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Everything posted by ProperPants

  1. I agree with the idea of your statement, but even R&D can't do that because of lockboxes. It seems like this mutadone implant idea will become like Genetics' version of the R&D lockboxes.
  2. Start around 2:20. The sound quality isn't great, but it's an idea.
  3. Fucking KEVIN. I had both my wormhole guns stolen from me by the swarm of clowns. I did manage to shoot one clown. He teleported outside of the shuttle while it was flying. RIP.
  4. I've played janitor a few times and I think dirt is trivial. If removing it improves performance by not having to track 200 tiles of dirt, I support it. When it is there, it's basically unnoticable, so removing it wouldn't change anything.
  5. Why is this enormous argument about genetics happening now? Has it changed so dramatically in a recent update that it has sparked an argument? If it hasn't been changed for a long time, why wasn't it a problem before? My 2 cents, it's still not a problem, but the exciting stuff never happens to me so what do I know.
  6. Isaac Lifof is a sick and tortured soul. The AI was literally begging for death. Made those red text announcements following with the laws but having a "kill me" tossed in. Begged in ahelp to die. Used the voice announcer to say "fuck me" and "end me." This is all because of Lifof. Goddamn.
  7. My final form. I had ALL ACCESS. Did not get to do much with it, but I did manage to make two laser cannons and kill three people at the end of the round.
  8. Pablo Greenwood gave me monkey limbs. Even the admins (Kluys or Regens, I always get them mixed up) were in awe. Monkey Monster was the only one in the shuttle bridge. Had all access ID card.
  9. In the first screenshot, how did you manage to get the two drinks machines at the south edge of the bar? As far as I know, those machines can't be assembled. Did you move them from the normal bar?
  10. The existing teleporters have two regimes for finding location to teleport to: gate regime and teleporter regime. The teleporter regime is effectively the only one, since the last time I checked, the gate regime has absolutely no targets. Perhaps this existing system could be used somehow, though I don't really know what it's meant to do in the first place since it doesn't work. As for the entire idea, I love it. I'm bad at ideas and suggestions, so I can't really critique this. The DZD is working (or will be working) on Xenoarch 2.0, so perhaps you should talk to him about this. He'll probably see it anyway.
  11. So much yes. So many yes. Thank you for blessing me with this, Dreamy.
  12. I deleted my initial reply because I saw you unlocked the doc I love the idea of this race, but weighing the apparent pros and cons... Pros Can speak in :b Cons Invades the AI's private channel Can't get hammered Weak at dealing damage Weak to EMP and has to be healed normally (at least IPCs are super easy to repair. Innovators, if they keep organic healing, would be getting the worst of both worlds) Again, I do like the concept, but it needs more apparent benefits and more balance.
  13. At this point, these don't seem like objectives that can be granted on code. It seems like an admin would need to spawn in as an entity, then send a chosen individual to the station. CC Prankster antag or something.
  14. The amount of lag caused by harmless butterflies and pugs being coughed and farted up is already ungodly. With spiders, that can attack and spin stacks upon stacks of webs and cocoons, the lag would be fucking criminal.
  15. So is anyone actually working on this? I love the idea and don't want it to die.
  16. Steal the clown's horn and honk the captain with it would be an interesting objective. Or better yet, the AI.
  17. Why shouldn't the chef become a vital role? Eating food is one of the most vital things I can think of. I agree that the hunger system is too insignificant as is, but expanding it would be a good alternative to removing it. Granted the admins and coders can do neither
  18. These books are blank. Nearly every book on the server is blank, except the ones in the library. If this new book is added, can we please have a book overhaul so that books are books, not bound stacks of blank paper? The Ripley user manual is blank, the hacking book, and the cyborg book in Robotics—possibly and probably more books are blank. I've been on a server where they're not blank (I believe it was Hypatia), so I know they can be actual books.
  19. I wasn't big on the idea. Just wanted to see if anyone liked it. Case closed.
  20. Cid and Bruce, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.
  21. Making grenades as a Scientist is a lot of fun, but often for me, the grenades never get to see some real use. Even if a Scientist were to make an amazing kill grenade or stun grenade, the coolest grenades require the most chems and thus can't be replicated too easily. I propose adding a machine to Security, maybe even the HoS's office, that allows grenades to be scanned, named, then printed. If Sec likes a grenade, it's not too hard to make just one more to be scanned in the printer, which can then provide enough for every officer. There would have to be some limit as to how many grenades could be made, or perhaps they could be made in cases containing five that would need to be opened by the HoS. I understand if this idea is too extreme or dumb, but maybe it'll actually be liked. Leave suggestions or modifications to the idea in the comments. P.S. The machine can't be buildable, so Science can't have their own. It could borrow some code from fax machines or other permanent, unique objects.
  22. Slap an IPC ass, be greeted by brute damage on your hand and the sound of an empty metal drum being hit.
  23. They already require bananium. Isn't that rare enough? Granted, it's not tough to get, but you'd be surprised how rarely it is acquired.
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