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Tauka Usanake

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Everything posted by Tauka Usanake

  1. I'm not really sure what you mean. Can you explain that a bit more? So imagine that every new music that is to be included is around the same size as another already in-game (let's say the largest one just for tests sake). Copy/paste renamed versions of those files and associate them with the areas you want to have new music for. You'll have to download multiple files then because they are all separate different named. It's a thought and I can't see why it wouldn't work for a test
  2. It could be put to a vote just how much would be downloaded. You'd need to have examples of what music would play first before pushing this topic any further. Personally I don't mind the idea but it has to be implemented as best as possible. Could we get a test to see how much extra music for each area would take to download? Just copy and rename existing music as a basis and time it. I'd like to know just what difference it would make.
  3. Can't we make a compact radio jammer? Something that will mute comms in a small area around it? That way you can get someone and they can't scream bloody murder but you yourself also can't hear radio due to being in the range. Maybe give it a slight charge and cooldown too. I think this could be a good syndicate item
  4. I'm thinking the same thing. This is a good idea, but not for security. This is more of an R&D thing as Nanotrasen is still studying slimes. This could be a result of some of those studies. It could be an alternative to laser tag
  5. Not slime bodies I say. Maybe the slime extracts, and whenever they are used or not they have special properties included with their stickness
  6. Easiest way I make different icons is look at existing weapons and then copy all the human body icons and pixel art around them. Then again this was back in older code but it shouldn't have changed much
  7. I don't know how much I like this idea to be honest. Maybe make it a researchable weapon instead. That sounds quite Sciency to me
  8. I picked up a silver coin, I think from QM office, and though, "Huh, looks like Two-Face's coin. Sure would be cool if I could flip it." And I clicked it. And it flipped. And I woooooowed. But there was no animation on my character. I want to be able to see it being flipped. How can I feel like a mob boss if no one can see me physically flip the coin? I request this feature please!
  9. I actually read that which was the basis for my question above. I might be a nerd
  10. I just want to say I love Scrubmcnoob's avatar when I read this.
  11. Don't IPC's not have laws? How would getting a zero law affect them? Unless I'm thinking this too much. I thought positronic brains were basically synthetic human brains
  12. My friend once tried to give each area its own ambient music when he was coding in our old server. It wasn't bad but he never finished it. I believe this is a decent idea but should be looked into a little more. Else, I know there are "disable sounds" buttons you can press so if no one likes the music they can just mute it. +1/2 for this idea
  13. I can agree with not having it but I know a few (read: one person) who would kill for such a feature. He did have poop working in an old build we ran but it has been lost since changing to a different code base. You could find yourself doing a few more things with this though. Like a stomach virus that makes you go. And the farts as they were but nothing really important.
  14. I don't want to change this subject from LINDA but what are the chances ZAS could be reincorporated? I remember it being merciless when exposed to space, sucking out all the air and leaving you to die. I kind of miss it I guess.
  15. Rideable space carp. The best mount ever. Or any of the mobs from the mining planet. I think I'd like a Goldgrub or a slime as a rideable mob but that's just me and my slime fetish which I do not have at all. Totally.
  16. I think I can see a use to chewing off your hand (even though I really can't stand the thought). You'd be limiting yourself for a bit of extra security against justice. I guess you always could replace the hand with a prosthetic if you catch them again. Can you chew off hands that are not fleshy?
  17. What if you made it so that you need two recorders, just screwdriver them together so that one is input and the other is output? Seems a little more worth getting if you put just a little more work into it I think.
  18. Hello, I am a newcomer to this station but not a stranger to SS13. I'm not here to so much as join your server (I doubt I'd get known well enough at any rate due to my Sims play style) but rather as to learn more about your code base and hopefully make a new branch for some friends of mine. I do plan to attend your server to understand its inner workings but otherwise I don't believe I will become a well off member. I normally play as Captain on our BayStation12 server (just to keep others from screwing around) but I like playing as Hydroponics or Xenobiology primarily. The calm and slow process of growing plants for the station crew and the breeding slimes (gotta collect them all!) is a nice pastime to me. Otherwise I don't mind Robotics or Shaft Miner but those are slightly more situational and less immediately rewarding to me. I'll try not to be too annoying or bothersome on here and the server. I'm sure I'll stick around for a while at least though. If your coders here could get things from /tg/ into BayStation12 code then hopefully I can come here for some tips.
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