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Tauka Usanake

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Everything posted by Tauka Usanake

  1. Yep! That sounds perfect! Bonus if they scream the instant it regrows.
  2. Refrence The hivelord remains replace robotic limbs with real ones and that got me thinking, why not have a feature, maybe a virus or a mutation that lets you regrow limbs? Yeah I figure it's a nitch feature but I find it funny to have someone just pop their arm back out after having it ripped off. Kind of like . Granted if it happened to people with robotic limbs like in the hivelord issue it might be good to pop them off if done.
  3. Body bags don't have arms but you're getting somewhere Body Bag + wirecutters + fishbowl + insulated gloves + tape perhaps? A ton of work and parts for something hard to get normally. Sounds fair to me!
  4. Sadly you can't mass produce pods that easily, you need uranium to make the pod cores; and you don't have access to the EVA suit storage area, (but engineers do?) which makes it harder to actually explore the maps Which is why I would hope for miners to do an amazing job. One step at a time though...
  5. Body bags don't have arms but you're getting somewhere
  6. Maybe it's not so much that no one or OP doesn't want/can't code it but rather they want it to be real and once putting it in as a pull request it gets shot down. I know that's a trial you live life by but it still sucks. I could try making a few of my suggestions yet not sure how far I'd get. The reason I don't though is because I'm still no one on this forum. Didn't intend to be at the start (but I think I'll be sticking around longer) so what place do I have for posting stuff to the community?
  7. I'm not saying I want diona to transform into station parts. Rather have a pre-built station that has a gestalt or multiple in control of the station, kind of like how an AI would be. The issue does come up that diona would technically be able to merge with the station right away so that's a concern. I mean for obvious reasons that wouldn't be supported. How many people even use that? I always play as botanist and I never even look at those bottles. For that matter, it would probably melt a hole into the floor eventually with damage slowly spreading but not becoming something massive. Given crew assistance to the damaged posioned spots the gestalt would be able to regrow the turf. I want a diona AI hologram now and one of their long ass names to match. "The congregation of specks that shine in an endless sea of whispers full of harmony and sweet praise of joy" ... That's my diona's name for now on. No one can steal it from me.
  8. I like the idea. Tape should be used in improvised weapons and duct taping people to the wall/window/floor/whatever sounds hilarious. +1 for this idea
  9. Well they're components. They only have their uses when they need or want to be used. Unless you are going to construct something you don't have much use for an igniter or signalling device. Analyzer is basically a backup if you don't have access to atmos scanning which every PDA has. The GPS is actually a little more useful than those items you listen because they have a more stated use. At the very least they could be used like the said igniter and signaler by being screwdrivered and attached kind of like a ghetto tracking.
  10. I've thought about this a few times and I think I also read somewhere that diona can also sometimes integrate technology into themselves? Either way, what if there was a Diona space station? It might be possible that they could harvest plasma from a star or gas giant and the crew could take advantage of that. They could have certain station components built into the diona gestalt like sleep rooms and a COMPLETELY SEPARATE Toxins area. The station might also be self-powered as the gestalt uses radiation and might be able to use it for certain lighting inside. Machinery might need proper wiring however but that's for Science to work out. Just thought this could be an interesting idea. If not for a completely new station idea then maybe an away map.
  11. Why do SecHUDs and MedHUDs have the ability to set records anyways? That's what the computers are for. If you want a mobile means of setting records then you should have a laptop computer or possibility do so on a PDA with the correct access/cartridge in it. HUDs should be just what they are, a Heads Up Display of what you are looking at and nothing more. Besides, I'm sure everyone wants to swipe their ID against their head in order to use something.
  12. The Karma System is dependent on a peer-to-peer system in a sense. I one day hope to unlock Mechanic just so I can try mass producing pods but having only the luck of 3 karma for a while (not bad seeing I only started within the month or two?) I don't see that pipe dream coming true yet. I don't know what a solution would be and I'm not going to agree with OP on the subject, but it might be something to take some consideration into. If you think about it this is kind of the same issue that crew transfer voting has. No many people use it and I at first didn't know how to use it at first either.
  13. Name: Alex Eckhardstein Age: 31 Gender: Male Race: Human Blood Type: AB+ General Occupational Role(s): Botanist Biography: Alex started off as a farm hand back in his youth. He loved tending plants and always did his best for them. After growing and realizing he required a real job he decided to apply to Nanotrasen to work as a botanist. Being that they were commonly on short supply or didn't always have any to supply the chef with food [spoiler2](take your pick)[/spoiler2] they jumped at the chance to have someone who was dedicated to the job. Alex studies to be as best a botanist as he can, already excelled at multitasking a full garden and even going so far as to expand the growing space. He does not yet understand the machines that are used to make strange hybrid plants but hopes to one day learn. Alex has taken a liking to the diona species that he found seeds for. They are always one of the first seeds he plants. Sometimes he is the sole botanist on the station for a while so they give him company and are also great assistants for tending to the plants. [spoiler2](when they stay that is)[/spoiler2] He's not afraid of bees unlike many others and is happy to share the same room with them. Qualifications: Plants. Lots and lots of plants. Employment Records: None prior to working on the NSS Cyberiad. Security Records: None Medical Records: So far, only death Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: As of recently (literally the game I just finished playing) he is FUCKING TERRIFIED OF THE AI. It went rouge and proceeded to make him feel the sweet, cold embrace of DEATH ITSELF. The AI had four attempts on his life and succeeded twice at it. The first attempt he sent a Medical borg to kamikaze him in Hydroponic and the second time the AI tried to DEPRESSURIZE Hydroponics. After that, almost every single door, (LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE DOOR) he tried opening resulted in his hand requiring burn heals. Finally the AI succeeded in killing him after he crept into the kitchen for food as Hydroponics was still recovering and then the kitchen was then depressurized while the chef and another outside watched Alex slowly die. After being cloned the AI then proceeded to depressurize the cloning room. Thankfully the medics there were more than competent and managed to get him out alive with most of his gear. After escaping from that METAL DEATH TRAP on the shuttle he snuck into the shuttle bridge in hopes of it being safer than with the crew [spoiler2]because they were all crazy super-powered monsters turning everything into rainbows[/spoiler2] and was murdered by an engineer borg. Right before landing at CentCom. He was resurrected, for sure, but he has the undying memory of when the AI made him submit to death twice. He is now permanently afraid of any machine intelligence and will go into a crazy fit until the offending electronic is gone. He is not COMPLETELY the same way with IPCs understanding they are more like humans than machines in a sense, but he's still... careful around them... OOC: I LOVED THAT ROUND. Sure it was a pain trying to survive and complain to whoever would listen that the AI was out to get me (NO ONE LISTENED) and then that slow death was horrible. The sucker punch at the end was a dick move though but it added well to his character development. Kudos to you all! I finally have a real character!
  14. Okay, THAT I can get behind. That would be hilarious. It does however sound a little like the horse mask curse. Still a nice idea.
  15. I can't say I like the idea of Security scouters being put behind a lockbox. I don't understand how they are dangerous to any non-sec crew. From what I understand on it, it's just a heads up display of the crew's job and security status, also if they are implanted or not. I can't honestly see how this would work for someone unless they are meta-gaming. Unless I'm missing something?
  16. I'm only saying this because I don't want anyone else to say it first. [spoiler2]Tentacles.[/spoiler2] My work here is done. Otherwise, I think we have enough different races at the moment. No reason to add anymore at the moment. OR give us more clothing sprite issues...
  17. That's an idea. Make it something that can spawn from the fish tanks. Maybe make it so it doesn't lay any eggs too so the Babel fish won't multiply.
  18. I honestly have no clue how exactly does adding a quick item slot mechanic changes the difficulty of the game, so in turn, I have no idea what you're talking about. I think we barely understand what you're talking about. The slots all work fine as they are. It just depends on the player being able to use them best. Make the most of his inventory as it be.
  19. How about we get someone on all the Vox clothings and get it over at once?
  20. I personally like this idea. The computer has been there forever and I'd like to see it have more use. That said I also like the idea of a stationary anesthetic machine. You shouldn't have to hook up a tank to someone's back when they are laying on it
  21. Didn't a diona bite me at one point or was that before this update? I can't remember but it damaged me somehow. Also how is it they speak again if without a mouth? Too lazy to check the wiki
  22. I actually have a sprite for lasagna that I used once before. It was just a shrunken down image but it still looked good. I could post it if you're interested and/or lazy to make one
  23. I see this feature and I don't really care for it. Real life doesn't have progress bars and I enjoy waiting for that visual update to my action. I'm not going to argue realism for this though. I'm just going to say I don't like it. Please make it optional in Preferences.
  24. I don't know, if I was mindslaved I'd probably do what I'm told in the most direct way possible unless given certain instructions. Like, "Go murder Bob," I'll just go find him and start toolboxing him or something. "Go murder Bob but don't get caught," I would be more careful about what I do. I would argue it all depends what is told but that's just me. It almost doesn't matter if it ruins my game because I just Hydroponics anyways, but I would still be playing either way
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