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Tauka Usanake

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Everything posted by Tauka Usanake

  1. I see no reason why not to do this but if it makes it harder to break in via windows then maybe it could be a problem. I wouldn't know though, ask someone smarter than me
  2. I still don't see the purpose. The closest I can get is using a box as a Metal Gear Solid reference but I think I'm wrong in that regard
  3. Alienating your own child? Harsh. I like how the rules are listed but I think this one needs a little more wording to better suit the theme, but I'm sure you're on that. Also, is there enough space for eight core laws? I forget where the other laws start
  4. pAI v2? Yes please. Suicide booth? Fuck yes please. Phones? Sure, sounds nice. For a PDA though I say you make it a cartridge. I don't see those having enough love. I dont think I fully understand the money suggestion, but I like the use of both coins and space dollars. I however do not like dependence on credit for sorely the reason I want a more physical means of exchange. Park with trees? Well hydrobotanic plants do have the capacity to eat gasses in the environment and spit out other gasses but most of them are not configured to do so. Best luck you get is exotic plants that have a random chance for it. If plants in general did this I'd be happy but having something similar to a structure that is like a tree doing it, maybe not.
  5. WE HAVE FOX PLUSIES? Must have now tell me how
  6. I'd still like to throw Telescience out on to the Science Outpost whenever it gets reinstated
  7. When I asked such a question the answer was "slap it in there and if no one likes it the admins will burn it" so go ahead.
  8. This shouldn't be hard to code in at all. Should be a simple copy/paste with edits only if you can't make it a child object. The only issue is getting the midis for it but that too shouldn't be tough if someone knows where to look (I don't). I wonder how many instruments we can get in? Do the midis add in any increased downloading to joining?
  9. YES! And when the "Father" dies or cryos/SSDs/leavessomehow the mother AI becomes depressed and maybe goes into grief that sounds hilarious but that's all RP granted. Might be a little tough if the captain or other command person isn't male. I don't even care anymore about the issues this might have. I just want to see this lawset in action
  10. I thought that was charcoal? Doesn't it get rid of all chemicals in the body? So basically Botanists who think Security is a bunch of shit? Not to shoot down your idea or anything but that's basically all there is to it. I can't see it being a good gamemode either to be honest
  11. I want to play a Mother AI. The only issue I can see with that lawset though is the possibility of the AI to ignore them, but that might conflict with the protection law so maybe not too big an issue, and the punishment law. At the very most I can see the AI only locking up someone for misbehaving or otherwise doing security's job. I guess the better course would to have to forgo law 2 in order for them to be punished by security, that being detained if they resist. I really like this lawset though but it might need a bit more working
  12. Doesn't blood have DNA in it already? How much harder can it be to do?
  13. I'd argue the barber is a useless karma job with the only benefit of it being that you can cut and color peoples hair for no reason, BUT I'm sure there is a counter argument waiting. I also really don't want another Ore Redemption Machine. I miss watching the conveyor belt smelting and stacking metals. I understand why it was done, I just don't care for it. The same for a ticket machine and a whole area that is basically a new bar sans drunkards but more gaming machines. Sure a ticket machine would make things more simple, but having someone give you the prize you so fought the RNG for is a lot more satisfying. Lastly, I really don't want the ticket machine to be emagged and getting explosive teddy bears out of it. I know that'll be a thing eventually and I can't see any reason for it
  14. I can see it now. A new karma job that's basically Arcade Owner or something such. Needs better name as I do not know. OR you could just make a machine that eats up tickets and gives away a prize but that's BORING. Similar: this sounds like cash registers which I believe the higher ups don't really care for. I think I'd like the economy it would stand for but I don't know if it would work for us.
  15. You mean the tank? I thought that was normal when you empty it of all gases. I do that all the time in Toxins
  16. I am going to have so much fun and so many nightmares when I get into atmos
  17. I only count one but we could easily make it three. It's a shame Tauka is on vacation Seriously, if you forget about it then so will I. I am literally that simple minded
  18. I now want Adr's badge thing below his picture to read "oldmin" instead of "Senior Admin". Someone do that please. Also, first Edit: AND ON TOP
  19. I always thought the bots should have an extra step in their construction. I mean they somehow gain mobility, sometimes a voice, and an interface be it physical or remote. This is going a little off the OP but does anyone else feel that the bots should have some more mechanics inside them?
  20. You could make an anti-space lube chemical. Something that will dissolve it, maybe like space cleaner. Advanced space cleaner? A solvent for any chemical, liquid charcoal stuff? I'm just spit balling now
  21. That's the hat, right? I see it pop on my characters sometimes too and don't know why. I like that hat. #bringbackmetroids
  22. How about this? Give space lube the water icon and change water to a more static but fade-over-time light blue icon so you know it's there? Yeah I know, water isn't blue but I think it's somewhere in the right direction at least. Bonus if you can make wet surfaces smooth together
  23. I will not lie, but anime sick girl was what I was thinking for this as well as mentioned Oracle.
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