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Everything posted by Earthdivine

  1. This one is kinda false, anything that has the Thickmaterial flag or something like that can't be penetrated by Syringes. This should include all the hardsuits.
  2. Hey, this isn't about the detective, this is about Hulk, please get back on topic guys.
  3. Patch to make IPCs only take certain chems went in about a week or so ago. Anything that could effect a machine does, anything that wouldn't doesnt, etc. Some chems were even added that only works on Synthetics as well.
  4. EMPs happen so rarely and are generally gotten BECAUSE your an IPC. Honestly the only think that really needs to be looked at is the Ling EMP, and I haven't heard problems from it for a good while.
  5. Actually as soon as a Simple NPC has a player in it, they lose that bullshit movement speed, so Pod Pilots have an easier time killing player carp then NPC carp.
  6. The Arwing was also not his, and infact had a picture of someone saying from him to do it, and said sprite was, once again, Nienhaus. I'm beginning to agree with neca in that this feels like an attack on Fox. All I get from this is that it breaks the Immersion for you. You just gave what you consider an exception to the rule. It has to be all or nothing, otherwise we will keep getting edge cases of "But his name is fine why not mine?"
  7. This was a gift from Nienhaus, he never even asked for it to be done, so using this for evidence isn't really a good way of going about this. If he himself put the work into this, or asked for it, yes it could. We had plenty of people playing characters with pun names that play good. But just because a Dick Payne or a Hughe Jass have vaugely good enough names and are also good players, there's even more derogatory names that had been used. People keep looking at this from a Roleplay point, when this should be looked at from a player perspective. IRL names are asked not to be used because they can be used as an insult to those people, and seeing players naming themselves Mike Litoris, Hugh G. Rechton, or E. Jack Ulate, is far more worrisome then someone going about naming themselves after games or shows. This also would extend to all borgs and AI players, like HAL. If we go ahead and remove reference names, because it breaks immersion, what about game references that we already have, like the CentCom ALICE AI? SS13 is built completely on references, so to say that seeing a reference like that breaks immersion is...a little strange to me, honestly.
  8. Just saying mine wasn't a direct poke at you, it was irking me you all were talking about that, is all. Sorry if it felt that way.
  9. Can we drop that subject of a reference because the reference itself is completely wrong? Putting a bag of holding in a bag of holding only invalidates the inner bags magic, causing it to be a normal bag. It's when you use a bag of holding with a PORTABLE HOLE that the rift to the astral plane happens.
  10. In my opinion it's a placeholder fear of the Return of the Engiborg, where you woul be fighting one and then it immediately runs off and heals itself to max, then runs back in before you got a chance to catch a breath. Not to mention Welders and Cable are far far more common then patches and chems for organics. There's some nice buffs for them in the tube, Ponies is wanting them to be able to pop limbs back on for instance.
  11. We get admin messages when a bomb is made. However there are many ways around that, one of which is carrying a nearly completed one in your bag, then putting it together and immediately using it.
  12. Relevent to this discussion.
  13. The other reason for it is that it's so chemistry and test labs can have other use then "press buttons in this order, get X" much like how baychem. It gives a sense of accomplishment to find make something you never seen before and that's what Goonchem was originally made for. I would honestly like some silly chems off the wiki like Hairgrownium so the only non listed ones aren't super lethal chems, and just leave the ones that are important to medbay on it. My 2 cents and what I've learned when asking about this issue. I ABSOLUTLY dispise the Super Sekret elite squad and don't want that happening here.
  14. I think /tg/ mining will end up removing plastic. I don't believe so since that's more of a botany thing, but I don't know much about that.
  15. From what I understood from when I talked to fox about this, the chainsaw does not REFLECT, but it will have a chance to block. The reason is that it acts like a Riot Shield so no one can run up to you and disarm it out of your hand. This had the effect of making it block projectiles though. The only other way he has to keep the No Disarm is to make it have NODROP, meaning the moment you spawn it, it's basically grafted to your hands.
  16. This thing has so many disadvantages to a double Esword it's unfair to call it better. A double Esword has: Permanent laser reflection, forcing melee Can be hidden Only known your using it when your attack someone Iffy on this one but burn over brute, causing earlier unconciousness Meanwhile all the chainsaw has is it's knockdown. The damage is a negligible 5 more then the double Esword. Both weapons require a wielding grip, meaning it CANT be coupled with a taser, unless the person does quick invitory and hot key work. The things main strength is it's overpoweredness in Melee, you can't even hide from the crew once you start. Don't try to disarm it, run from it. Don't run head first into the antag and expect to win, that's what the Chainsaw excels at. Hell jut run and throw floor tiles at him if needed, it's still better then tryin to disarm him. At most this thing MIGHT need a 1 stage movement decrease to further emphize it's combat power, but just reading this makes me think alot of people tried to lemming rush him. EDIT: wait it reflect projectiles? That can't be right, lemme double check it. Double edit: I think there was a goof, it has ifShield to prevent it from being disarmed easily and I'm guess it's acting like a double Esword because of that. I was thinking the wrong thing but I let fox know to look into it.
  17. Our first game shall be soon, but it's not too late to join! I'm always happy....and mostly free....to help write up characters, just hit me up on Skype under this name and I can help with character creation.
  18. Actually from the sounds of it they are playing 4th Edition, making you two fighters in name only.
  19. Probably made an opps and editted their View Range, causing the game to rotate to the right.
  20. Movement bonuses are always a bitch to balance, not to mention they originally were planned to have such a buff but it got shot down for bein too strong. Throwing mine in here. Buff: When examining a person, the Vulpakin gets a small blurb based on the current intent a person has on. I feel this falls perfectly in line with dogs, since MANY species have the capacity to tell the emotional state of a person, while also being unique enough to seperate them from Tarjan, while not powerful in the slightest to remove them from the Free race pool, not to mention it still is very useful from a gameplay standpoint.
  21. Ha! if you don't think you can handle 10 hours of gameplay drunk! I'm actually answering this drunk right now!
  22. That was the best. I loved every word of it.
  23. Sec already has ion rifles, flashes, and the Robotics Control console to deal with rogue borgs pretty much effortlessly. I am actually very late on this but Rogue borgs don't show up on the Console outside of Malf rounds.
  24. I don't mean to be a downer on suggestions, but DZD is currently working on porting the mining overhaul, so we're trying not to do anything for mining until it's done to keep things simpler to transition or to judge what needs to be tweaked and fixed easier.
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