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Everything posted by HereticChurch

  1. I think we all know what the thread really needs more of. Handsome man~~
  2. Any hero that is Runtime must get the ability to run at high speed and smash into things like using a fire extinguisher on an office chair.
  3. Someone exploded and their organs made some googly eyed creature that I like for some reason.
  4. I approve. Looks refreshing and really cool. Really similar to the blob, but yeah, people don't seem to like that as much anyway.
  5. This sounds super fun and complicated and annoying and awesome. We and I will definitely have to try this out.
  6. Welcome to the server, Pseudo. Glad to see more experienced players joining in. I look forward to seeing you in game!
  7. Welcome to the forums, and to the server! Always glad to have fresh meat new players!
  8. Ass obsessed Gloria is now canon, though only if you get her sufficiently drunk.
  9. I'm definitely for this. They look really fun, and I think admins were even talking about it earlier (also about perhaps using it to replace Rev). Perhaps a few nerfs if they end up being too stronk when first implemented.
  10. Perhaps ERT hardsuits, DS hardsuits, and Syndi rigs in combat mode can be given taser immunity, and disabler resistance. Just so this isn't as much an issue. Could be some anti-electricity-weave stuff in the military grade hardsuits or something. But other than that, combat isn't really RNG based, its more about clicking on someone before they click on you, while frantically moving back and forth at each other.
  11. My my, what a nice pirate hat that is. Yes indeed~
  12. Love the new work for Gloria! I never outright forbade it. It just seemed out of character. If you want her to wear a microskirt and kneehigh socks, I won't argue.
  13. Got artist friend to draw her up in captain attire.
  14. I've played this quite a bit. The first game I did, I spawned in the evac shelter, went downstairs after smashing a locker to bits with a heavy stick I found outside, looked around for a light and was promptly eaten by a grabber zombie while flailing at it with a pair of pants. I was a cyber soldier.
  15. I recall on one of my first characters, a Tiefling Warlock, I decided I hated some priest I saw walking in a town for some reason, so I threw a rock at him, expecting a laugh from some other party members. While the ranger and fighter thought it was funny, our Paladin decided at that point he wanted to get revenge on me. But not as you'd expect. No. He wanted to do something far worse than hurt me. He managed to convince the guards (and the DM) to capture me, bring me to court, and sue me for assaulting a member of the Church of the Silver Flame (Which I'm fairly sure wasn't even his faith). It was quite a long process. There was a lot of yelling, death threats, subtle magic use, bribery, and OBJECTIONS. The other party members didn't really contribute at all. They just waited outside. In the end, I was sued for 5000 gold for throwing a rock at a priest 4noraisins, along with losing about 300 gold in bribes. The Paladin wounded me financially as revenge. Probably not the funniest story, but definitely one of the stranger things that I've gone through in my roleplays.
  16. I believe claws do a small amount of extra damage along with the sharp flag. It's nowhere near as significant as it was. I think it was like 3 extra damage over fists... could be wrong though.
  17. I'm not 100% sure, but I'd assume the +4 attack bonus gets added to the roll you make to hit whatever your target is, and since it's psychic I'd assume it's against will... It's not the best, but it's not the worst either. 1d6 is the damage you roll for, as I assume you know, and the +3 damage is damage that gets added after the roll. Another way to look at it is "4 to 9 psychic damage with +4 to hit against will". I think if you're using an implement it buffs the damage and bonus to hit more. I can't remember Psion's implements... I think they're orbs... My bard Einar Silvermoon's story is just him being a bard. His family were travelling bards, but they were killed defending him from bandits when he was young. He got away, yadda yadda tragic orphan backstory. He's not bitter about it or anything, he just continued being a bard, found a group of people who needed help (And a proper leader), and went with them to keep them organized and find treasure. Thing is, I can't remember if I play 4e or 3.5e... I think it's 4e.
  18. Personally I play a bard, with a similar idea that you have; trying to avoid combat wherever possible. I use my high charisma and abilities to try and convince enemies to leave us alone... but my teammates always screw that up. I've had to roll against my teammates a few times to convince them to not fight the harmless villagers... But yeah, combat is inevitable, so I keep around a good sword and a good few abilities for real combat when it calls for it.
  19. "Coffee System". Do other servers have a "Coffee System"? If not, we should be the first.
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