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Everything posted by TullyBBurnalot

  1. I'd be up for it generating a small "Direct Narrate" message to the tune of: You feel like this would be a really bad idea... Whenever someone tried putting a Bag of Holding into a Bag of Holding. That and giving Administrators a small (read: FUCKING HUGE) message whenever someone tries it. There are literally no situations where this can be useful. Singulo-bombing the station in order to Hijack the shuttle, at least from where I see it, rarely works anyway.
  3. It was a reference to a previous piece of art, with Zeke playing the Saxophone in Space Station Noir.
  4. The entire bloody point of Kidan is that they get that damage reduction in exchange for not being able to wear glasses. You have a fuckton of other races to choose from if you don't want that disability. I don't see why Kidan should be normalized for the sake of a minor improvement. You can play Medical perfectly well without HUDs (health analyzers take literally half a second to use on someone). You can play Security perfectly well without HUDs (hell, Detectives by default don't get HUD glasses and they do just fine). As for mining, sure, no mesons is an issue. But you can always make another character. Removing a species trait for the sake of one job is excessive.
  5. Dun worry, sir, it's still salvageable.
  6. Personally, I feel the Gas Turbine is more of a pet project than a reliable source of power. Haven't really touched it properly, nor do I have the inclination to do so. If I need to use an alternative power source, I'd much rather it be a Supermatter Engine.
  7. Sax is the best corgi. He's also the result of unholy Bluespace tinkering, so yay!
  8. Your artwork is fucking AMAZING. Also, I know it's late, but I handled most of those BWOINKs, and it was mostly miscommunication on lower levels, so I just went to you to make sure things were handled properly. You seriously need to draw more Sec stuff!
  9. Post-round grief serves as a pressure release valve where everyone can just let loose and cool off. It's noticeably worse following shitty rounds than, say, in Extended rounds where nothing happens. It's there so all the pent up frustration has somewhere to go. As for the RP argument, no. Just no. You had 1-2 hours to RP with people. That one last minute isn't going to impact your RP experience negatively. At all.
  10. Yes, Jonah's hands are robotic. As is his heart, which makes working with the ExperiMENTOR oh so fun.
  11. Increased solar flare and coronal mass ejection activity. That would basically mean "Ok, our magnetic field is a bad day away from vanishing, we need to get the fuck out, NOW"
  12. There appears to be some sort of logical paradox at work here. Uh... ... *hits temporal reset button*
  13. Out of all three, the one that immediately made me go "YES PLEASE" was number 1. I never liked just having to drag injured people around the on the ground, not the least of which being that it leaves a bloody trail which I have to clean up afterwards. That, and it'd add a nice little level of RP, especially for, say, miners who need to rescue other miners from creatures or Gibtonite explosions. Crawling, we did use to have, no clue why it was removed (probably something to do with organ code, fuck if I know). Would love it back as well.
  14. Right, so... just gonna be completely blunt here and give my feedback on this. Also preemptive warning, I am a NITPICKER. Point for point: This makes 0 biological sense. A species that could only give birth ONCE in their entire lifetime would never progress to the point where they could be spaceworthy. In fact, that particular trait would most likely be completely eliminated long before the species even reached sentience, since it's a FUCKASS HUGE disadvantage. In addition, only being able to give birth once would make creating a civilization incredibly hard, since you'd basically be just barely holding on in terms of population size. This would mean the Vulpkanin race would've gone extinct ages ago. I'm sure you can chalk this up to Bizarre Alien Biology, but that's not how aging works. You WILL age, regardless of nutrient input, you'll just age stunted. That said, Bizarre Alien Biology. Again, Bizarre Alien Biology applies here, but aging and maturation isn't something you can speed up. It's hardcoded into a species' genes, and assuming Vulpkanin work like species do on Earth, this would also make no sense. Aging and maturation are separate from nutrient input. Then again, as I said, Bizarre Alien Biology applies, and I'm willing to suspend my disbelief here. Taking a small moment here to say "YEAH FUCK THE NAZIS". This legitimately made me laugh. Good job! One, you may as well tell us what it is. Two, a One World Government seems highly unlikely, for the same reasons as here on Earth. This is not how stars work. Five centuries is not enough for a star to go from "Ok, something's wrong here" to "WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW". For reference, it's probably going to take us at least 150,000 years before we need to start worrying about the whole sun getting closer thing, and even then it'll be a slow as hell process. Assuming their entire civilization was directed towards achieving this one goal, and considering how stars work, they probably could. Bit of a weird contradiction here. Also, Nanotrasen has FTL ships and Bluespace technology, preeeeeetty sure it wouldn't take them ten years. Sorry to insist on this, but again, not how stars work. We ARE talking about Nanotrasen, right? That's more fucking like it. This may work fine for, say, a colony or a bunch of explorers, but it's an incredibly shitty way of running a Space Age civilization, mostly because you have stuff like nations, systems of government, economies and property law. A civilization advanced enough to be spaceworthy would NOT be running around on a "I claim this land, screw off" system. In fact, I'm not even going to paste the rest of this part, because the whole Primary/Secondary system is, with all honesty here, ridiculous. Having a Mayor of a town be the de facto ruler of this town would simply not work in any advanced civilization whatsoever. Not only can you not expect a single person to go around basically keeping tabs on everyone, but you have a central government, laws, protocols, underlings, bosses, parties and whatever passes for a bloody CONSTITUTION to answer to. Literally, this entire segment reads as if you were imagining small communes, or individual locations as separated from a larger collective. Nations exist. A civilization advanced enough to be spaceworthy would have nations, or something similar, and with it would come sets of laws. You can't have every Primary be the ultimate ruler of their land so long as they obey a set of murky, ill-defined moral and ethical rules. Those are not good guidelines to build a civilization on. Not. How. Civilization. Works. The whole example section is a great example (HAH) of my point. It reads as if there is no central authority, and every Primary is a mini-king. One wonders how the hell Vulpkanin got to the point where they could build Ark Ships. Don't forget genetics, upbringing, social class, current economic status, dominant religion, dominant political thinking and the endless number of factors that affect one's personality. Big fat fucking NO. For two reason: 1) Lore Reason: I'm sorry what? The hell kind of species trait is this? Again, one wonders how the hell Vulpkanin survived so long if they act like this ALL THE TIME. Arguing and reaching a compromise/solution is something that Humanity has been doing ever since we had a goddamn language to do it in, and is the basis for MODERN DEMOCRACY. What kind of species would evolve to be spaceworthy if their proposed way of handling issues is "just back off and let them cool down"?! 2) In-Game Reason: This would mean Vulpkanin players could go around demanding people apologize for anything, and would instill a "Can do no wrong" mentality. You don't get to tell others how to act. Vulpkanin are SENTIENT, and with sentience comes the perennial "MAN UP AND DEAL WITH IT". Not about to have "RP" dictate that I have to apologize to a Vulp player whenever they get pissy. Again, one wonders how Vulpkanin have a civilization like this. Welcome to the real world, where it doesn't fucking matter if you recognize your boss as a figure of authority, HE'S STILL YOUR BOSS NOW GET TO WORK. Unless you, like, don't want that paycheck or something. Seriously, SPACEWORTHY CIVILIZATION. Not a tribe. Seriously, just this general "Let's play the loyal dog stereotype as straight as possible". That's what I'm seeing here. Overcomplicated, overdesigned, inefficient collectivist tribalism. Maybe it could work in small communities. Maybe. But for a spaceworthy civilization? Yeah, no.
  15. Churchy's just trying to save you from the Staff Chats heresy~
  16. After having played this for an hour, can confirm this is exactly how it works.
  17. Ok, so, now we have two contenders for "Cutest fucking thing ever": 1) PhantasmicChipmunk 2) Garoon's Garrus sig
  18. Detective Jonah "Motherfucking Validhunter" Bright has arrived on this thread. Here are a few guidelines on how NOT to be Shitcurity: HARM INTENT IS BEST INTENT! In all seriousness, no. Under no circumstance should you be walking around the station with Harm, Grab or Disarm intent on. Not only will you not need it, it will actively make the Administrators wary of you, since anything other than Help intent results in Harmbatoning (or Grabatoning or Disarmbatoning as the case may be). No one likes the idiot Officer who keeps pushing everyone around. Help intent is best intent; Standard. Operating. Motherfucking. Procedure. Obey it. Live it. Breathe it. I would go on about this point, but I don't need to; CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL. Don't do this. Please. Yes, I am aware Jonah abuses the shit out of this, but I make sure it happens when Security/Command is breaching common logic. At the end of the day, no one likes the Officer who yells in everyone's faces and shouts down anyone who dares disagree with them; Have a sense of humour. Be able to laugh at yourself, and don't intentionally shove a stick up your ass. When dealing with people, remaining approachable and humane is paramount; Space Law. Know it. Entirely; Related to the above, basic sanity. Hitting you with a toolbox once isn't Attempted Murder. Disarming you a couple of times and then running off isn't assault. And, perhaps most importantly, Resisting Arrest is not a fucking automatic +1 at the end of every sentence. Resisting Arrest implies some level of force or at least creating a manhunt by running off. Someone stepping back when you're trying to cuff them is not Resisting Arrest; Maintain your lines of communication open and always know why Person X is wanted. Always make sure your HoS/Warden knows about what's going on, which applies the other way as well. Keep Sec Comms active and informative; Update Sec Records when people leave jail. Sometimes it's a legitimate oversight, but Beepsky don't care. Beepsky don't give a shit; Treat Beepsky like a motherfucking saint; Don't leave people bucklecuffed after you set the timer. Remove their cuffs and leave the cell. If they try breaking out, flash them using the console, remove whatever items they're using, then leave. If they keep trying to do it, then you can bucklecuff; Do not remove people's headsets unless they're being extremely abusive. Saying stuff like "Shitcurity just arrested me for no reason", while annoying, does not constitute abuse. Continuously spouting nonsense like "HALPHALPSHICTURYNORAIEINSRAPERAPEAAAA" until the chat box is drowned out, however, does; Leave Permabrigged prisoner's headsets on. Common courtesy; Additionally, make sure prisoners get medical attention before they're brigged properly. It's a bit backwards from SoP, but will go a long way to getting people not to hate you; Pepperspray. That is all; Don't pester RnD for weapons. You do not need them in 99% of all occasions; Don't pester RnD for stun revolvers, in particular; Don't spam your gas mask hailer; And, above all: don't. Fucking. Grab. And. Not. Pull
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