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Everything posted by Plotron

  1. Just like the redundant service radio.
  2. That's a real problem, it would seem. I like our current announcements, we do not want more metagaming problems. It may enhance trust in virologists, yes, but it also works the opposite for traitor virologists or accidental/beneficial releases. It's much more exciting when you don't know the source of the virus - it should be security/command's job to figure it out. I like your proposed change that we could make radium a much slower method.
  3. SS13 is a drug and players playing the game exhibit junkie-like behaviour. totally true™ You shouldn't be thanking people - you should be harassing them for what they've done to you.
  4. This is a nice rebuttal indeed. I find your arguments convincing. While reading this discussion I recalled my adventures with spaceacilin - spaceacilin used as a chronic medication in case there's no real cure available. You either keep taking spaceacilin or suffer the symptoms. We've switched to Goonchem and the chemical recipe is rather troublesome now considering that spaceacilin gets metabolized quickly. Granted, in case of a massive viral outbreak spaceacilin is not enough. But this is when you cram your ass into Virology and start working on the cure. Doctors are supposed to keep patients alive for as long as possible, until the cure is available. What if we... nerfed radium (it's a permanent solution that is very easy to make) and put spaceacilin (modified or alternatively code a stronger anti-viral chem) in its place as a temporary solution? I'm just brainstorming at this point since you guys need some help.
  5. I wouldn't take away the joy of flippin'. Alternatively, give dem clowns an additional verb - flop, that results in hilarious fall of man.
  6. Wait, what's up with that outfit? Oh, wait, it's just mechanical limbs... Well, I thought this was some crazy medieval fetish with skirts. But no, it's nothing special...
  7. Because they're highly skilled professionals.
  8. Exactly. You know what? It's VERY hard to be a robust plasmaman clown if you get combined slowdown from wearing a mandatory plasma suit and traditional clown shoes. EVERYBODY is faster than you; it's hard to run away or prank people. (unless the plasmaman EVA suit doesn't slow you down - but I do find it harder to be a good plasma clown) Why the hell do you want to nerf the shoes further?
  9. That table lamp! SO ACCURATE! SO CROOKED!
  10. At the top, just like genetic powers, flashlights and other useful stuff. There are only two special verbs for the mime - Invisible Wall and Speech. Add Invisible Wall to the hotbar (we need an icon, yes), because having to switch to a super-empty Mime tab in the middle of a fight is no good.
  11. Correct. Very annoying if you're a plasmaman clown with a bigass sprite.
  12. Well, I guess technically it can be done... the question is - will it be done?
  13. Convincing. As an artist myself, I'd say the new sprites do look better.
  14. No comparison pics? Come on. Anyway, as far as I can see... these new sprites seem to look fancy. I do not recall calling our current berets fancy, except for the HoS beret, of course. But still, I want to see direct comparison pics.
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