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Everything posted by HereticChurch

  1. I played D&D quite a bit for some time, but all my group seems to have flocked off to do life stuff now, so I've got a few characters just sitting around. My favourite one is a level 11 Drow Bard/Ranger hybrid named Einar Silvermoon, with a focus on attacking multiple enemies and buffing allies, along with having a Spider beast companion named Alcaeus. I should try to get a group going again...
  2. http://nanotrasen.se/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=2285 That link has pretty much everything you might need to know about mentoring.
  3. That biography is fucking beautiful. I really look forward to meeting Sovereign sometime soon!
  4. Not exactly sure why, but I felt sad reading those first two records... especially since I was the one who killed the blob spores attacking Atlas in the medbay, and helped bring him alive, before going SSD a while after. The minimalist logs are really interesting... I like them.
  5. I don't think I've wanted a game more. I want to find a captain I like and get him super promoted to be my little OP minion~
  6. I've done some reading on WH40k recently. Slaanesh seems pretty cool.
  7. Agreed. I've really enjoyed all the additions that clowns have gotten, what with the clown royalty stuff, the clown soldiers/officers, and various other stuff. Thing is, I have no clue what mimes would get to be equivalent. I'd want them to be very different compared to clowns, even in their equipment. Mime assassin robes? Mimes got that whole religious thing going, with their vow of silence and stuff. Maybe base it around that?
  8. I didn't even realize it until now, but Klara Rio and David Buck fighting over the fireaxe had me giggling like a maniac. It looks amazing so far, especially Buck's Armour! I think when this is done, Paradise should set it as the game lobby image for some time.
  9. Oh, how exciting! It's quite a large project, indeed, but I believe in you!~ Gloria Church would likely be part of the team. Name: Gloria Church Height: 5' 7" Eye Colour: Blue Hair Colour and Style: Brown, shoulder length alt. style. Expression: Raising an eyebrow and staring at someone else doing something questionable. Pose: Arms crossed, standing. Uniform: The white-shirt-brown-pants security uniform, with a medical band, standard security armor vest, white shoes, a medical HUD on one of her eyes, and a security beret. Preferred Location: Somewhere in the middle.
  10. HereticChurch


    That werewolf looks amazing! I think a good Halloween event would be Werewolves vs. Vampires. Plus some hunters! Keep everyone on edge.
  11. I remember that round, kinda. I decided to ask an admin to let me play in the admin station for a bit, then the shuttle was called and I started listening in on the radio as I practiced ghetto surgery on a mutilated kidan, played with a LWAP Sniper, and made magical deadly chem concoctions. Made me regret not joining the round, as it would have been great. Kudos to that HoS, and to you. You've got a great way of telling these stories.
  12. I noticed this forum always seems to load perfectly fine even when my sister is streaming like 3 things and it takes forever for anything else to load. This site must just be so awesome.
  13. From what I've seen, you seem to be a very competent officer. I'd love to have you as one of my officers when I decide to be a Warden of Head of Security. Gloria might not even yell at you if you're good enough!
  14. The idea behind this race seems pretty neat, but as others have said, it seems quite overpowered. Perhaps giving it some more original and balanced abilities and perks would be good. I tried giving it some balancing myself, but it still would be quite powerful. Mechanics + Illarians can speak a unique language, consisting of clicks, roars, snarls and growls. + All Illarians have claws, and will scratch with them instead of punching when unarmed, dealing extra damage. + Illarians miss less often when using melee weapons and their claws. + Illarians possess a natural heat vision, allowing them to see people, monkeys and other creatures though walls. + They can become partially invisible when walking, similar to the Xeno Hunter's ability. Handy in the dark, but less useful in the middle of a lit hallway. ~ Illarians are less vulnerable to temperature extremes, but suffer more from low-pressure environments. ~ They have strange blood that can only be transfused between other Illarians. (unsure of this one) - Breathe only Nitrogen. (Perhaps they only breathe another type of gas... perhaps plasma?) - Their heat vision makes them disadvantaged when welding/dealing with portable flashes unless proper protection is taken (i.e. Sunglasses or Welding Masks). - Their natural vision makes them unable to properly use most specialized eyewear, such as Meson goggles or medHUDs, and welding protection doesn't always work. - Stun Batons leave them stunned for far longer. - Illarians cannot use human gloves due to their claws. - Weak to Toxin Damage. (take about 30% more toxin damage) - They have a hard time purging radiation from their bodies, severely slowing radiation degradation, making them rely heavily on radiation medication. - Extremely vulnerable to Ethanol and alcahol. 15 units is lethal. Perhaps they could use more nerfs, perhaps something with ranged weaponry... But I'm not sure. I love the idea of a race for hunting, but it will be hard to make it balanced.
  15. I will now be afraid of working as a Warden under Grugg...
  16. That image alone reduced my fear of Atmos by about 90%.
  17. I donno. I like it, actually. It seems like a Xeno+Cultist round combined. While it does seem like the late-game bits like the evolved Necromorphs and such look to be a bit unbalanced, the initial game, getting the Marker and smuggling it onto the station does sound incredibly difficult. If anything, I don't see this round having many opportunities to actually get that far. Cultists with just a convert rune having the dual responsibilities to retrieve the Marker discreetly and convert enough people to give them a fighting chance against the station does sound like a tall order. Hell, it would be near impossible with a competent MetaAI. Other than the rough start, I see this as being quite fun looking in both RP and gameplay, and it looks like a lot of whats asked for here already exists in the code. With a bit of balancing and some expert spriting, I can see this working well. But thats just my opinion.
  18. While I like this idea, as I really love just how horrifying the Reavers from Firefly can be, I cannot possibly see this being a gamemode in itself. As it has been said, it sounds like it would be abused and used as an excuse to murderbone. Perhaps this could be a minor admin event, but other than that, I don't see this coming to fruition any time soon.
  19. I'd be fine with them not having sechud, but I mostly use the sechud to quickly tell the heads of staff from the others with their golden icon during hectic times where I am too busy to identify the heads of staff effectively. Mostly I just want the flash resistance with the medhud, as I usually wear that the most. I switch to the sechud sunglasses during emergencies so I can quickly keep tabs on the heads of staff and use it to mark people who assault heads of staff if they run. That, and blue tinted hudsunglasses would be awesome.
  20. Just a very minor suggestion for the Blueshields. I think they should get a custom pair of hudsunglasses, that instead of having a red tint, have a blue one, and can change from sechud to medhud with a verb. I think it would be neat for the Blueshield to get its own cool pair of glasses, and it would also still have flash protection when examining the health of those they are around. And they wouldn't need to steal a pair of hudsunglasses from security!
  21. Name: Gloria Church Age: 26 Gender: Female Race: Human Blood Type: AB+ General Occupational Role(s): Blueshield, Security Officer, Warden, rarely Head of Security or Captain Biography: Gloria Church was an orphan on planet Bimna, in the Tau Ceti system. She was adopted by a middle-class family and was quickly put to work at a young age. She was grateful to be adopted, she said, but she planned to leave as soon as possible to 'see the stars'. She took on many jobs as soon as she could in order to get into some proper schooling. [Clearance: Security] One of the jobs she took was less than legal, as she was hired by the [REDACTED] and was promptly arrested and put away for quite some time. [Clearance: General] She eventually settled on a job working for the main shipyard on the planet, and got enough money for a few courses needed to work aboard the NSS Exodus, taking on several jobs, but mainly focusing on security. [Clearance: Security] During her time there, she had been contacted several times by her previous, illegal employers, in order to settle a debt she had incurred. She claims to have rejected them, but after being caught once, a loyalty implant had her admit to stealing several high-value items and leaving them at a fence aboard a central command station. Since the incident, NT has taken measures to prevent her from having contact with her employers, including a transfer to NCS Cyberiad, another NT station, based far from Tau Ceti, and a fresh loyalty implant every so often. [Clearance: General] Soon after her transfer to the Cyberiad, she rose to a good level of respect aboard said station, and even had been trained in several specialized areas outside the station for personal security measures, as well as more general training outside security, including medical, which she took a shining to. She currently still works in the Epsilon Eridani system, transferring from the NAS Trurl and the NCS Cyberiad when needed. Qualifications: --General Engineering--Advanced Medical, including Surgery and Chemistry --Extensive R.O.B.U.S.T. training for Security, along with extensive Space Law knowledge --Basic Xenobiology and Robotics Employment Records: --Hauled Cargo for BimnaCo shipyard on Planet Bimna--Worked aboard the NSS Exodus for some time as minor security-based roles. --Currently has been working aboard the NCS Cyberiad for several years. Security Records: Known to not react well if an insult is directed at her past, becoming violent. Tends to be provoked easily by Vox or Greys. Keep an eye on her, in case she is seen dealing with the [REDACTED] Medical Records: Prone to intense flashbacks, causing minor blackouts at seemingly random times. Prone to temporary bouts of 'Space Sleep Disorder' from extensive loyalty implanting. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): On quick observation, she seems to be a mostly average caucasian woman, standing at about 5'8" and having light brown hair down to her shoulders, with deep blue eyes. Upon closer inspection, however, there are many things to notice. She has a rather faint scar below her left eye, likely from one of her many encounters with Syndicate Manhacks. She has another scar on the back of her head, as well as several on her back, but she won't say where she got those ones from. She has markings on the side of her head almost engraved, likely from the implantation and removal of many loyalty implants. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: Tends to flirt with other Blueshields, or particularly dominant Kidan. Doesn't trust Vox or Greys.
  22. The day the station was taken over by Corgis that shoot lasers from their eyes. Shoulda seen how fast the captain ran from them.
  23. Hm. I like the sound of this, but I might need quite a bit of helping along the way... Obviously then, I'll take the important job of Medic! Gloria Church is good at that stuff.
  24. I like the sound of it, but it sounds like it could end up being incredibly boring on tame rounds, where security doesn't tend to harm/be harmed much.
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