to take over their host, meaning the borer can't even in theory do anything to hurt it's host. Then you're making borers even more powerful by giving them a stun. That's just... amazingly powerful. Think how good vampire glare is, and you're just giving that out. It's an auto win in any 1 v 1 situation. And then on top of that, you get antag status, which is going to be massively problematic. The abductor objectives are very carefully worded as such to prevent violence and cause chaos without killing. An open ended objective to protect your borer means you are an antag with full authorization to fight security once they know you have a borer since you can assume being detained would mean it's removal. And unlike abductors, people would be actively trying to be infected by borers. So, think about how bad it is as sec to have to deal with graytide. Now think about having to deal with graytide with antag status allowing them to do a lot more than just resist non-lethally. Now give them unlimited meth and vampire glare. Does that sound fun to deal with? If borers are 'broken' then the way they are broken is that people don't have enough reason to fear them and instead actively help them spread. These changes would only amplify that problem while introducing a whole hell of a lot of new ones. And in all honestly, I think borers are fine. Maybe not mechanically, but they're a great vehicle for roleplay and I don't feel like it's necessary for them to be anything more than that.
  22. That may have been the original intention but it's generally not how Brig Physican is played. For good reason, in my opinion. If the Brig Physican's job is to just treat minor injures then he is completely and utterly pointless. Any officer can apply a trauma kit to someone. There's absolutely no reason to have anyone dedicated to doing something so immensely trivial. Surgery and full on treatment is a much more involved process so it makes sense to have someone dedicated to it. It's natural for things to evolve and grow beyond the designer's original intention. That's usually a good thing and the evolution of Brig Physican is no exception. That said, I don't think the Brig Medical bay should get any more equipment. Having to scavenge and scourge is half the fun, and it rewards mastery.
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