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Tauka Usanake

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Everything posted by Tauka Usanake

  1. I just realized that could also mean a wagon that's swag... Dreamy, if you may please
  2. he's a swagon inb4 that becomes a thing Dreamy makes him
  3. 29 I wonder how far this could go if just a few people constantly posted. Would it be BSA-able?
  4. If Hydro is doing their job and making a lot of plants they will most likely have more than the chef can handle and will have more than enough to spare for the biogenerator. If they're only making drugs then you can still expect them to have enough to grind up in there. You know, granted they aren't stoned enough to do so
  5. Vampires lore-wise are created when a bluespace entity takes over a being that is on the verge of death. This wouldn't be bad in regards but I can see it (or at least tried however it's implemented) being meta-gamed just a bit. You can't have them spawn from other players because then there'll be ghosts playing characters that are not their own. And then there's the argument that vampires are special antags and there's a reason they are more rare than the other gamemodes but I don't care about those. I like having the more rare gamemodes happening more but blarg so whatever
  6. I'll go with it but only if I can kick it into other people. Also sand. Gotta kick that into people to incite fights like a man.
  7. If you want to hold syringes just get a medical belt. Ask Hydroponics to make one for you or grind in the Garden. As for the explosives doesn't security belt do those already? I wouldn't know
  8. What's bothering me now is I swear I used to know the story behind that and now I've completely forgotten. Man, I really want to know where he went. I remember when my old server stuck him in arrivals for no reason. He always did make the best burgers
  9. omg you are so mean Dreamy. That's hilarious
  10. Aww, I was going to post that. This is what it turned into later. But with more space floor near the end of the round. Also all those toys
  11. Question: What ever happened to Mr. Muggles? I know he used to be Pun Pun but WHAT happened to him?
  12. I want these hardsuits so badly they have to be a thing on the station please someone do it
  13. I don't think it would be that abuseable. Items show above belts as far as I've seen. Any item on top of the belt moves with it and I don't know if someone on a belt with a slip under them would slip too. Maybe you or someone else does but I don't. And I don't think plastic flaps are constructable so wherever that comes into play I'd like to know
  14. The only thing there I can think of is that they need a lever or switch to operate. I noticed we have mass driver button frames but never tried building them. If levers or switches are constructable then I could imagine a multitool to easily link the belts to one of them but now it just became just slightly more work
  15. I'd rather the conveyor belts, which I'm betting are the indestructible equipment aside from the surgery table and disposal box, be made constructable as they actually have fun uses which I can never get to do because I can't place them anywhere. At least make them wrench-able to be moved about. Use a screw driver or something to make them into turns. Would this be hard to make a thing?
  16. I would go for the opposite actually. I'd rather the boots cover the suit because why would you not want to show off your sexy magnetic boots that there are only so many of on the station and people would kill you for? Otherwise, I'd rather hardsuit kits for all the other races that would otherwise clip with hard and space suits. In fact I'd argue that doing this would make for even cuter tajaran and vulpkanin. Ears on the space suit helmets! Bonus if other species like humans can wear them too
  17. I'm for a new weapon that could murder more commits but I have to ask, would a frag grenade gib someone if they are on the same tile or at most just remove some limbs? Dare I ask putting one into someone's inventory?
  18. And I thought I was a monsterOh wait I am I don't see this causing any harm. Shouldn't be tough to code in unless the container just ends up splashing on to the machine. Or can that be interacted with by the claw game? At any rate, I vote to give lube more use
  19. Pretty much anything I would add to this has already been stated. I like trying to make a shotgun as my vulp and then freaking the fuck out wondering if Security will bust my ass. I don't like how the receiver is Protolathe only and would like to see it be made from something else. Plasteel is a nice idea or maybe you could do something with a table recipe. Making the receiver would be something a bit tough I'd imagine. Tech shells are another problem also limited to the Protolathe and might be better moved to a hacked Autolathe. I don't know if the receiver should be removed. I want to think there is a possible modular science guns that could be made in R&D. That would require more parts though and a different topic. Or maybe I just want Fallout 4
  20. Give it movement animations and I'm SOLD
  21. We need R2-D2 and other droid units now
  22. I'll put my vote out and say it should be a maintenance tunnel. That green door doesn't have much purpose there
  23. For some reason this makes a lot of sense to me. I find this strangely accurate too and I have no reason why. They just seem it. Maybe wouldn't be bad to make the lore into some similar fashion, minus obvious historic references. Hm. I still like possible tribal lifestyle. I'd go for a company that's not NanoTrasen finding them and bringing them to the known other systems for cultural reasons. I don't really like how NT gets all the limelight. Surely there must be some other company out there that can beat them to some of the things. Unnamed even, just not NT for once
  24. I still semi-like the first idea thrown out there by Kevak. I agree with most others that it needs work but I'd call that a solid starting point for their lore. Personally I don't think everything should be space-faring or scientifically advanced. I'd go for these guys being slightly trible, wolf packish as it would. I'd keep it as simple like they were just incorporated into working for NT, maybe in exchange for some form of enlightenment or cultural diversity. I could see that for the Vulpkanin. Maybe a race interested in arts or just curious. There isn't much of a special way most vulps act which kind of disappoints my autistic tendencies (vox have their Engrish after all and slimes go squish). I'd really like some guidelines for how they would act but nothing restricting. Nothing to give excuse to misbehave but I realize that's easier said than done and by that not much easier. Hmmmm, do you think we could make this into a community project? Just something we could have a bunch of everybodies to chip into and then vote on who likes what more? I'd try writing out a lore myself but I'm pretty sure no one will like it and a few others have tried so also. If not a voting thing then maybe also submitting the ideas and having a topic made on them instead of just general conversation on what should be done. Not to point the finger but if people want this to happen then they need to get it out there known by others. Maybe mention on the server or just an announcement on the forum itself. Dare I say contest for this maybe? I'd go for it even if there wasn't a prize. [/my2cents]
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