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Everything posted by Plotron

  1. That's brilliant, but how does sound propagation work in code? Walls block sound, but they also block the line of sight. If the sound travels based on the line of sight and the medium (vacuum), how would you add that glass? Alternatively, you could simply have an awkward whisper meeting...
  2. Yes. You only need flash protection when you get disarmed like a sore loser and fail to pick it up first. Flash is a non-lethal way of stopping fights. You pull it out to surprise the enemy who's beating you or running away. The enemy likely won't disarm you instantly because switching intents takes time and fast reaction skills. I usually use the flash when the assailant has a weapon of any kind and I need more time to analyze the situation.
  3. I'm worried that this would further the disconnect between Medical Chemistry and the rest of the station. Valid point:
  4. The privacy shutters are so you can talk IN PRIVATE, not fend off greytide. It's not a problem of invasions, but a matter of privacy. The way you speak of privacy shutters means that these little things are a little too strong for what their name implies. Thank you for raising this. RD is a head, QM is not. CMO has privacy shutters, but it's probably because the office is exposed to patients - there's less trespassing in Science than in Medbay. Likewise, HoS is a head but doesn't have privacy shutters, as the office is located deep within Brig, where you'd expect to see only loyalty implanted personnel. CE? CE is in Engineering. No interaction with the outside world, no shutters. HoP is exposed out there in the hallway - privacy shutters. Has regular contact with civilians and he's second in command. Chef? Chef had privacy shutters installed because of trespass issues, but now it appears that the windoors have solved it. I don't think he's supposed to prepare meals in secrecy. Robotics and RnD front desks? Privacy shutters, for whatever reason. Keep in mind that they are actual front desks, complete with a windoor and metal table. His shutters? Unlikely. Mind the botany and the animal pen. Kitchen freezer? Definitely. The problem is, it doesn't address the privacy problem at all. It's a solution to a problem that never was. That's the sanest response so far - I agree. It used to be the case, now it's not. Sure, it's kinda cool to have his office adjacent to the lobby so he can talk out of it, but more often than not - the QM is expected to man the front desk anyway. And since most of you deem privacy shutters to be too powerful in their current incarnation, it's logical to move the office itself. we do have that, it's not mapped in anywhere though, because it's shutters without the advantage of protection Here's an interesting alternative. What do you people say?
  5. Vampires are a weak and boring gamemode already. I'm against giving more tools to robust antags. Curing vampirism, however, sounds like a neat idea. Imagine it as a loyalty implant tailored specifically for vampires, but one that works with consent - so instead of getting executed, the vampire may be cured and let out of Brig as a non-antag. It does, however, conflict with our current bluespace lore. It's logically impossible to cure a bluespace creature of being a bluespace creature; it's as if you invented a drug that would fix humans being human.
  6. Worse yet, you can't examine over cameras.
  7. Private things in private places. It's a medium-sized office with lots of windows. Back in old cargo it used to be deep within, now it's exposed. I vote for PRIVACY SHUTTERS. It's an office. QM's office. Private things in private places! Prepare for the upcoming Gang mode. Also make separate buttons for the cargo lobby and mining part.
  8. Let's talk about Episode VII...
  9. Agreed. Even Gothic 3 with its old open world had more quests. And they were fun, too! There was less to explore, sure, but not everything has to feel like a mini-dungeon (I'm talking about you, Fallout 4!) I play Fallout 4 as an exploration game with simple quests that are meant to give some sense of storyline progression. And the gameworld is massive! The time counter on my latest save shows over 4 days of playtime. The world feels a bit smaller now, but I feel like there's still enough content for another 2-4 days.
  10. Who said that? Please read the post again. It's about getting rid of the binary greentext/failtext and replacing it with multiple objectives you can basically choose from - the more you accomplish, the more points you gather, giving you something more nuanced than the 0/1 grading system we currently have. It's as if the boss told you: "Here are the things we'd like to accomplish today; do your best, but if you stumble upon some big problems, don't sweat it - it'll be alright if you leave some tasks unfinished. Just try to do as much as you can."
  11. They have an unused gravity generator room. And yes, Bridge would be... easily reachable.
  12. "HALP! AM BEING ABSORB!!! HALOGEN IN MORGUE SUCKING ME!!!" "Sure thing, I've got your sensors." *click, woosh, bam bam, smoke errrywhere* "THX FOR SAVIN ME M8" "No probs." --------- That aside, I do remember some cool rounds when we had tele-rescue service back in the day. It was quite... powerful.
  13. Cringe. Seriously, that's ridiculous.
  14. I'm not interested, thanks.
  15. To prevent highly customized omni-diseases? It's a formality, yes.
  16. Thanks for the link! PS There was one additional swag before that moment [in the video].
  17. He quickly made the chems for my emergency chemical implant. I like this guy.
  18. Boron Of Tau Ceti got exploded in the hallways with the use of a Syndicate explosive killswitch. It happened in front of Medbay; Nina K. saw the explosion and quickly grabbed the brain for a transplant. That's how Boron The Tajaran was born. I turned on *wag, but I had forgotten how to turn it off! (I never played as a furry). Many bwoinks were had. And quite a few people noticed the species change.
  19. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/2979 https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/2992
  20. Wow. What an idea. More flexibility, more fun, less of black and white thinking.
  21. I'm too scared to google out the difference.
  22. It just struck me. We already have Syndicate Changelings, why can't we have Traitorvamps? Imagine what the vampire could do with a bunch of Syndicate items. This would make them more of a threat, too.
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