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Everything posted by Jamania

  1. ### Communication Recieved ### To: NAS Trurl Public Mailing List ([email protected]) From: Dr. Z, M.D. ([email protected]) Subject: Life on the Trurl Hail Trurl, Dr. Z here. What's life like on the Trurl? I'm sure CentCom is aware of what it's like on the Cyberiad, so I'm curious to how things are on the other side of the Sector. Second, please clue me in on when the next round of ERT Applications open. Kind Regards, Dr. Z, M.D. ### Communication Terminated ###
  2. Name: Zikri Volvazoo Age: 27 Gender: Female Race: Skrell Blood Type: AB- General Occupational Role(s): Bartender Robotics Medical Doctor Biography: Born into a NT employed family. Spent most of her early years being home schooled by her parents on the NRV Eir, a Medical Response ship. Passed her GED at 17, and relocated to the NT Medical Training Facility NAS Moroder, a medical training station. She spent quite a few years in education, working part time as a barhand in the base to help fund her medical training. During this time, she learned a mixture of things related to Medical and Science, such as Basic Chemistry, Basic Robotics, Advanced Medical Treatment, and Basic Surgery. After turning 23, she graduated and was assigned as the only Nurse on the NTV Ferry, a small cargo vessel with a crew size of 10. After spending 4 years on the Ferry, she was promoted to a full MD, and assigned to the NSS Cyberiad, where she's currently employed. Qualifications: M.D. (Medical Doctorate): Treatment and Aid - Signed and Ratified NT. Surgery 101: The do's and don't's - Signed NT. Basic Chemistry - Signed NT How to mix drinks, and maybe save lives - A Bartending Lecture - Certificate of Attendance Cyborgs and you: a Guide to Machine Intelligence. Employment Records: Medical Training/Barhand - NAS Moroder. Nurse - NTV Ferry NSS Cyberiad: Rotating between M.D, Bartender, and Robotics. Security Records: Arrested for being Drunk and Disorderly - Spent the night in cells, and was warned for future behavior. No record of reprimand beyond warning. Medical Records: No known Medical issues at this time. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): A female skrell, quite a bit on the shorter side. Other Notes: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. As a concept, I love shadow people. The whole living in darkness thing actually seems kinda cool to me, and kinda fun. The problem is, if we were to take them as an actual species, they'd be far too inconvenient to manage/work with. I personally disagree with them being a normal, playable race just like every other crew member. However, as an event thing, where they're spawned in maint, and pulled in from ghosts, I don't think that's a bad idea. (Their whole thing could be creating a safe-space to do things in, without disrupting the crew or something like that. Idk, I'm not a designer.)
  4. Hi. The forums are a cool place, I guess.
  5. +1, Its a hassle in security when that one guy burns himself to near death using the light bulb. That, and it forces me to use the wall mounted flasher, while necessary, I dislike using it.
  6. Welp, I'm late. Hi I s'pose.
  7. Yeah, stuff like that should be brought up with the captain for one, ICly, and ahelped to the admins, OOC'ly.
  8. I dislike playing a Traitor, mostly because I suck at it, and I don't really have a plan for getting my objective. This is because every time I've been traitor, I've ended up with the "make an example" objective, and I'm never really sure how to do it, because usually its a job which never really leaves their post. If I could pick objectives, I'd pick ones which I know I have a chance of actually completing, and not getting thrown in Perma while at it. Think in terms of "steal x item", or something along those lines. This is mostly because I'm shit at Traitor, and can't plan on how to complete my objective.
  9. Jamania


    Yes please. This'd give me something to do in my idle time when playing Bartender.
  10. Welcome to the forums, leave your shoes at the door.
  11. Um. I'm pretty sure it is? I've got several characters which have certain antags on, and some which have antags off. If its different, then that's weird.
  12. But so do the Styptic Powder Patches? And yet, they are inside the Sleepers, and are toxic when taken in the blood stream.
  13. If this is a black and white rule, it's going to lead to retarded scenarios where the mime decided to speak, to save his life (changeling abduction or otherwise), and some rule lawyer with a grudge is still going to demote them for speaking because "SoP says so. But, the whole point of SoP is that it isn't solid. Exceptions are to be made in certain circumstances, even if its not specifically said in SoP. SoP aren't black and white rules, they're guidelines. That's my understanding, anyways.
  14. And? Its just a name. A name doesn't have to be special. I mean, Slime People are literally called that because they're made out of slime. Same goes for Plasmamen, who are literally just Plasma. Grey's are called Grey's because they are Grey. Besides, its not like you're going to be calling them by their species name anyways.
  15. I've already spoke about this in the General Discussion thread, but I quite like the idea. I think if one was to say, to become a DO, they'd need both Admin (Maybe Senior, or Headmin?), and (If we're adding this) Head DO's approval. This gives a high level of scrutiny for applications, and will likely prevent anyone who isn't fit for the role, to not get in. Eh, these are just some thoughts & possible suggestions I had.
  16. From what I've seen of Rynnt, I like him. Wouldn't mind him being my underling, or boss during a security round.
  17. Eh, I'm partially against the idea. If someone wants to know what a certain verb does, they can either test it, or just m/ahelp it if it's really urgent. Just my personal opinion, but I can see the use of a "glossary" of all the verbs collected.
  18. Yeah, the horns look like a hat. Its rather entertaining. Its also rather menacing with that red glow.
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