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Everything posted by ProperPants

  1. I agree with this, but one thing would need to be added for balance. The RPD would have to be in an Engineering access lockbox, otherwise a scientist could make a bootleg shotgun by dispensing a straight pipe.
  2. Why even bother having to open it? IPCs get charge from APCs by slotting their fingers in without opening it, so that implies they have some kind of socket or outlet.
  3. An upgraded Portable Chem Dispenser can provide straight welding fuel, as well as oil, ammonia, and several other chems. However, the machines that spawn in MedChem and SciChem can't be upgraded—those are Chem Dispensers, while the upgradeable one is a Portable Chem Dispenser. To the best of my knowledge, VampireBytes is working on allowing the current Chem Machines to be upgraded, but I'm not totally sure that he still is. Honestly, I think it would be easier to start the round with Portable Chem Dispensers spawned in—they're slow to charge and don't give many chems with basic components, but with max upgrades, they become better than the current chem machines. P.S. Technically the Chem Master is the one that makes pills and patches, and the Chem Dispenser is the one that dispenses chems.
  4. I understand that you don't want your posters stolen BUT who the hell would frame a poster? Maybe superglue or something would be a better idea from a logical standpoint, and you'd need a welder to melt the glue to remove the poster.
  5. This does look pretty cool, and I'd love for it to happen. In fact, people have been tossing around the suggestion for what to do with Xenoarchaeology for a while and I've said it should be converted to a newer, larger test lab. This assembly system, in my opinion, is complex enough to warrant a unique and isolated testing facility under the science division. Even if a new test lab doesn't happen because "science 2 stronk" (although I agree), I'd still be glad to see this system implemented.
  6. I'm not robust, so please let me know if I'm missing something, but isn't it incredibly difficult to neckgrab? I know you can go from passive grab to hand grab quickly, but as far as I remember, after getting hand grab (blue grab), there is a small cooldown until neckgrab (red grab). In that cooldown, the person can run from you. In the time they can run, couldn't they also get out a scream? Even if the victim stands still to start typing to scream on comms and you attack them while they type, unless you instakill or knock them out, they'll be injured on the floor still able to yell on comms. If you DID manage to kill on stun them, that defeats the need for neckgrab. Again, I'm never in melee combat, so I don't know most techniques, but I don't understand the power of neckgrabbing. Rather, I understand its power, but the difficulty of using it seems to far outweigh the benefit.
  7. This should definitely be a feature. Tape, damp rags, and hands should be able to become blindfolds and gags. I'm not sure what else on the station would work, but I'm sure there are other items. I can't imagine this would take much work; the code for the security gag could be recycled for covering the mouth, and blind could be applied for covering the eyes. Hopefully the coders agree.
  8. As someone who plays primarily Scientist, I'm in favor of having a programmable chem machine, especially if it allows for the level of complexity and creativity that Telecomms programming does.
  9. If you can find someone who can be bothered to get them. Otherwise it takes 15 minutes or just doesn't happen. Abandon thread and screw me. I guess my problem is with the players and not the game.
  10. The easiest solution is to just put a protolathe in Robotics; that's basically my only problem. It could replace that table holding an empty book - right between the circuit imprinter and the Robotics console. I know this allows Robotics make the capacitors and scanning modules for the more dangerous mechs, but the RD has the Mech Monitor in their office for a reason. The last server I played on (Hypatia?) made constructed mechs automatically be built with exosuit trackers, so I know that is possible, and probably relatively easy, to code. Of course I could just not play Roboticist since I've never heard others complain about this, but still. Those "dangerous" parts still usually get made after an ask or two, but getting every piece of equipment and upgrade is such a frustrating task.
  11. Yes. It also makes Robotics not be forced to rely on scientists which may or may not be friendly or helpful in any way. The rest of science does not need Robotics, so Robotics should not need science. At some point, a scientist can easily set up an exosuit fabricator, which when combined with the circuit printer already in R&D, totally negates Robotics.
  12. Robotics would be ludicrously less stressful if Roboticists could have access to the R&D console. Roboticists could make diagnostic HUDs, nanopaste, surgery tools, and upgrades for their machines without having to rely on anyone else. They already have access to the room, so why not the console? Before anyone says to just get another person to make upgrades and whatnot, know that doing so is such a fucking monumental task. Many rounds the other scientists won't even respond on comms when I ask for anything. They don't say that they're busy or just won't do it - they ignore Robotics. Robotics is a unique section of science, yes, but they shouldn't be excluded from the rest of the department. If that's the case, then other subdivisions of science should be exclusive; restrict the Test Lab only to people who chose "Chemical Researcher" as a job, and the same for "Xenobiologist" and "Plasma Researcher." I know Roboticists used to be able to use the R&D console and I don't understand why that's no longer the case. If the fear is about stealing materials, a decent person will share or be dealt with by the Research Director. P.S. Roboticists should start with Diagnostic HUDs like how (I assume) medical and security start with their HUDs.
  13. Allow the power of the Quickening to heal you after successfully killing another Highlander. It's crappy to slaughter multiple enemies only to be executed by someone who was hiding for half the round and didn't take any damage. It could use the same code as a Hivelord core.
  14. Plasmaman shows their true form. (or true colors to play off that idiom) Slime Person rips out their own core. Diona takes a hearty swig of herbicide. Skrell strangles themselves with their own tentacles. (are those things even tentacles? There's probably better for Skrell.) Tajaran/Unathi/Vulpakin claws out their own throat. Kidan mangles their abdomen, leaking guts everywhere. (not fond of this either) IPC is frying their circuits. (I also like NTSAM's "downloading more RAM")
  15. I was gonna reference this somewhere in my suggestion, but I made it piece by piece between today and forgot where I was gonna put it. Here it is now.
  16. I think the general concept seems interesting, but I don't think it's enough. I just had an idea that would probably take a huge amount of time to code, but it could also bring back Xenoarcheology in some minor form. Perhaps Xenoarch could be on its own asteroid that is a decrepit alien temple/ship? Certain alien gadgets can be found laying around and the type of tech and level they give is randomized (within a limit so you can't just find a Materials 6 gizmo on the floor). Perhaps objects found closer to the center of the temple would give higher research. This could also be linked in with exotic materials in some way (finding exotic materials as well as alien gadets?). This is a ridiculously ambitious idea, I know, but perhaps it could inspire someone who's been playing the game longer than I have to come up with a more reasonable concept.
  17. Currently, research can be "maxed out" before it is actually maxed out. By that I mean that, the $1000 from NT or whatever given for maxing out research is given while other techs can still be leveled. For example, Biotech is considered maxed at 5, but putting a Diona nymph in the destructive analyzer allows for Biotech to reach 6. I know the situation is the same for other techs, though I'm not sure which ones (I believe Engineering tech is "maxed" one level below the actual max). To the best of my knowledge, these extra levels of non-illegal tech don't give anything extra in the protolathe, so my proposition is that these top research levels actually become useful. An easy example would be that after researching a Diona nymph to get Biotech 6, the medibeam should become available at protolathes (I recall seeing a PR on the Github saying that the medibeam gun is in the protolathe, but I have never seen it even with Biotech 6). Different max techs could lead to different and new items, which could be decided by admins or the community if anyone even likes this idea to begin with. These items could easily be put in lockboxes and be meant for other departments, so science wouldn't be becoming more powerful; rather, they would be helping the station more. Maybe this idea won't be popular, but it stems from the fact that research can be furthered beyond the "max" level. At the very least, make it so that the $1000 from NT or Centcomm or whoever it is gets sent when research is actually maxed.
  18. Alright, you've all convinced me. I now agree that EVA suits should stay the way they are; I never realized how different they are from hardsuits. The sprites are definitely bugged though. I'll wait for someone to reply saying they'll try to sprite it, or PM a spriter if no one replies for a while.
  19. Looking at the wiki, you're right about different hardsuits having different stats. The EVA suit should continue to be a bare minimum/vanilla suit for exploring the vacuum of space, but I feel as though it should be part of the same "put the suit on a rack, attach the helmet to the rack, put on the suit, toggle the helmet on" system. If that can't happen, so be it, but my main issue is the sprites. The sprite issue for IPCs seems to also exist for other hardsuits, but it's not as pronounced as when wearing an EVA suit. Maybe we could have hardsuit sprite overhauls race by race...? (I'm looking at you, FlattestGuitar)((It's up to you man, I don't want to seem super demanding)).
  20. Currently, the generic, grey EVA suits found in the EVA Storage room behave differently from every other hardsuit (as far as I know). I request that they be changed to behave like all the other hardsuits, meaning that they should have the helmet be attached to the suit and be helmet be toggleable when worn. My suggestion also stems from a sprite bug when wearing those EVA suits as an IPC; parts of my body sprite clip through when wearing those suits, but not when wearing any other hardsuit. I imagine it's something to do with the way other hardsuits are coded (though I can't confirm it). Either way, it seems odd to me that the EVA suits behave differently from every other hardsuit. I believe it should be standardized. P.S. If the EVA suits aren't technically considered hardsuits in the code, then perhaps they could just be made as such. P.P.S. How many times have I repeated the same thing in this suggestion?
  21. Perhaps it could be changed so that changelings and shadowlings can eat people instead of fat people, because those two antags actually are fucking monsters. The code would stay, and the "disgustingness" of normal fat people being able to consume entire beings would be gone.
  22. Also, if it's too much work to allow the current ones (Chem Dispensers and Chem Master 3000) to become upgradeable, just replace them with the assembled ones (Portable Chem Dispensers and Chem Master 2999) and give those the most basic parts, like every other machine on station. That way, they might start off weaker, but end up stronger.
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