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Over the last month or so I've been sketching a few of my experiences aboard Paradise station to procrastinate, and I thought I'd upload some of the results. Keep in mind that I have no formal applied art education, so most of this stuff is rough/poorly-cropped etc.



"Kill them all; God will recognize his own."



His Sergey senses are tingling.


Another sketch of Sergey. Really, after reading all the praise on his crew-record thread, I couldn't help myself.


Sergey Kurilyochov slams unknown into the reinforced window!




This is based on a round where the Vox warden got his legs blown off by a PDA bomb - medbay gave him a wheelchair, and due to a bug some sort of non-euclidian bluespace mumbo-jumbo, he gained the ability to move at ridiculously high speeds.




Everyone's favourite ramshackle Syndicate IPC.



SLaDOS's favourite opening gimmick as AI was to misuse the announcement system.

This dame here.



One of the more excruciating things to deal with as HoS is when you get two people who continually level petty, stupidly vague accusations of criminal activity at each other and absolutely refuse to fucking let it go.



It probably isn't a good thing that I've managed to get myself bwoinked in each HoS round I've played for a full week, with no bans. I have a feeling someone in management is getting real sick of my shit, but I don't know.


Anyways, that's my art. Feel free to comment, move on, volley-fire your rotten vegetables, etc.


Edited by Machofish
Updating images due to Photobucket being bad.
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Droo sum Nookawps


Basic pose - deciding what they should look like when interpreted out of the pixel model



I'm not happy unless I have a piece with extreme perspective/depth sketch in a set. I was trying to put the two foreground Nukies into a bobsled-team pose, but I couldn't find any good reference images to go by.



I've been listening to music again.

Working on the positioning for the e-swords was the tough part of this - not perfect posing, but kinda surprised the paper didn't burst into flames from all the erasing/redrawing I was doing. Briefly considered trying to convert it to vector - decided against it.


Okay, let's not beat around the bush here: That's Alice. Enough said.

EDIT: It's been a few years. For those checking this our in 2024: the above character is Alice Pierson II, who was generally considered one of the most combat-savvy players on Paradise when they played around 2014-2015.

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Keep in mind that I have no formal applied art education, so most of this stuff is rough/poorly-cropped etc.


Formal art education is good if you want to become a pianist or a violinist. Not sure about other cases, though.

I agree that some of your stuff is poorly-cropped, you could look into photography/some other kind of art to learn more about composition.


I like the style, and you got me with that wheelchair warden - AFAIR I was either captain or rep in that round. :P


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I really really like the nuke ops. Those being my favorite antags to play as, it really is cool seeing what they would look like more realistically. The only issue is that their horn/antennae thingies seem a little awkwardly long. I know that the sprite has them, but perhaps a bit shorter may look better. But besides that minor detail, I love all of it! Also liked that you put the numbers on the nuke ops too.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Your artwork is fucking AMAZING.


Also, I know it's late, but I handled most of those BWOINKs, and it was mostly miscommunication on lower levels, so I just went to you to make sure things were handled properly.


You seriously need to draw more Sec stuff!


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Magus Robes. Not pictured: The wizard slipping on a banana peel and subsequently getting their face melted off with lasers.



The trusty telescopic shield. Bah, I need to draw my own characters less.

I need to work on drawing boots more, though. They're not very good.



When the detective isn't busy getting drunk/ignoring the radio/dead in some godforsaken locker in maint, they can be pretty much one of Sec's most useful assets. Wear your gloves, antags - those fingerprints are gonna give you away.

Funny thing about the shading technique here - I actually did the blurred shading on the coat using an HB pencil and a cheap low-quality eraser.



One of my most memorable experiences in SS13 was growing a man-eater plant as a traitor botanist - I honestly wasn't expecting it to have dialogue when I grew it. I can't remember it world-for-word, but it was comedy gold -absolutely worth failing all my traitor objectives for that round.



Fairly self-explanatory. Thankfully, I've never been in the situation where I could study an authentic chainsaw decapitation up close, so the detail on the foreground corpse is a bit limited.


Edited by Machofish
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  • 2 months later...



A shot at drawing an Unathi Sec, with a human for height comparison.



This one was from a round a while ago where all of the vox in sec grabbed eachother and made a piggyback tower. Eventually they started grabbing other sec officers, reaching critical mass and becoming the ultimate securigularity.



"Yeah? Well it sure as hell sez' so right 'ere, bub."



Another one of Slade, this time trying to lean more heavily on a sort of "wandering desperado" kind of theme. I always imagined him as being slapped together using cyborg parts provided by various different corporations and interest groups from the Syndicate. Also some shitty attempts at logo type.



"Nothing to see here yaya?"


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Another one of Slade, this time trying to lean more heavily on a sort of "wandering desperado" kind of theme. I always imagined him as being slapped together using cyborg parts provided by various different corporations and interest groups from the Syndicate. Also some shitty attempts at logo type.



I will say one thing about this. As much as I love the grandfatherly aesthetic Phantasmic has created for the character in their illustrations, with an incredibly smooth and colorful depiction that really makes me grin whenever I see the style, this is by far my favorite depiction of the character that I have seen to date. Not only is it incredibly detailed, but it hits very close to the home of the original character concept and the roots of both his design and actions so far.


Every bit of work here, even without formal training, is some of the most detailed work I have seen ever posted in this subsection, and even if you don't post it frequently. I absolutely love every single piece of artwork that has come out of it.


(P.S. Drawing your original character often increases what we see of him, as well as boosting your potential to take the character in different directions. It's particularly amusing with the comedic purposes, such as the desk at CC or the Security Officer tower you made recently. I'd love to see you and PhantasmicDream do a collaborative work some day, as I think your detailed work with some smoothing and color added could create something pretty damn impressive.)


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I'd love to see you and PhantasmicDream do a collaborative work some day, as I think your detailed work with some smoothing and color added could create something pretty damn impressive.


[spoiler2]I'd be down with it![/spoiler2]


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