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Everything posted by ProperPants

  1. And give them Medical/CMO access. Surgeons should be doing surgery, not scientists.
  2. Nobody's even necessarily asking for anything to be sprited. Lizards, pugs, butterflies, even reindeer are already sprited in. The code exists for pets to spawn in certain locations. It probably takes anyone who has a knowledge of the code five minutes to copy any pet's code, change the location to QM office, change the sprite to (for example) lizard, and change the name from the pet copied to whatever (Iggy, for the lizard example). Not everyone knows how to do this, but it really doesn't seem like a huge inconvenience or task at all.
  3. It would be a convenience for upgrading machines. Instead of walking to the machine with an RPED, checking the parts, getting the parts, walking back, then returning the RPED, you could just activate the goggles, look at the parts, get them and be done. Kinda a non-issue - just convenient. It could be coded by borrowing the code from the RPED that shows the parts inside a machine and adding that code to the goggles. Examining the machine instead of just clicking it would tell you what's inside. Maybe, though this seems harder, let examining circuits with science goggles also tell you the parts of the machine. Whenever people (engineers or the brig doctor, usually) come asking for circuits and parts, the person working R&D often doesn't know the exact number of parts in every machine. It would be massively convenient if they could print the circuit, examine it, and immediately know what parts are needed. This is obviously harder than the first part of the suggestion, but I don't imagine it's that hard anyway. When building a machine, you have to make the frame, add wires and the circuit, then examine the machine to know what it needs. So, the code for examining an incomplete machine and knowing the parts already exists - I'm just proposing it be displayed from the circuit itself instead of the incomplete machine. Hell, this part of the suggestion doesn't even need to be exclusive to having the science goggles on.
  4. That's also a perfectly good idea. Then you just don't have to waste as many objects to the EXPERIMENTOR, but it's still as likely for nothing to happen. Honestly, this would be a phenomenal solution. Just to add, the object can also get destroyed by becoming a piece of food or some goop. Maybe (strong fucking maybe. Fudge the numbers if you like, but the concept is incredible) every upgrade reduces the chance of all those happening as such: Tier 1 (Default) - Current chance for object to be destroyed (Ian, Runtime, food, goop, whatever else requires you to go print 10 more of the object for the next round of testing) Tier 2 - 50% of the current chance of those things happening. Tier 3 - 25% of the current chance of those things happening. Tier 4 (Bluespace/Diamond Tier) - Less than 1% (or 0%) of current chance of those happening. By then end, you still have a 2% or however low chance of Blood Curse, but it's less likely to be interrupted by the other shitty effects.
  5. E-N is a dickwheel. All I have to say about this. You're right about non-heads having pets though. Why not show QM some love
  6. But it's still "press button get victory." It's just "press button for 20 minutes straight, get victory." Your reference of the Phazon is perfect - if you want to prevent max science each round, add in some kind of random event research item. I promise, it still can be maxed every round, and the only reason it won't happen is because people won't be bothered to click "Irradiate" 100 times in a row while sitting in a room full of corgis, cats, and ice cream cones. If Blood Sacrifice is "brokenly OP" as you say (it can raise tech levels by one, for those who don't know, if God bestows you the great gift of it even happening), then why don't you or someone else come up with a way to balance it? I for one don't need to come up with a way to nerf it, since I actually believe it's phenomenally underpowered. In fact, what would make it more reasonable is that the EXPERIMENTOR starts off unable to do the Blood Sacrifice and upgrading it makes it progressively more and more likely. The chance with max parts doesn't need to be high, it just needs to become slightly more likely. You always stand at the defense of the EXPERIMENTOR, but how does it improve player experience? Just because it exists doesn't mean it should never be changed - it's unfun. I hate it, Cid Squishings hates it, KEVIN hates it, Vince Stall and Jack Price only use it to get freedom implants, Yuki Frost probably doesn't like it. Everyone else seems to be neutral or doesn't bother with it. You are the only person who actually defends it while at least three people, and probably more if you went out of your way to ask, would gladly see it heavily modified or removed. People who play science - or any department for that matter - like to have fun, and the god-awful RNG machine is not fun. It spoils player experience, and people are slowly going to get completely fed up with it now that it's mandatory. EDIT 1: Grammar EDIT 2: Adding the reasons I edited
  7. This is the first I've heard of shadow people. Are they even something that happens, or are they passengers on the adminbus waiting for their next stop?
  8. This happened in the span of three seconds. Tully handled it pretty well. My ears did not q_q
  9. Oh yes that too. Then they can actually fix reinforced walls.
  10. Wow. Alright. Problem solved. I still would like a mailroom system or something to avoid the problem of cargo having one or both of the belts off and maybe or maybe not turning them on ever. Mailman/mail sorter would be a calm and functional job for anyone who wants a quieter shift.
  11. Currently, R&D has a stack of wrapping paper sitting by a pen and a hand labeler. I suppose the intention is that, you're supposed to wrap packages, name them, then send them through disposals and hope cargo ships them to where you labeled. However, disregarding an ideal and hypothetical scenario where everyone understands what's going on and everyone thinks rationally, nobody ever does this. For whatever reasons it just doesn't happen. I propose two potential changes to address this... occurrence (I want to call it a problem but it's not really one). Option 1) Remove the Wrapping Paper from Science It's unused. More so, it's dangerous - you can make improvised shotguns out of it and wrap bombs with it. Option 2) Give Science a Single Destination Tagger This way, the R&D person can rapidly send better tools (welders, scalpels, lockboxed guns, HUDs, etc.) to whoever needs them easily. Calling people to the science desk doesn't usually work - believe me I've tried. You say "science has good stuff" over comms, and what ends up happening is five assistants come asking for guns, maybe one sec officer comes for a single NV HUD, and nobody else. I don't play cargo, so I don't know how often people use the tagger in general, but I don't really think any cargo techs use the destination tagger or that anyone asks for things to be delivered - the whole delivery system is convenient but niche. I know some people may argue that you could label the wrapped item saying "Send to Security" or whatever, but from my experience, cargo techs just let trash pile up on the conveyor. Maybe I'm not giving them enough credit, though. Potential Issue/Counterargument: It becomes easier to send people dangerous bomb packages Maybe, but maybe not. Let's take the scenario that you are a SciTator who wants to ship a bomb to a certain department. Putting aside the fact that your target may or may not be the one to open the package, let's examine a few scenarios in which science does and does not have a tagger. Science has a Tagger You wrap your bomb, tag it, ship it. Someone, maybe your target, but more likely not, opens it and explodes. This depends on whether or not the disposals pipes are even capable of leading directly to another department. As a maint drone, I've set my tagger to somewhere, flushed myself from science, and still ended up going through disposals until I reached cargo, then walking to the next pipe to flush. Science has No Tagger (Current) You wrap your bomb, label it "Please ship to _____", flush it. A cargo tech on the other end sees it, tags it appropriately, and sends it. Someone opens it, maybe or maybe not your target. You wrap your bomb, label it "Please ship to _____", flush it. A cargo tech in disposals sees it, opens it to check if it's legit, and gets blown up. Wrap, label, flush. No cargo tech bothers to ever check the growing pile of trash. Your bomb made it nowhere. Wrap, label, flush. Cargo decided to leave both conveyors on and your bomb goes into the abyss with other trash. It doesn't really become any easier to bomb someone as a traitor. If you really wanted to set of a custom grenade, you'd probably find a way to do so anyway. Honestly, partway through writing this I wanted to delete it all, but I didn't want my work to go to waste. If you agree or disagree, just say +1 or -1; I don't need a long explanation because I can see people hating this already. If you have an alternative or modification to my ideas, please explain. P.S. Maybe we could have a mailroom type thing that's more dedicated? Any wrapped package will be sent directly to the mailroom for inspection and shipment, while trash will be sent directly to the crusher instead of having to take a middle step through cargo. Isn't there a mail delivery chute just below the normal disposal belt that's unused? That could be repurposed somehow or deleted if it's totally useless.
  12. The EXPERIMENTOR, hate it or hate it or be the single person who likes it, has one feature that "shines" above all else (in the same way a wet turd shines more than a dry turd). This feature is to raise the tech level of some items by one level. This is necessary, and with the science update coming soon even more necessary, to get max research ever. Let's put aside the argument of science doesn't need to max research every shift for a moment. Soon, it will be impossible to max research without the EXPERIMENTOR. The feature that can upgrade tech levels and allow research to progress is considered, technically, a failure. If the machine "fails" you get a better tech on the item. Upgrading the parts of the machine ends up reducing the chance of failure - thus reducing the chance of the only good thing it can do. I propose that upgrading it increases the chance of failure, or that the BLOODGOD.exe (the event that upgrades tech levels) no longer be considered a failure. This does not change science's ability to max. With the EXPERIMENTOR as it currently is, it takes 100 tries in the RNGsus lottery and the sacrifice of the same item 30 times before it gets upgraded. Fixing this would make it take fewer tries and fewer items wasted. This would just make it so you don't need the patience of a Tibetan monk to get the upgraded tech level. Getting higher research through the EXPERIMENTOR will happen regardless of whether or not anyone heeds this suggestion.
  13. I already know that nobody will go for this, so if you don't have any contributions to make, please just don't comment and let the thread die. If you support my idea or at least the concept, or have a suggestion to improve it, I encourage you to speak. Any number values used are placeholders. I am just using them to represent when one value should be greater or less than another (e.g. Apples = 20 while oranges = 10 means that, even if the numbers aren't good, apples > oranges. It doesn't even necessarily mean apples = 2 x oranges). There have been many complaints about the current karma system before. Maybe someone suggested what I'm about to say in the past, but I haven't seen anyone say this since I joined, so I'll say it now. I propose an alternative karma system, that relies on positive votes and negative votes. Instead of every crew member having one karma to give one time per round, everyone would get infinite (or if not infinite, then 20) points that could be distributed however the individuals chooses (or perhaps 15 positive points and 5 negative points). For anyone receiving these points, getting a certain number of positive points in one round (15, for example) would result in a gain of one karma, while getting a certain number of negative points (30, for example) would result in the loss of one karma. Points required to lose a karma would have to be far more than that needed to gain a karma to prevent the spam of negative points. The reason I want negative points at all is to punish players who truly deserve it (although I can see that this may be abused, so I understand if the negative points aspect gets no support). This idea might honestly change nothing in the long run, but I imagine it as more reasonable alternative to the current system. My idea is intended to remove the mindset of "I can only reward one person because I only have one karma." I'd like it to be so that players can distribute multiple rewards to others for multiple reasons (did their job well, had a fun personality, etc.), while maintaining the idea that karma should not be common.
  14. Maint drones, meant to repair the station, have a hard time fixing breaches caused by disposals bombs and other shenaniganery due to the fact that they get pushed around by the pressure and vacuum. Maint drones could use built-in magboots, just like how EngiBorgs have. EDIT: Also give them plasteel to be able to make reinforced walls.
  15. ProperPants


    A pug with a name like Winston or Ferdinand. +1
  16. This is amazing. I can't express my gratitude. Tastyfish for best coder.
  17. Yesterday I learned that there is an adminbus machine that turns anything to pass through it black & white. This machine literally has the word mime in the name. Combined with the silence gun the existing adminbus mech has, the Noir Blaster could easily be made.
  18. Not even a joke anymore, this should be a race to parallel Golems. These fuckers can be made by Botany, inhabited by a ghost, and be unleashed on the station. And call them Mangerines instead.
  19. I decided to read the PDA logs as RD. Said they were too boring, then Johannhawk ensued. Also I have to add on that Jonah Bright X Zeke Varloss OTP. Spy on PDA at your own risk, people.
  20. I never knew I needed this in my life.
  21. All the ingredients are here! Tasty, please, if this whole idea seems reasonable to you, at least open a PR to begin this.
  22. Just so that this doesn't end up as a post with no responses, I'm gonna give my +1. It makes logical sense.
  23. That actually makes perfect sense. I play IPC so I don't have to worry about shit like that, so I totally forgot about needing to breathe. I'm perfectly okay with how it is, then.
  24. Some of the work is already done then, so it should be even easier for this to get in the game.
  25. <3 (I'm just waiting for Fox to come in "Would be to OP - Too much work to code - No Fun Allowed!" If he does that I will cry and mail him my salty tears)
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