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Posts posted by ZN23X

  1. 21 minutes ago, AceWhite27 said:

    This might have already been said but eh fuck it.

    Keep a mug of hot chocolate in your backpack, its the most filling out of any food item and a hell of a good time saver if your starving, a good 3-4 sip puts you to full from starvation, just don't down the whole thing, then you will become obese, this is a handy trick for mining, or anyone off station/always on the move away from the chef or a food dispenser.

    I can confirm as any time I've attempted to fill up using hot chocolate, I've always gone too far n get fat. If the kitchen aint making nothing I stick with chaykin soop myself. Or chinese food if I wanna treat myself cuz well...chinese is delicious.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Fursamie said:

    It'd be nice if there were IPC disabilities

    I attempted to play my IPC with seizures and planned to RP the seizures as me being "glitchy" but they were happening too frequently and too randomly...and lasting too long


    Oh man, I'd love faulty chassis parts so much. Even if it was just random sparking. 

    I also make sure I'm drunk enough so I DO randomly spark...cuz I enjoy that as well.

    My IPC is supposed to be fairly poorly built.

    Realizing now that IPC being intoxicated achieves the 'glitchyness' I yearn for...

  3. 1 hour ago, Threeinone said:

    Click on a camera with a written piece of paper in your hand to hold it up to the camera. Anything you write will be shown to the AI.


    I'm really curious how that message looks on the AI side.

  4. 1 hour ago, TheClosetMailman said:

    So my statement is correct.

    Security equals lung cancer.

    Whenever someone mentions that IC I always say "The hell do you think this is, the 21st century? I can just have a doctor swap my lungs out with brand new ones from a humanized monkey"

  5. On 11/4/2018 at 2:59 AM, TheClosetMailman said:

    Nothing says security like lung cancer

    I always like to point out, I've been using Tetra in any game with a character creator since 2001, she didn't start smoking till she worked security on the NSS Cyberaid.

    • honk 1
  6. Proper way to secure the disk is...place it in your bag. Let the crew fight the nukies. If they manage to get to you and kill you, they earned the disk. Celebrate their victory in deadchat. If they don't manage to get to you, escape on the shuttle and celebrate your victory via stationwide announcement. New round begins soon, skippy, no hard feelings. ?

  7. 37 minutes ago, McRamon said:

    Thats.... should be bannable

    Funnnnnny that you should mention that.

    Under Rule 2:


    Regarding "Powergaming":

    The Server Staff retain the right to ask you to tone down what is perceived as being excessive powergaming that causes noticeable disruption to the rest of the playerbase. Powergaming is readily defined as the prioritization of amassing mechanical advantages for yourself, to the detriment of the enjoyment of others

    People have gotten in trouble for doing less shitty things than described in the OP. The more you know ?

  8. 52 minutes ago, Kryson said:

    The absolute state of paradise admins.

    I agree that slowing you down to walking speed is excessive but some slow down would really help both immersion and gameplay.

    If an armed madman is murdering your coworker you should not be able to carry them away at lightning speed.

    Out of context without the full quote and necropost quoting something I said 6 over months before being an admin XD

    But I still stand by it would be miserable to have to cuff someone in sci maint and drag them to the brig. If you dont think so, literally just go to the far corner of sci maint then walk to the brig. And then do it a few dozen times. After you are done doing that let me know if you think this would still help immersion and enhance gameplay or if you think it just makes things miserable and slow. I only pointed out the wheelchair/rollerbed thing cuz there are absolutely players who WOULD do this, cuz they cant help themselves. I wouldnt actually do it. I'd just use adminbus and teleport us ?

    This would just create another advantage for the try hards because they are the only ones who would go through whatever is needed to get around this.

  9. 36 minutes ago, Alliostra said:

    Shooting at people holding a  grenade has a chance to set off the grenade instantly.

    I actually killed a nukie once as pod pilot despite them having the laser shielded suit because they had a mini bomb in their hand and I just so happened to hit it with my pods lasers.

  10. 4 hours ago, TheClosetMailman said:

    What could Tetra possibly have saved Zeke from?

    It's quite literally a dramatic depiction of a time Tetra and Zeke were having a conversation in front of the bar, something exploded behind Zeke that caused a breach, he was close enough to the explosion for it to knock him over, got sucked towards the breach, and Tetra saved him. I think

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