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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. Honestly, what you'd be doing would be stripping Nuke ops that we HAVE down to a shell. Honestly. Removing avenues of game play Isn't really the answer to improving nuke ops.
  2. I can't agree enough. Its time we got rid of greentext IMO. Binary win/loss conditions makes things quite stale after a this long of playing. I do hope I'm not alone on this. Setting your ambition for the round can add some depth of character, and make each round at least a tad unique
  3. IMO, Above image of Elliot's art is MOMENTS before the best part.
  4. Try to fight a combat drone in a Laser- enabled Pod. Try. you will ALWAYS lose. The problem is not the weapons, the fire delay, anything like that, but the ATROCIOUS speed nerf. All there is to say about that really. The Speed nerfs were TOO much to make pod pilot even worth playing. its really really shitty now. and totally unwinnable vs drones as it stands.
  5. I seriously cannot agree enough. Combat is not great in this game, everyone knows that but its also severally unbalanced thanks to disarm. Maybe the idea of taking disarm back to the drawing board for some tweaks is a good thing. I feel a lot of people who should have won a combat instance lost it not due to their personal incompetence but the fact the disarm RNG is TOO good for a combat system that is little built around little more then spam click. These are good example features. Combat could use some expansion/increased depth. This is coming from someone who practically lives security, so take it as you will. But I've been on both sides of the baton and can firmly say disarm/grab could use some depth in the way of changing how it effects damage zones.
  6. Suggestion! how about, like aliens Resin floors spiders can make "webs" that increase their speed while moving, slow foreign mobs etc. maybe even give them a bit of stealth. Just a suggestion. I play too much brood mother in dota2
  7. -1 sorry bud. Makes me wanna vomit when people say this IC
  8. See above. Much how slimes's commands work, but with a domesticated attack spider! HOW COULD YOU SAY NO TO THAT FACE!~~~
  9. say "*poke_r-johannhawk" Ace McLazer pokes Johannhawk rapidly!
  10. holy shit that's right. We played poker and stuff with a wiz that was fantastic i totally almost forgot about that. That round was pretty unremarkable for everyone not involved with your shenanigans. Fun for everyone kind of shenanigans, mind. but second longest wiz round i can remember. I remember losing alot of money to Theodore LOL.
  11. Stop selling yourself so short Johann these are fantastic.
  12. This is a copy past of my post on Johann Makes stuff thread but this time addressing coders and such. Alright. My TWO ideas. First. White athletic shorts. I'm only putting this here because Johann Compelled me to and More cosmetics are always fun. Pretty simple. But my two BIG ideas, that i had MYSELF, simply put is that when you remove lipstick, IE, with a paper targeted at the mouth, it leaves a colored Kiss on it like that of a stamp or something. Call me a Hopeless romantic (Please) but I'd think it would be Cute little touch to the game. Also a Dedicated blue shield hard suit. I made a mock up version myself but i lack creative talent and here is a link to that. South Facing side. https://gyazo.com/5641fea0f6c25d1f8904c21f3519b5da Inspired by: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/73 ... a8ef73.jpg To me that only makes sense since The BS job is To SAVE heads since ALL of them have their own dedicated hardsuits. and he has to Get a Damn Suit out of EVA with the help of the AI every time. Pretty annoying IMO and it can cost lives in the time they have to wait to get what they need.
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