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Everything posted by HereticChurch

  1. HereticChurch


    FoS your little Vox is the most adorable thing ever and I love it and want one to cuddle.
  2. My sides... Hah. Streaky that's adorable.
  3. I will now be demanding politely requesting all my artist friends to comic-ify that scenario.
  4. XENOS ARE DISGUSTING SCUM AND MUST BE ELIMINATED AS THEY ARE A SWORN ENEMY TO THE GLORIOUS HUMAN RACE. ALL HAIL THE EMPEROR. Yes, fellow Empire people! Hail the Emperor! Ahway impurritor or whatever! Down with hairy-sea! Or praise Slaanesh...
  5. I love the idea for the altar, and while the paladin equipment sounds awesome, it would be horribly abused, or at least unbalanced. Perhaps just giving the chaplain some inherent partial resistance to vampire abilities would be fair. Also, quick question... Does the busted up chapel on the derelict also burn up vampires? Or has it been dead for too long for the holy energies to harm vamps?
  6. Welcome, always glad to have experienced players joining the server! I'm sure you'll have plenty of fun! And so will I... Praise Slaanesh~
  7. Kazaak Rezzaka starts gnawing and drooling on the wrench! Oh, how fun that would be...
  8. From what I've learned, it's not hard to WH40k. You either praise a chaos god and piss off Adr, or get angry at heretics who praise chaos gods and post pictures of angry marines and stuff.
  9. I saw that reply coming a mile away. But all the games mentioned here look really neat. I should get them...
  10. I haven't really had too much of a problem with inventory. As an officer, I grab my armor and keep it on all the time, and keep the taser mounted on the exosuit storage. My pockets have a flash and a pair of handcuffs, and my belt has the seclite, cuffs, spray, a flashbang, and the stun baton. I don't see myself using anything more than what's here, and if I need to, I can grab more flashbangs and put them in a box. That leaves my backpack with my internals box, which I can fill with spare flashbangs if I really feel like getting them, and an evidence bag box. If I hear of breaches or gas leaks, I pack a sec gas mask, and I bring my helmet along all the time to put on if I feel threatened. Plenty of room for contraband or other stuff... I never even used the webbing vest except for storing donuts before it was removed. Inventory management isn't really that bad.
  11. I really like this idea, but I don't think creating a semi-random player-controllable race/mob that breathes different air would be easy. I do like the thought of ghosts respawning as some indiginous village species and going around hunting on their own z-level. Perhaps on a 10-minute death timer like maint drones. Then you could have a small village growing, fighting off space bears and clubbing seals for their meat and crafting furs from tribbles... Perhaps the ability to build walls and other new things from wood... Just for something to do. And the whole first contact thing could have some real fun RP involved. Just... the gases bit irks be slightly. I don't really want plasma or any other kind of gas other than standard air in this area. Gases scare me. Atmos scares me. Buck scares me.
  12. Yeah, this, and also the Captain's jacket. Pockets and allowing some basic gear in it's exosuit slot would make it actually useful and not just nice looking.
  13. Yeah, the embedding is really annoying in combat, and it's really noticable in highlander, where if your claymore gets stuck in someone on the first hit you do, GG. If it were to be kept in, at least make it do triple damage or something if that happens, or knock the person down long enough to pull the damn thing out again, because losing your weapon in a single hit in equal combat due to RNG hating you is no fun. Also chaplain losing his null rod in a cultist's head kinda screws him over until surgery is done.
  14. I like this. It seems a lot like the V.A.T.S. system from Fallout (Even though I default to headshots there, it's just for the satisfying pop of their heads). While an amazing idea, I'd imagine coding it hit chance for specific limb targetting would be rather tedious, if not requiring a total rewrite of some ancient spess code. I wouldn't mind seeing a blueshield shoot a revolver from a traitor's hand seconds before point-blanking the captain's head off, though.
  15. I just got myself Kidan today... and my Kidan's preferred name is Kaz... We may need to duel.
  16. Nirania quickly clambered out of the bulky hardsuit and managed to find herself her pressurized softsuit in her quarters before running off towards the others. "H-hey! Don't take off without me! I've got a proper suit now!"
  17. I always love when the unknown wish granter shows up on the station... Good times are abound. Should have screencapped the time Gloria won a Russian Roulette match with the Grim Reaper for her life back. Which was funny because she lost her head and it just grew back in front of the geneticist. Good times.
  18. "I'd come with you, Kenrin, but this suit... Not sure how much help I'd be." Nirania says, stumbling around in the awkward suit. "I think I'm gonna just stay in here unless I'm absolutely needed..."
  19. Well there's another thread that has the actual RP in it. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2908 Read the first page and then submit your character and I guess Farmwizard will find a way to drop you in seamlessly and without question. I think that's how it works.
  20. I do love good journalism. It's great to read when I'm finding some reprieve from the murder and work-stress. And these articles are always fun~
  21. Nirania quickly scrambles into one of the bulky hardsuits. A light hiss could be heard as the pressure in the suit regulates. "Ugh... these are incredibly uncomfortable... But I'm thankful, Raishna." Just a note, Nirania's race can survive depressurization, but only gradual depressurization, to give their body time to adjust. Rapid depressurization will kill them VERY quickly.
  22. Nirania quickly goes and activates the prompt, tapping 'yes'. She looks to the ceiling, waiting for the hardsuits. She does not plan on being killed by depressurization. "Watch your heads guys, suits coming in."
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