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Cryonic Race: the Drask


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Pls no more races.

We have enough.

Yeah and many of them are human reskins with one or two stats changed.

If we have too many races, I think this should replace Skrell. All they have is a language, the ability to breath underwater (perfect for fighting off aquatic foes IN SPACE), and the inability to wear some headgear.



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I like it so far. Here's what I have of the language, though I'd like to give them their own naming convention, rather than just random syllables (which I know how to do, but haven't thought of one yet)



name = "Orluum"

desc = "The droning, vibrous language of the Drask. It sounds somewhat like whalesong"

speech_verb = "drones"

ask_verb = "hums"

exclaim_verb = "rumbles"

colour = "slime"

key = "%"


syllables = list("hoorb","vrrm","ooorm","urrrum","ooum","ee","ffm","hhh","mn","ongg")



EDIT: I wonder, can we tie them into the development of common cryogenic technology somehow?


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This looks like it has some real potential. As far as the base inspiration, I like how the approach comes from more of a "How would an intelligent species adapt and survive to environment?" direction, as opposed to a loosely-assembled "They're like humans, just combined with ".


One thing I'm concerned about is the idea of giving the race night vision. Night vision is an ability that gives its beneficiary a flat advantage, especially in maint: Antags such as vampires and changelings have unlockable abilities specifically dedicated to granting free night vision, and if nightvision is obtained or developed by RnD or genetics, they usually guard it jealously from everyone else.


Balancing issues aside, there seems to be a solid foundation. For now, I'm curious to see where the idea goes from here.




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I think as a rule people grossly, grossly overestimate how useful nightvision is. In many places in maint a flashlight covers most or all lf the area you can see, and while it is possible to utilize it well, that's why you'd give the race a downside as well.

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if nightvision is obtained or developed by RnD or genetics, they usually guard it jealously from everyone else.

I agree with everything else you said, but this isn't true in my experience. By the time you have night vision, it's really cheap and easy to make. Additionally, few people actually come and ask for it. Finally, I play exclusively science and I have never once seen a scientist in R&D deny anyone of anything except guns and sometimes bluespace bags of holding (back when they were easier to create a singulo with).


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And remember, racial darksight isn't nearly as good as the nightvision certain antags get, or that afforded by science equipment


Here's their racial definition code at present:




name = "Drask"

name_plural = "Drask"

icobase = 'icons/mob/human_races/r_drask.dmi'

deform = 'icons/mob/human_races/r_drask.dmi'

path = /mob/living/carbon/human/drask

default_language = "Galactic Common"

language = "Orluum"

unarmed_type = /datum/unarmed_attack/punch

eyes = "drask_eyes_s"

darksight = 5


burn_mod = 4

//exotic_blood = "cryoxadone"

body_temperature = 273



blurb = "Hailing from a planet outside what is usually considered a habitable \

orbit, the Drask evolved to live in extreme cold."


flags = HAS_LIPS


bodyflags = FEET_CLAWS

dietflags = DIET_OMNI


cold_level_1 = -1 //Default 260 - Lower is better

cold_level_2 = -1 //Default 200

cold_level_3 = -1 //Default 120

cold_env_multiplier = -1


heat_level_1 = 300 //Default 360 - Higher is better

heat_level_2 = 340 //Default 400

heat_level_3 = 400 //Default 460

heat_level_3_breathe = 600 //Default 1000


flesh_color = "#a3d4eb"

reagent_tag = PROCESS_ORG

base_color = "#a3d4eb"

blood_color = "#a3d4eb"


has_organ = list(

"heart" = /obj/item/organ/internal/heart/drask,

"lungs" = /obj/item/organ/internal/lungs/drask,

"metabolic strainer" = /obj/item/organ/internal/liver/drask,

"eyes" = /obj/item/organ/internal/eyes/drask,

"brain" = /obj/item/organ/internal/brain/drask




/datum/species/drask/handle_temperature(datum/gas_mixture/breath, var/mob/living/carbon/human/H) // called by human/life, handles temperatures

if( (abs(310.15 - breath.temperature) > 50) && !(RESIST_HEAT in H.mutations)) // Hot air hurts

if(H.status_flags & GODMODE) return 1 //godmode

if(breath.temperature < 260)


H << "\blue You feel an invigorating coldness in your lungs!"

else if(breath.temperature > heat_level_1)


H << "\red You feel your face burning and a searing heat in your lungs!"





if(-INFINITY to 120)



H.fire_alert = max(H.fire_alert, 1)


if(121 to 200)



H.fire_alert = max(H.fire_alert, 1)


if(201 to 260)



H.fire_alert = max(H.fire_alert, 1)


if(heat_level_1 to heat_level_2)

H.apply_damage(hot_env_multiplier*HEAT_GAS_DAMAGE_LEVEL_1, BURN, "head", used_weapon = "Excessive Heat")

H.fire_alert = max(H.fire_alert, 2)


if(heat_level_2 to heat_level_3_breathe)

H.apply_damage(hot_env_multiplier*HEAT_GAS_DAMAGE_LEVEL_2, BURN, "head", used_weapon = "Excessive Heat")

H.fire_alert = max(H.fire_alert, 2)


if(heat_level_3_breathe to INFINITY)

H.apply_damage(hot_env_multiplier*HEAT_GAS_DAMAGE_LEVEL_3, BURN, "head", used_weapon = "Excessive Heat")

H.fire_alert = max(H.fire_alert, 2)



EDIT: MORE LORE COMMENTS: I think it makes a lot of sense for them to live sub-surface. Perhaps their planet is a big rocky iceball, and the surface has a very thin atmosphere but subsurface ice cavities are full of more substantial gas. Perhaps a chemotrophic food chain that turns volcanic output into oxygen


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To be honest, I think whether or not they get NV should be determined on exactly how weak they are to burn damage, as that is a pretty significant nerf.


I"m also going to add that being able to see people in the dark without them seeing you is a HUGE advantage.


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But remember: racial darksight is different than actual nightvision. You don't get to see in pitch blackness, just further with a given lightsource. Though on the note of burn weakness, theirs is significant. They die in 5 welder hits with their current stats.


Edit: My bad. Turns out it doesn't even make a difference unless you wear thermals or mesons.


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Anyone have customization ideas for them? Currently all you can set is their eye color


More lore ideas:

-Elders, figures in Drask society who have lived an exceptional span

-Due to their potentially long lives and lack of seasonal or other visual indicators, Drask are not as keenly aware of the passage of time as other species

-Microscopic, luminescent symbiotes in their bodies (which are largely responsible for the color of their eyes)

-Non-gendered, any individual potentially able to reproduce with any other, but may have individual style preferences for male or female garments

-Linked to the discovery of Cryoxadone


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I like them, but they sound a little bit too robotic. I heard a "bleep" or "bloop" somewhere in there. They kinda sound like hydrophone recordings. They are really nice, but I feel they should sound a little more organic.


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I think it makes a lot of sense for them to live sub-surface. Perhaps their planet is a big rocky iceball, and the surface has a very thin atmosphere but subsurface ice cavities are full of more substantial gas. Perhaps a chemotrophic food chain that turns volcanic output into oxygen


One thing the Drask remind me of are of recorded lifeforms in the Marianas Trench - a deep-sea formation where visible sunlight is almost null, and temperatures average around 1 to 4 degrees celsius.


In regards to their abilities, I suppose would make sense that they'd have darksight due to eyes adapted for life beneath the surface. One idea to balance this would be to give it a rational extreme: As a result of having more sensitive photoreceptors, blinding effects such as flashes and flashbangs could take much longer to wear off, or perhaps inflict stamina damage which would eventually stun them with repeated blinding.


As for how they'd adapt to life in a lukewarm, surface-level environment, my (very superficial) understanding of deep-sea life is that their bodily chemical functions would accelerate dramatically, leaving them drained and exhausted.

This is, pretty much, an idea ripped from the Resistance games, but if we're trying to avoid another Vox or Plasmamen approach of needing specialized internals, the Drask could be given some sort of regulator unit - like a pacemaker or a DBS system to regulate their bodily functions for the station's environment.


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I think it makes a lot of sense for them to live sub-surface. Perhaps their planet is a big rocky iceball, and the surface has a very thin atmosphere but subsurface ice cavities are full of more substantial gas. Perhaps a chemotrophic food chain that turns volcanic output into oxygen


One thing the Drask remind me of are of recorded lifeforms in the Marianas Trench - a deep-sea formation where visible sunlight is almost null, and temperatures average around 1 to 4 degrees celsius.


In regards to their abilities, I suppose would make sense that they'd have darksight due to eyes adapted for life beneath the surface. One idea to balance this would be to give it a rational extreme: As a result of having more sensitive photoreceptors, blinding effects such as flashes and flashbangs could take much longer to wear off, or perhaps inflict stamina damage which would eventually stun them with repeated blinding.


As for how they'd adapt to life in a lukewarm, surface-level environment, my (very superficial) understanding of deep-sea life is that their bodily chemical functions would accelerate dramatically, leaving them drained and exhausted.

This is, pretty much, an idea ripped from the Resistance games, but if we're trying to avoid another Vox or Plasmamen approach of needing specialized internals, the Drask could be given some sort of regulator unit - like a pacemaker or a DBS system to regulate their bodily functions for the station's environment.


I absolutely LOVE this idea. Maybe instead of being so weak to burn you could make said device EMPable for some serious downsides.

This makes an already unique race even more so, and moves away from the idea of species that require internals to function (which I think we already have enough of).


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I think it makes a lot of sense for them to live sub-surface. Perhaps their planet is a big rocky iceball, and the surface has a very thin atmosphere but subsurface ice cavities are full of more substantial gas. Perhaps a chemotrophic food chain that turns volcanic output into oxygen


One thing the Drask remind me of are of recorded lifeforms in the Marianas Trench - a deep-sea formation where visible sunlight is almost null, and temperatures average around 1 to 4 degrees celsius.


In regards to their abilities, I suppose would make sense that they'd have darksight due to eyes adapted for life beneath the surface. One idea to balance this would be to give it a rational extreme: As a result of having more sensitive photoreceptors, blinding effects such as flashes and flashbangs could take much longer to wear off, or perhaps inflict stamina damage which would eventually stun them with repeated blinding.


As for how they'd adapt to life in a lukewarm, surface-level environment, my (very superficial) understanding of deep-sea life is that their bodily chemical functions would accelerate dramatically, leaving them drained and exhausted.

This is, pretty much, an idea ripped from the Resistance games, but if we're trying to avoid another Vox or Plasmamen approach of needing specialized internals, the Drask could be given some sort of regulator unit - like a pacemaker or a DBS system to regulate their bodily functions for the station's environment.


I absolutely LOVE this idea. Maybe instead of being so weak to burn you could make said device EMPable for some serious downsides.

This makes an already unique race even more so, and moves away from the idea of species that require internals to function (which I think we already have enough of).

That'd be awesome but I don't know how to code it. Well, I know how to make it EMPable. But not sure about the other stuff.


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Well, I've figured how to code it so their organs take damage at certain body temperatures. Not quite sure how to make the implant prevent that yet. The rates of organ damage will need tweaking.


EDIT: Also, I just want to clarify, they don't NEED supercooled internals (nor do they spawn with them), those just cause them to regenerate. Strangely, the temperature of breathed gas does not affect body temperature. Being surrounded by cold air does, but not breathing it.


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maybe include a battery pack that as long as they keep it in a pocket, exosuit, belt, or jacket pocket keeps their implant powered, if they get hit by an emp, it drops the battery unit to 10% and they need to get a new battery asap?

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That's extremely complicated, especially as there are no implants that require an external power source. I'd have no framework for that.


Logically, as it's an implant, it should be lost when a Drask is cloned, and require re-implanting. However, I'm worried we'll run into concerns of "too snowflakey" with that.


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That's extremely complicated, especially as there are no implants that require an external power source. I'd have no framework for that.


Logically, as it's an implant, it should be lost when a Drask is cloned, and require re-implanting. However, I'm worried we'll run into concerns of "too snowflakey" with that.

You could always make them unclonable (Defibs stronk), like quite a few of the other species we have. Or you could also make it a build-able implant via science and or leave a box of spares in medbay storage.

Also, the organ damage seems like a cool idea if you keep it at a low tick rate.


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