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Everything posted by TullyBBurnalot

  1. Quick Edit: removed the part about carrying an E-Gun during Code Red, as I was not aware they could only make Advanced E-Guns. And added a replacement. Quick Edit 2: Added a bit about Civilians still having to fill out a form, but requiring no stamps, for Cyborgification.
  2. Technically speaking, Genetics is Medical and Science. The reason they're included in Science Job SOP is that most of their work veers towards Science than Medicine. In addition, the Geneticist's job description includes "Cloning" since, technically, that does impact their field of work. That SOP Guideline isn't meant to say "Geneticist must make Biomass", it's meant to mean "Genetics has to make sure Cloning has Biomass, somehow". However, I'll remove the cryotubes part, as I can see your point. EDIT: Chemist Job SOP actually has a part about maintaining Biomass and Cryoxadone as well, so the two can work in tandem.
  3. 401. May not fake a "Chicken Takeover" of Central Command because I'm bored; 402. May not board the Cyberiad for an "inspection of the bar's contents"; 403. Even though company policy allows it, may not use "But a Shadowling thralled me" as an excuse to miss three days of work; 404. Jenkins not found, no reward offered for his safe return; 405. May not refer to myself as "Bob the Comms Guy", no matter how true that may be; 406. May not "procure" one of Jayson Hawke's socks and auction it off to rabid fangirls; 406a. Doubly so if NanoTrasen only gets 30% of the profit; 407. The following words should not be placed after "Jenkins X": anything; 408. I am not "The Ultimate in Communications Biotechnology"; 409. Even though company policy allows it, may not request bathroom breaks between the hours of 08:31 and 12:48; 410. The NXS Klapaucius is not a "Space Boombox", and I should not use it to blare "crappy rap" out of every intercom on the Cyberiad; 411. May not utilize Bluespace RnD equipment to convince everyone Nar-Sie hasf'rea mas'ra gyr'a; 412. I will report for Holy Water Decontamination Procedures; 413. May not tell the Detective I've "hidden clues across the station of a crime most foul"; 413a. I may not commit a "crime most foul", then hide clues all across the station; 414. May not paint bullseyes on Security's Body Armor Plates; 415. May not hide lasers in pens; 416. Stunbatons are not "high-powered toothpicks", and I should not tell non-formatted cyborgs that; 417. Grenades do not make good substitutes for mops on the grounds that "the dirt isn't there anymore, is it?!"; 418. The Janitor may not be referred to as the "Mop Jockey"; 419. Love is not the solution for the Shadowling problem; 420. Ambrosia Deus joke; 421. Communications Superintendent Brennan should not have a "Thanks for killing Jenkins again" message on standby, and I should be ashamed that he does; 422. May not tell Vox that their skin is covered in dust; 423. Slime People do not posses the ability to "selectively morph" by consuming water, and I should burn those tapes; 424. May not offer to sell Superintendent Brennan to the next Vox trader crew in exchange for that one hat I lost to them two years ago; 425. The CEO is not interested in my "fantastic stories of workplace abuse"
  4. Refurbished the Guide to Atmospherics: removed irrelevant information, added some basic instructions on how gases work, removed broken thumbnails. (dear lord, this took way too long)
  5. Added the Obsolete tag to the Meme page (RIP dank maymays)
  6. I believe you're thinking about Clone Damage. It's not so much brain damage as it is general cellular degeneration, and can be fixed via Cryoxadone quite easily.
  7. Again, the whole point of the authorization is to make sure that both the CMO and RD are kept up to speed on just what the Geneticist is doing, rather than the near-complete free reign they have now. Seeing as the technically fall under those two in terms of authority, just asking for permissions over comms is more than enough. Simultaneously, it lets the CMO/RD rightfully call BS when Powers are being distributed without permission.
  8. Finished up the Magistrate page. Changed information to match current Space Law, minor formatting changes, added some more information about investigations and RP advice. ("Unfinished code" my ass)
  9. Forgot to mention: Minor edits to the various Sec Job SOPs, to correct grammar and provide internal consistency with existing SOP (Pod Pilot was left with most of its stuff copy pasted from Officer, title included, minor Detective edit); Added the "obsolete" tag to the Zhan-Khazan page (seriously, what the fuck is that? Did we ever use that?)
  10. Problem is, RNG. Might as well cover the bases.
  11. Updated the Administration page to reflect our current Staff (FalseIncarnate wasn't even a Senior Admin on that list, the fuck?!)
  12. Right, starting this so I can keep track of what I'm doing. Updated the Cortical Borer page with accurate ability information; Minor edits to the actual information in order to make it less informal, reflect actual gameplay, and generally be more informative about what to do; Fixed some grammar issues in the Cortical Borer page.
  13. That'd be something to be included in General SOP, as it affects all jobs. That was the intention, really. Even if it's just a piece of paper with "Block X --- Effect Y", that's all that's required.
  14. That's actually a good point you brought up. I'll swap it over to combined CMO and RD authorization, since Medbay has to handle the aftermath, but Genetics research is still the purview of Science. I meant they needed no authorization. I'll clarify it.
  15. In an effort to create a centralized SOP, the following thread has been created: http://www.nanotrasen.se/forum/viewtopi ... =43&t=6908 Yes, it's official. Discuss all things there, and soon enough we'll have ourselves a proper Centralized SOP.
  16. As mentioned in the foreword, SOP is malleable, and not meant to plug every single possible hole. If the situation provides an adequate justification, SOP can be circumvented.
  17. Actually agree with that. Will amend it. The idea was they can be brought out, but only if you're delivering them to Security for storage. Will amend to make it more obvious. Hmm..... lemme add something...
  18. Fixed. As disruptive as it is, the HONK Mech isn't really a Combat Mech per se, which is why I included it in another category.
  19. While I personally enjoy running down the arguments of some of the most baffling toxic people, purely for shits n' giggles and to see where the rabbit hole goes, my entire attitude towards this topic can be summed up in the following sentence: Some people don't deserve being treated nicely. As Neca said, we're not a company, and the customer is not always right. If someone logs onto the server to act like a shithead, they can very well expect nothing but a dry stonewall. That said, and again as Neca said, there are occasions when we start with our regular dry dialogue, then mellow out over the conversation. This happens if the person was honestly mistaken, or simply inexperienced. But if someone's threatening to enact cactus rape over an Internet connection (nice one, by the way), all they're getting is a series of checklist questions meant to squeeze out why the hell they just did that.
  20. Right, seeing as Science just took over in terms of voting, here we go. Alright, there are 4 unique jobs pertaining to the Science Department: Research Director, Scientist, Roboticist and, for the sake of standardization, Geneticist, seeing as they nearly always align more with Science than Medbay. Foreword: Job SOP should not be a considered a checklist of conditions to fire someone over. As always, SOP can be malleable if the situation so requires, and the decision to punish a crewmember for breaching it ultimately falls onto the relevant Head of Staff, for Department Members, or Captain, for the Head of Staff. Proposed Job SOP is as follows: Research Director: Code Green: The Research Director must make sure Research is being done. Research must be completed by the end of the shift, assuming Science is provided the materials for it by Supply; The Research Director is permitted to carry a telescopic baton; The Research Director is permitted to carry their Reactive Teleport Armour on their person. However, it is highly recommended they keep it inactive unless necessary, for personal safety; The Research Director is not permitted to authorize the construction of AI Units without the Captain’s approval. Exception is made if the station was not provided with an AI Unit, or a previous AI Unit had to be destroyed; The Research Director is not permitted to authorize Anomalous Artifacts to be brought onto the station prior to full testing and cataloguing; (leaving this here just in case we ever get Xenoarch back) The Research Director must keep the Communications Decryption Key on their person at all times, or at least somewhere safe and out of reach; The Research Director is permitted to add beneficial scripts to Telecommunications; The Research Director is permitted to change the AI Unit’s lawset, provided they receive general approval from the Captain and another Head of Staff. If there are no other Heads of Staff available, Captain approval will suffice; The Research Director must work with Robotics to make sure all Cyborgs remain slaved to the station’s AI Unit, except in such a situation where the AI Unit has been subverted or is malfunctioning Code Blue: All Guidelines carry over from Code Green Code Red: Guidelines 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 carry over from Code Green; In addition to the a telescopic baton, the Research Director is permitted to carry a single weapon created in the Protolathe, provided they receive authorization from the Head of Security. Exception is made during extreme emergencies, such as Nuclear Operatives or Blob Organisms ------------------ Roboticist: (and behold, the one everyone wanted to see) Code Green: The Roboticist is not permitted to construct Combat Mechs without express permission from the Captain and/or Head of Security. This refers to the Durand, Gygax and Phazon. If permitted, the Mechs is to be delivered to the Armory for storage. The Research Director is placed under the same restrictions; The Roboticist is freely permitted to construct Utility Mechs, along with any assorted Utility Equipment. This refers to Ripleys (to be handed to Mining), Firefighting Ripleys (to be handed to Atmospherics) and the Odysseus Medical Mech (to be handed to Medical). The HONK Mech is not to be constructed without full approval by the Research Director and Captain; The Roboticist is freely permitted to construct Cyborgs and all assorted equipment; The Roboticist is not permitted to transfer personnel MMIs into Cyborgs without express written consent from the person in question. The consent form should be kept safe; The Roboticist is not permitted to construct AI Units without express consent from the Captain; The Roboticist must place a Tracking Beacon on all constructed Mechs; The Roboticist must work together with the Research Director to make sure all Cyborgs remain slaved to the station’s AI Unit, except in such a situation where the AI Unit has been subverted or is malfunctioning; The Roboticist must DNA-Lock all parked Mechs prior to delivery. DNA-Lock must be removed when the Mech is delivered to its final destination Code Blue: Guidelines 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 carry over from Code Green; The Roboticist is permitted to construct Combat Mechs without prior consent, but must deliver them to the Armory for storage. Failure to comply will result in the Combat Mech being destroyed. Exception is made for extreme emergencies, such as a Blob Organism or Nuclear Operatives, where the Roboticist may pilot the Mech themselves. However, even in these circumstances, the Mech must be delivered to the Armory after the emergency is over. The Research Director is placed under the same restrictions; Code Red: Guidelines 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 carry over from Code Green; All Guidelines carry over from Code Blue ------------------ Scientist: (no fun allowed) Code Green: Scientists are not permitted to bring Grenades outside of Science; Scientists are not permitted to bring Toxins Bombs outside of Science. Exception is made if the Toxins Bomb is handed to Mining, as it can be useful for mining operations; While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that Scientists give a prior warning before a Toxins Test. This must be done via the Common Communication Channel, with at least ten (10) seconds between the warning and detonation; Scientists are not permitted to use Telescience equipment to acquire objects, items or personnel they do not have access to; Scientists are, however, permitted to use Telescience equipment to recover dead personnel, provided Medical cannot reach them; Scientists must, at all times, keep live slimes and Golden Extract-based lifeforms inside Xenobiology pens, except when transporting them to new cells. Peaceful Golden Extract lifeforms may be released with the express permission of the Research Director. In addition, injecting plasma into Golden Extract is strictly forbidden; Scientists are not permitted to bring Anomalous Artifacts aboard the station without express verbal consent from the Research Director. Regular Xenoarchaeological artifacts are permitted; (again, keeping this here just in case we ever get Xenoarch back) Scientists are not permitted to construct the Portable Wormhole Generator without express permission from the Research Director. In addition, Scientists are not to hand out Weapon Lockboxes to any non-Security or non-Command personnel without express permission from the Head of Security; Scientists are not permitted to create AI Core Boards without express permission from the Captain and/or Research Director Code Blue: Guidelines 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9 carry over from Code Green; Scientists are permitted to bring Grenades outside of Science, but only for delivery to the Armory; Scientists are permitted to bring Toxins Bombs outside of Science, but only for delivery to the Armory. In addition, the Mining exception still applies Code Red: Guidelines, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9 carry over from Code Green; All Guidelines carry over from Code Blue ------------------ Geneticist: (the Fun Police is here) Code Green: The Geneticist is not permitted to ignore Cloning, and must provide Clean SE Injectors when required, as well as humanized animals if required for Surgery. In addition, the Geneticist must make sure that Cloning is stocked with Biomass; The Geneticist is permitted to test Genetic Powers on themselves. However, they are not to utilize these powers on any crewmembers, nor abuse them to obtain items/personnel outside their access; The Geneticist is permitted to grant Genetic Powers to Command Staff at their discretion, provided prior permission is requested and granted. All staff must be warned of the full effects of the SE Injector. The Geneticist is not, however, obligated to grant powers, unless the Research Director issues a direct order; The Geneticist is not permitted to grant Powers to non-Command Staff without express verbal consent from the Research Director. The Chief Medical Officer maintains full authority to forcefully remove these Powers if they are abused; The Geneticist must place all discarded humanized animals in the Morgue. It is recommended that said discarded humanized animals be directed to the Crematorium; The Geneticist is not permitted to provide body doubles, unless the Research Director approves it. In addition, Security is to be notified of all doubles; The Geneticist is not permitted to alter personnel’s UI Status, unless it has been previously tampered with by hostile elements, or permission is given; The Geneticist is not permitted to use sentient humanoids as test subjects without a signed consent form waiving NanoTrasen of liability Code Blue: All Guidelines carry over from Code Green Code Red: All Guidelines carry over from Code Green. In regards to Guideline 4, the Geneticist is permitted to grant Powers to Security personnel, under the same conditions as detailed in Guideline 3 Ladies and gents, may the discussion commence.
  21. I personally voted engineering for 2 reason: 1) Science getting too friendly with their toys frequently ends with Admin intervention anyway; 2) I know just how bloody massive my Science SOP is (especially considering it has Code Green, Blue and Red), so I'd rather start off small.
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