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Everything posted by davidchan

  1. My father did not die fighting the great silent oppression for my brothers in arms to be denied rightful pay for their honking service to humanity.
  2. Seems like the new crit system is screwing up antags far more than regular crew. Lings, Wizards, Nuke Ops, Agents. If they go into shock once they basically have no hope of recovering. Also what was the point of adding variance to medical when you're simultaneously removing many of the basic tools and items?
  3. Yeah no, even a passive reading of space law and Security SOP and you get the gist that Security is to use physical violence only as a last resort and even executing a criminal who has committed multiple murders or devastated the station with sabotage still requires security to go through the proper channels to get approval, premature executions can result in demotions or incarceration even if they would have been justified had security just waited for the verdict. Adding flogging or any other form of beatings and corporal punishment sends a signal in the opposite direction that security can and should act like brutes who legal threaten beatings and carry them out with no repercussions. If we are going to allow that we might as well remove security as a whole, make the armory and brig cells command access and allow lynching when ever greytide desires. Cause that's the exact direction you'll be taking the community if you go through with this.
  4. I just want the blueshit's riotshotgun/personal armory back.
  5. I feel some chemical could be simplified in general, things like salbutamol and oculine being exceptionally complex for rather basic chems. Having the ability to make acetone, phenol, ammonia, sulfuric acid and deithylamine would be a huge saver on medchem headaches. It'd be rather neat if sleeper upgrades allowed you to choose what chems dialysis pulls or doesn't pull out of the patient (similar to air scrubbers via air alarms) or auto inject chems if it detects damage/low blood. Though hopefully coderbus sees the light and realizes taking away sleeper chem upgrades entirely was a bad thing.
  6. I like the department lathes but the way the gear is divided doesn't always make sense. If miners want a telescopic shield and bluespace backpack, they need to go harass Security and Science to get them, and security rarely if ever gives combat gear to anyone even when they need it.
  7. My point being that adrenals need to be retooled so they are not reliable for prolonged fights. It either needs to be a short burst of anti-stun that allows you to quickly finish a fight you otherwise would have won were it not for the stun, or to give the agent/op a chance to break combat and run away to regroup. Not the current minimal effort get out of jail free card with out any discernible downside since it's one use anyways and you can't OD. Thats a bad analogy since W + M1 only works if you ambush your opponent or otherwise going against someone who can't properly fight back. It's not overpowered, it just requires an objective lack of skill to be overwhelmed by it.
  8. Adrenals is the problem here, not the E-swords. Stun is king of combat and while deflect/block makes it harder to stun them, it's the actual kip up from adrenals that allows them to get up quickly and re-arm that is making them seemingly invincible. If stims came with a side effect (a twitch that made them turn the d-blade off or drop the weapon) then you'd almost assuredly see this particular strategy less effective without nerfing other game modes (traitor) who might use the weapon. Adrenals should be flight or fight, not both.
  9. Toy AI is the traitor AI upload item.
  10. The turret blind spots are a problem, the turrets being against the wall is another major flaw. Having them against the wall makes it possible to smash one of them in melee by hopping back and forth before it can open. If there is one space between them and the outerwall (like old sat had) then its harder to get in and take your swing before it's ready to fire. Turrets could use an overhaul in general, from taking reduced damage when undeployed (or opening) to having a 'hot' setting where they deploy and have their first shot charged and waiting for when someone gets in range, maybe with a larger power passive power draw when in this mode. Why the AI APC hasn't been made EMP proof like engineering SMES is similarly beyond me, EMPs have been given to almost all antags for negligible costs or otherwise easy to access (anyone with ORM access can make an EMP grenade if Mining is the least bit competent.) and Ion Carbines backpack storable and printable for cheap.
  11. Why not replace the IPC's epipen with a non refillable oil injector? Off topic but I'd also like to see duct tape be able to make temporary repairs to IPCs as well as hobo rig up casts for broken limbs in general.
  12. Nukes winning or losing pretty is determined before they leave their hangar. If all nukes are working together, formulating a plan and gearing up in a way to synergize, they'll dominate. If everyone just buys what ever toy they wanted to use and equip to solo or cause mass chaos with little to no care if anyone grabs the disk or nuke, nukes fail. Veteran ops who like winning know the best way to do that is to work closely with others who know what they are doing and try to minimize the screw ups rookies will do. Problem is most rookies don't read the chat window and spend the entire prep time browsing the uplink then walk out the air lock with their suit in combat mode or their internals off and die of exposure. In the long run the actions of the crew are pretty much irrelevant. If the ops are working together and being smart, no amount of preparation by the crew will help them since the nukes always know the general direction of the disk. If the nukes are solo ramboing then the crew will pick them off one by one till the shuttle arrives. The solution isn't to make it harder or less time for the crew to coordinate and resist, but better emphasize to the nukes they need to work together and not act like agents carrying out personal goals and vendettas. Its one of the many reasons I've been pushing for months for VR consoles to get ported and one of the minigames being a nuke mode so people can get a chance to use nuke gear. Nuke is a role that I feel everyone should get a chance at playing sooner or later, but the occurrence of getting it is rare enough that throwing people in blind isn't really fun or fair.
  13. Seems like a knee jerk reaction. If there is an OD it needs be very high (+100) as its meant to be used in massive quantities. Lowering the amount of chems a body can hold or just making it so having a combined total of 500 or more chems can have other side effects. Even if you put an OD threshold on SGS people will just drink a ton of water and pop salt/sugar pills to regularly top off. IMO SGS is too ineffective at healing anything to make it worth abusing, I regularly pump monkeys full of it to harvest blood for synth flesh and after 15 minutes the monkey will still won't be fully regen'd. Justifying SGS to get an OD level would require it to be more effective.
  14. Vamps having xray at all is ridiculous, especially given that it comes bundled with immunity to holy water and the chapel (their only weaknesses), they already get thermals to begin with. X Ray has been a no risk, high level power for years. Even with the listed cons (which if you read the whole suggestion can still be avoided by just getting the eye implants stalled) you still gain a huge tactical advantage over everyone else. Xray has no downsides for its power, nor does it have any visual tells that it is active, unlike TK or Hulk which both make your sprite very noticeable. A PR was thrown up to remove Xray from the genetics list, and despite popular support from the community it was closed by maintainers. My suggestion is a compromise to keep an overused power in the game and stopping it from making Thermals redundant. That in itself is the very definition of balance.
  15. My proposed changes (and overall nerf) to X-ray would be as follows. In short, if you want to see everything, you will see EVERYTHING and only science/medical implants have a hope of countering the draw backs. If everyone in security gets X-ray then they do so at the risk of their own flashbangs hitting them and without their HUDs without implants from robotics. If Vampires are still going to get Xray as a bonus for their true form power, then the meta of harass sec and jaunt away, then smart security gets to pop a flashbang quickly and stun the vamp through walls if they know the little turd is there.
  16. queue admemes spawning blobs and xenos once its clear nobody can activate a nuke now.
  17. This isn't really needed because once the mindshield is gone anyone with a security HUD can see the green block missing from the person's overlay. Security can and absolutely should be detaining members of the security force roaming the station without implants anyways, at least those not already known to have been recently cloned or had their implant destroyed through some rare and unusual means. And it only further reinforces that goodcurity patrols in pairs for this very situation that if one loses their headset or gets knocked out the other can call for backup and alert the rest of the force.
  18. Nail on the head. The problem with Slings is no alternate viable actions. They have to snowball because that is the only thing that works. In a game mode that's supposed to focus on the interaction between thralls and masters, there is relatively little interaction. I've always been disappointed a Sling can't empower specific thralls to help them from the shadows (no punintendo), or sacrifice thralls into void/null beings with extra powers but otherwise fail to empower the Sling or count as an active thrall, or the ability to resurrect dead non-thralls through possession or what ever negative essence they thrive upon. If people truly insist that Loyalty implants should prevent thrall conversion, then Slings need some means use for a corpse like how Cults can blood shard someone into a construct.
  19. Lets see, players who care about their character(s) will have to make an effort to be productive and not fuck off with their clique and take up job slots, or they'll have to keep rolling rando names and faces and making it harder for the cliques to stay together and know who each other are without some more obvious metacomms going on. I'm not seeing the downside.
  20. I don't even know if its worth justifying a response to 'Low RP system' in a game where the lore is about a mega corporation sabotaging their competition to secure a monopoly on plasma and development of such technologies for the sole purpose of making one hell of a profit... and the employees of said station operate in some socialist dystopia where they can afford just about anything they'd ever want and receive services for no work on their part? Back on topic, one possible iteration for if/after economy gets ported would be accruing debt. Just showing up for a round and doing nothing shouldn't even break even, people who sit in the bar and drink all shift digging themselves into a whole, cloning and complex medical care charging a fair penny, and if a player ends a round dead they are deducted even more as NT pulls up an offsite back up, force clowns and sends them in on the next shift to make up for productivity, each death then carry round to round penalties where you need to take out loans just to be able to eat some rounds and failing to show up for work (not logging in to a character for 3+ days) could have a penalty tossed on as well, these of course would need to be capped. And dare I suggest running the risk of putting yourself into debt and not being able to legally afford most services the station offers, the Syndicate or other nefarious organizations might prioritize such a candidate for work over mr money bags who always works the high paying jobs and never has less than 8 digits in their ATM balance (or, alternatively if the Syndicate made the loan to you in the first place a rival agent being tasked with harvesting your organs and shipping them out for sale to cover the debt)
  21. As long as most of the paychecks are coming form Department Accounts (with perhaps a stipend from CC to each account to support but not fully cover costs) I feel the system could work really well. SOP and Space Law would have to be updated to cover Embezzlement and Fraud, with the HoP and IAAs having to keep an eye on accounts to watch for suspicious activity and do audits if someone suddenly gets rich for no reason. Clever agents just finding a way to create or hijack multiple accounts and play the shell game with their money. I guess for me the perfect system would be that all EFTPOS transactions go to the dept account with the seller (who ever configured the scanner) getting a commision of 5-20% of the sale (Dept Head can set this from their office) and 5% being taxed by Command and another 5% being taxed by CC. Command could alter this tax rate to suit their needs as could CC change their rate. Admins could run events where CC bumps the tax rate up to cover costs, or issues fines or the like upon Command that must be paid or face severe consequences (with the extreme example being the crew fucking up so bad they have 15 minutes or so to raise 100k or 1 million or else CC will send in a Deathsquad, and going off the lore as is they might just send the squad in anyways.)
  22. While I do agree that money is generally too easy to find with perhaps a half a dozen garunteed spots for a few thalers to be laying about, I disagree with your example of dying because you can't afford the medicine. As already pointed out, departments can get their resources for free, you'd only die if no doctors or medical staff were willing to assist you. All it does is incentivise crew to go to department staff first rather than just bypass them and take what they want. This system actually has some promise of working so long as department accounts came make direct orders through Cargo using their own funds, so if say medical was low on medkits, they could use their funds to buy more from Cargo without cargo needing to spend their points on it, and if medical chose they could sell those kits for a profit and just order even more medkits in the next batch. By making it prohibitivly expensive to be the jack of all trades and do every job yourself and never rely on anyone else, the system at least passively encourages people to allow others to do their jobs and get a little bonus for it. I'm not 100% what /tg/ economy entails on its own, but the idea of being able to pay a fine instead of spending time in the brig for minor/moderate crimes certainly is something that appeals to me, particularly if the HoS/Warden could turn that income into more equipment around the brig for use by the officers. I'm am doubtful that jobs like Janitor, Clown, Engineers or Chaplain have any reliable source of income though in rounds, as they'll get yelled at for trying to charge money to do their job (where as Bartender/Chemist/Cook get away with charging for their products), botanist too has me somewhat worried they might try charging the Chef for ingredients and thats just bad for everyone.
  23. I knew Blueshield could Swipe but didn't know they had bonus privileges like that. Though yeah, I do agree that if the Blueshield has it the magistrate should, as well as any other perks shared between the NT Rep and Blueshield that the magistrate might otherwise not have.
  24. I'm sorry but since when is the clown being addicted to shut the duck up a bad thing?
  25. I would urge against sending convicts through the gateway since its usually a one way trip, and SOP strongly implies Security is to look out for the well being of Convicts and revive them ASAP if/when they die. Also would basically be a free escape attempt for the convict since they'd be evading custody.
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