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Everything posted by TullyBBurnalot

  1. Ripped from Staff Chat: [01:59:56] Tully B. Burnalot: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [01:59:56] Tully B. Burnalot: *SREAM [01:59:57] Tully B. Burnalot: YEAH [01:59:58] Tully B. Burnalot: YES [01:59:58] Tully B. Burnalot: YES [01:59:59] Tully B. Burnalot: YES [02:00:00] Tully B. Burnalot: ALL MY YES
  2. This is so fucking coooooooooooooooooooooooool.
  3. Currently, I am personally operating on a "Singularity not up 25 minutes in? Let's start handing out PMs". It is in fact already a rule, albeit one that needs more enforcing.
  4. Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Oh me oh my, this is fantastic!
  5. Eye Surgery no longer exists. Fixed. EDIT: Turns out it wasn't even there anymore. Never mind.
  6. How was it your fault, I was the one that somehow completely missed a point blank crossbow shot.
  7. Surgery page standardized, and separate Non-Synthetic and Synthetic tabs created, where applicable.
  8. Welp, guess I can't do this the regular way, so have this: http://phantasmicdream.deviantart.com/a ... -562353100 Context: 13th Age game, this happened shortly after I may or may not have caused an international incident and several innocent deaths. So obviously the right thing to do would be to go get hammered! Big props to Phantasmic for the awesome artwork, yet again!
  9. *grabs defusion kit* Let's keep this civil, shall we? There's no need to start flinging accusations around. Keep the discussion to the topic at hand.
  10. I have conflicting feelings over this. Mostly because Jonah's been a Phy-NOPE. NOPE.
  11. Silencing/eliminating witnesses that pose a threat to you completing your objective has always been permissible to a certain degree.
  12. I now ship Varbright. Or is it Brightloss? Oh, who cares. OTP!
  13. This. Is. So. Wrong. On. So. Many. Levels. ... ...... ......... Tully.exe has stopped working.
  14. You are the absolute best officer I have ever seen. *salute
  15. As we all know, the Operating Computer located right next to each Surgical Table in Medbay is useless. In fact, it's so useless, I haven't even bothered looking up it's proper name. And why is it useless? Well, it provides information that can easily be matched and surpassed by using a portable Health Analyzer and the Full Body Scanner conveniently located in each OR. It's literally wasted space. In the meantime, I'm sure every Surgeon worth their salt still groans at the anesthetic system, especially when you have a patient that not only refuses it, but actively tries running away when you approach them with it. As such, I would propose that the Operating Computer be replaced by a stationary anesthetics tank, which can then be attached onto a patient on the table, much like an IV Drip, allowing for a quick and easy administering of knockout gas. Said tank would be similar to the ones in the Incinerator, so that it can't be instantly opened by the first griffin with Medbay access.
  16. ... I was there. It was like this. It was so much like this. ... 'Dat fuckin' face...
  17. I was BrightOS. Allow me to give you a run-down of the medical procedures I did on you: Six defibbings; Attempted liver transplant (aborted after it became clear that no one was getting me spares); Attempted liver removal (aborted after realizing you need livers); Three stints in the cryotubes due to massive Toxins poisoning; Lethal injection of Radium to deal with the Vampiric pathogen. Twice. This, of course, was all done while the rest of Medbay was being useless.
  18. *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* Phantasmic, I wish I could hug you.
  19. Remember, Ashley: ask no questions. I do enjoy the first panel. Jonah's nonchalantly dragging someone to their certain deaths, Ashley's stunned and mentally cursing out everyone. *squee* Would it, perhaps, be possible for me to ask for a sketchy-sketch of Jonah as a Detective fighting the dastardly cult of Nar-Nar? Pretty pweeze? :3
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