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IPC perma crit adjustment


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As an IPC I don't generally like how at 150 damage your body just suddenly stops working for no clear reason, I was thinking about a change for it. Instead of falling over and your body just giving out for no reason, your power cell has to work extremely hard to carry around your extremely battered body and therefor your power (hunger) starts to drain extremely quickly while your moving, after your hunger gets to red your body will be unable to move and you will collapse, your micro battery now at extremely low power only powers your posibrain and nothing else in your body, allowing you to speak even in this status,

(Also this is my first forum post I've done)

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See the problem with this is, that it would give IPCs a huge advantage over the other races.

The ability to move after sustaining 150 damage could be crucial in some situations and the ability to even speak after that would be pretty shitty for someone who has you as his assasination target for example. Imagine trying to assasinate an IPC and he just keeps screaming over the comms.

As far as I know the IPCs allready have advantages when it comes to beeing in crit. As a organic beeing you'll stop breathing and suffocate when you enter crit, that means that you will die eventually without quick medical help. A IPC doesn't require oxygen, so they'll just power down without getting any additional damage. Plus if they really happen to die, you can repair them very quickly and easily.


So in conclusion I would advise such a change, because it would disrupt the balance the races currently have. But that's just my knowledge and opinion, feel free to correct me if I got something wrong.

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We had post about IPC demage and stuff some time before.



I wasn't following that topic, so no idea how it ended.

I still personally don't see any problem with IPC demage thresholds and stuff.

I noticed that IPC balance is a big problem here, some people claim that getting more demage than the rest of the species, vulnerablity to EMP and loosing limbs so easly makes IPCs weak af.

If you compare that to 150 demage beeing threshold to "Crit status", well that's not big deal tbh.
I mean making IPCs able to talk while not beeing completly dead is preety good idea, but allowing them to move even with like 190 demage? Well.

I mean if you consider it as a balance to the vulnerablility that IPCs have. Hm...... 

I really have mixed up feelings about it.

Edited by BottomQuark
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i agree with normalyman here. although i love ipcs and play one regularly, having a race that can still operate in crit would be unbalanced.

however, the idea that even if the chassis' speaker might be powered off but the posibrain's isn't and the ipc in crit is reduced to whispers in a sense would be interesting.

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Ok, so I thought about it some more, but I dont know how to edit forum posts, so Im going to say this: It should do microbattery damage (1 per 5 tiles moved) and will only last about 20 seconds (And wont drain like normal if your not moving), and the speed would be enough to make it about 20 tiles before collapsing back into near perma crit, Im not a game developer I just believe that for all the weaknesses IPC's have (not having DNA /no powers/ weak /50% more damage from brute burn/ unaffected by viruses /no healing virus what so ever/ I believe this could offset all of that back to a balanced scale, Im not saying the IPC could survive a nuke and walk around for 20 seconds, Im just saying that if you get your head cleanly blown off and both your arms are flashing red in damage (which can happen in.. one shotgun blast theoreticly) you should get knocked over yes, but you shouldnt be completely unable to get back up because of 150 damage, you could lay down and let the microbattery conserve energy and allow you to talk

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As this is a thing that always comes up do the admins keep stats of mortality rate by races? I tend to get fucked up and to die far more often as a human than as IPC, but I think that's because my IPC ussualy works in service, and my human usually works in eng, and eng is far more dangerous. (fastmos, carps, hiting wires with my RPD when fixing pipes as atmos, traitors on their way to the AI or to eng pod, etc).

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Well mortality is deaths/pop, so I'm not sure why that would skew it. There are some selection problems, but depending on how much data admins have we could solve it (death races by race controlled by job and player play time, or total karma attained for example). We could compare with non-mechanic heavy non-human races like Skrells, that would probably solve a big part of selection problems (noobs playing human more often than experienced players).

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Very interesting stuff. Like how Atmos Techs deads are very concentrated in atmosia, but life suport specialists die fucking around starboard corridor area. But i can't find a filter for race.

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