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Everything posted by Dumbdumn5

  1. Nah, I praise the only one father of the abyss. Manus. (Fuck that guy, Artorias was a badass! ; _
  2. Are you sure? You don't... you don't want any of the seals or anything? I mean he DID urk at me, right? I'll just go... uhhhh... do my thing.... *Stands in the doorway to maintenance and moves his arms around rapidly while muttering the word "Boo" with an echo filter repeatedly*
  3. Welp, going to just post things here because art. I heard somebody didn't like Slade showing up near them randomly in maint, so I decided to do a bit of a first person perspective. Mrs.Dobbins' requested a Zordon AI sprite... MYAH!
  4. 2, remember I count as a normal user as of demands of Adr
  5. You hear a voice in your head... Testing, testing, 1,2,3. Jonah, speaking to you from inside your head. Nice to see somebody else talks to himself... unless those logs were all something I was meant to record or write down... so, as I stand here at your side, spiritually of course, I have a very important question to ask. I need to tell this man if I want fries with that, but I can't decide if I do. He seems to be genuinely eager, though I doubt that he's sanitary. I don't know why we keep coming back to Space Nandos, but people always keep saying it's good. Though the food is of fairly high quality for a spaceport fast food chain, I can't help but wonder if they actually clean anything in there. Last bag I picked up was filled with space roaches that melted off my arm when I tried to remove them from the take out. Let's just say the officials were not happy when I came back with a new cardboard helmet, aluminum arm, and the lid of a jar that used to contain space roaches. As for your current predicament, consider it remedied... wait did I press the seal or the human button? I'm sure you'll tell me, right? Errr.. bark once to say that you're ok and twice to say that you need me to press another button. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to fill a mask with a disembodied voice that has mind powers. Good luck, Slade
  6. I had an idea like this a while ago about ghosts spawning at CC or some type of general commons area for RP or just general talking. I don't really think a murderfest is a great idea at all really, but then again, I play a pacifistic character who tries to RP every situation rather than shoot somebody in the head because I disagree with them.
  7. Yeah, Six. I put Tails, Myself, Case, Jack Price, and two other people later on inside of Dmitri's head as talking butterflies. Also, the way to tell who Josiah is is by looking for xenos. Tully, you can't mess up my commentary. Though you sorta can if it interferes. Got told for the first time to stop messaging as it was filling up log space for Fox. Obviously the only thing to do was stick a butterfly into the people I was talking to and alternate between them.
  8. Same thing here. A ton of potentially useful materials are stuck in lock boxes that rarely ever get printed or opened. Besides, if it's supposedly "new" technology that you're "researching" why the hell would NT have a pre-made boxing system on a machine that prints and assembles machinery that is new to most standards of the station. You could argue that "If it's in the combat category they automatically scale and create lock boxes", but that's just a little bit odd all the same because the roboticist next door doesn't have his giant mini-gun, laser rifle, grenade launcher, and any number of the other exosuit modules you can print off without running up to a Head of Staff or sec officer saying "Can you give me a death laser that obliterates matter for my mech that phases through material by disassembling and reassembling/ storing them in a pocket dimension and teleporting as it separates its particles through your armory wall?
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