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Everything posted by Dumbdumn5

  1. 2 banhammer swings to make sure they're gone for good.
  2. 4 Validhunters starting to fart a lot more than usual.
  3. Tempting, but I'll stick to my page long rants and debates. I should start a poll at one point...
  4. 7 IPCs gettign mre nerf becuz thy r OP. I want self repair back... plz.... plz? No? Damn it! Back to being a mouse, it's more durable and harder to kill with the two most common damage types.
  5. EA better not screw up this like they screwed up nearly everything else...
  6. Enjoyed giving him Maribel the Seal as a talking mouse.
  7. Welcome to the crew! Good to have another character with a mouth here. Long as you don't fling your fists around wildly you should be fine in my book.
  8. *Opens Game Panel* *Opens player panel of random0103* SubtleMessage: Hey guy, you want pizza? Guy: What? *double clicks the pizza path, spawning a pizza* Nobody ever takes my pizzas... except Cole...
  9. You dare disrespect bragging/story time?!?!?
  10. But why not let the tajarans go fishing? They can already devour mice!
  11. Memorization is king! Anyways, back to the syndicate IPC at hand.
  12. Don't worry about it, play however unique you like, just don't be pushy with it and don't be an ass about it, as long as people don't have a problem with you, you shouldn't have a problem with them. Personally I retell Slade's backstory in character, I don't write it down because the things written in these records can be used to assume a lot about playstyle, so I withold it for story telling to make things interesting.
  13. Having issues as a snowflakey IPC related to the syndicate? Don't worry, Dr.Slade can help you out... wait a minute, no, that'd only make you more over the top. Eh, long as you don't beg for attention or try to make yourself the center of things you won't be a snowflake. You'd just be like me, a fairly thick and unbelievably unreasonable backstory that sort of but doesn't really make sense in terms of in-game prewritten lore. You'll be fine.
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