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Tauka Usanake

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Everything posted by Tauka Usanake

  1. Added the "Die a Glorious Death" objective to http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Traitor#Objectives if it's still a thing. Might need someone better to word it out.
  2. But will it have all the items, refill itself, or become empty? That's the issue here, having the machine keep its same inventory if it gets broken
  3. I think that's the most logical outcome ever
  4. Can we please stop allowing crew to board the station when evacuation is underway? I mean not only is it unrealistic but they don't get to do anything except maybe graytide for ten minutes. Thirteen at best. I'd also argue that during a blob eating the station arrivals also be closed off but that's a different subject. Sure you have that prompt that says evacuation is happening but wouldn't you still think they shouldn't join? Just observe, watch the round end
  5. Yes, yes, and yes, but otherwise I wouldn't be against it. However I'd make it so you have to get a PERFECT score to continue. However I don't think there is a way to enforce not joining without taking that test
  6. If that's the case then you should require the restock units as part of the construction and make it the only item that is not returned with deconstruction. This shouldn't be a hard edit to make Thoroughly against this idea. You shouldn't lose the restock units upon deconstruction. Do you think it's possible for the restock units to contain a list of every item it had in store? Either use it as the "container" for everything the vendor has or make it a list that just copies the data
  7. If that's the case then you should require the restock units as part of the construction and make it the only item that is not returned with deconstruction. This shouldn't be a hard edit to make
  8. ♡ Tauka is based god and top husbando. I just want to be helpful. The wiki does not seem to get a lot of work done on it but I don't want to feel like I'm doing TOO MUCH on it too. If I can find something though and no one gets mad about it then I feel like I'm doing something good. hopefully
  9. Near round end Jayfeather (forgot who he was playing) spawned five golems to protect him, and at round end we all ganged up to kill him. It was awesome.
  10. Doing edits in http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Makeshift_Weapons. Added some of the recipes that we have in the code. Still needs icons
  11. Where were you when we were talking about this in GitHub? Shame on you
  12. Edited Guild to hydroponics quite a bit but really only a few things added to it. I wanted to update things for Xenobotany, but I ended up doing it there instead. It's at least a little nicer though...
  13. PhantasmicDream, I need to you break NTSAM. I want you to make that hand vibrate. Menacingly. My ERP complaints will be withheld for this and this alone.
  14. Yeah but clicks are a sound people can try to mimic. I mean we created tools and communication devices that use clicks and click-like sounds to share information. It's kind of different in that respect from strange sounds.
  15. Added the three missing icons at the bottom of the grill section. I realize they were part of FalseIncarnate's tanks update. Didn't like them missing though. Icons were SalmonSteak.png, TamagoSushi.png, and UnagiSushi.png.
  16. I would imagine symbols to represent sounds that are not easily mimicked. Think like the Rootsong of diona I guess, I don't know how that looks but I would imagine it sounds like something you can't really write out. Like an ethereal type of sound that feels it just phases through the air.
  17. The only way I know how would be to build an AI core, then quickly carding it. That's too much work. Another suggestion then. For later
  18. Quick question: but is it possible to isolate AIs somehow? Or do they all automatically get their station announcement and radio functions upon creation? I've been wondering for... reasons let's say...
  19. So of all the different servers out there I've wondered if there's a certain repository for the wikis that are used. I mean for anyone who wants to make their own version how do they get the wiki pages? Do they just copy each page or is there a process? Is the wiki even available other than just the site?
  20. You are a very good artist. Art education is overrated, you got this all down
  21. I like snowflakes, they're pretty and unique. I really don't have anything else to add to the topic now. The conversation has gone over to general talk about the races and what they have/don't have. Maybe the only thing that would account as a new race would be the plant pod people and the other furry types would just end up being a race selection that only just adds the ears/tail icon over. I wouldn't imagine that too hard to do but I have some other retarded things I'm messing with in the code. Oh, but I am curious about these. Admin spawnable only but I think the Nucleation person could be a rare chance of happening if someone makes a supermatter engine (which is NEVER). The wryn are also interesting but I don't really care for bug people. Call it an IC reason due to some IC jerks.
  22. Can Byond use different text fonts? I'd like to see weird symbols for the Plasmamen language. Would be interesting.
  23. I really don't care about having differentiation between races as much in regards to this suggestion. Granted all the hybrid race ideas would just be slightly modified humans if at that. The very most would be the plant people and that's probably the only race I wouldn't put behind a karma cost or in player creation. More like make it an Easter egg for people going through Hydro cloning. The other hybrids would be, as stated, just human mods. Appearance mainly and would only work for an RP standpoint. Noted again, maybe not the type of RP anyone would enjoy but again again, hammer. It's not my concern that current races are too human. That's not what this suggestion takes into consideration. I just want to see more player customization and choices.
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