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Everything posted by Landerlow

  1. Alfred Keitel as HoP, Fredrik Bjork as QM. I like paperwork.
  2. This isn't true. There are ways to counteract it. With disabilities. Of course, that might not be *preferable* but still.
  3. yes and? The station shield/bsa/dna vault is engineering, and only cargo for odering parts, nothing else. That's irrelevant really.
  4. - More kinds of loot on the asteroid - MORE MONSTERS - Increase/remove goliath plate limit on armor? - Additional objectives for mining? - Rare chance of finding bananium/tranquillite ore? (like, not near the abandoned mime/clown ships, just on the asteroid) - More crates? - Other ideas? I think @Slith-Skaar would have some good ideas too perhaps.
  5. Let's see .. massive food production for famine on a nearby planet? Food would be shipped off with a cargo shuttle or a shuttle sent by CC (Gives chef more to do, gives a sense that more exists besides space and the station) Expansion on the bsa: Build the BSA, then wipe out targets designated by CC Keep watch over prisoners who are transported on the ship from a fellow colony. -> Several permaprisoners (who are perhaps a bit genetically modified to be a bit more dangerous?) will be put in the permabrig. However, they are quite volatile and need watch/care.
  6. The current ones are getting quite .. repetitive.
  7. Handling stuff IC is all well and good, except when people don't get it and go all shitty if you berate them for it.
  8. Make nutrition go down a bit faster if possible so cooks have more to do / more of a challenge later in shifts?
  9. Are there any plans on creating new jobs, expanding/tweaking current jobs (bureaucratic jobs like NT rep, etc) ?
  10. Giving IAA's more power has been discussed and was met with approval but well .. nothinig was done with it. IAA's are just assistant+ at this point. Calling dibs is just petty and stupid. Department rooms and resources should be used by everyone in a department, not by just one person. 'Get out, this is my OR!' ... just doing my job, yo.
  11. Ban the practice of calling dibs on subdepartments and OR's. And actually enforce SoP of departments outside of security. Current SoP is a joke.
  12. @Buford No hard feelings, but you got demoted from the HoS position two shifts in a row and I would advise you to re-read space law. Other than that, keep it up.
  13. I think it would be nice to expand the variety of surgical procedures. Think of liposuction (spelling?), sex change. Tail amputation ....>>?? (*flip) Fur harvesting etc But seriously though, feel free to think of any surgical procedures you'd like to be added?
  14. Nicely written! Goobina is a very nice character. *squish .. Especially if you poke her with a space carp plushie.
  15. I love paperwork. But most people don't. When I try to roleplay or go HoP paperwork edition style, I get my life made hell. Only when people actually start doing more paperwork/want to do more paperwork, we should invent more of it. As it is, some HoP's are too lazy to even open up their desk when it's closed to stamp a cyborgification form.
  16. It would be good. It would give the HoP more to do for longer into the shift than just the first 10 minutes or so.
  17. The NT rep: We all know them, but besides faxing and giving advice that nobody cares about, what do they do? They have no real power. I would like suggestions/discussion as to how the role could be improved, besides better roleplay. I myself (Alfred Keitel) play this role regularly. One of the major turn-offs for me is a complete radio and/or fax silence from NT. While, of course, not all faxes/kinds of faxes *have* to be answered, a response is always nice, to know that your work is appreciated and to prevent you from feeling that the job is a waste of karma. The following are things I would like to see/change: * More reponse from CC in general * More on-station duties / having actual power i.e promoting/demoting staff members WITH VALID AND ARGUMENTED REASON and approval of CC. * Instead of faxing things directly to communications console, fax it to an NT rep, for the NT rep to relay to command. OR: Give the NT rep a communications console in his room at least, so that printed reports also get in that office directly. (Classified messages, etc) * Perhaps a screen which would directly relay requests to CC. FOR THE NT REP TO USE ONLY! Not for the captain or for any other crew. I'm thinking of ERT in dire emergencies, to cleaning assistance, special shipments, etc. These are things the NT rep could handle, since they are a representative/liason/direct link to CC. * Additional QoL improvement: Make a distinguishable sound that plays whenever the NT rep gets a fax or gets a headset message. I sometimes miss either a headset message or a fax in my office because I'm busy or because the chat is just incredibly hectic. * A possibility for a 'CC' command channel, only to be used in emergencies, for when the faxes don't work because of issues or whatever. Of course, these privileges would mean more responsibility, roleplay and as such, punishment for violations/abuse would be severe. Thoughts, Ideas? Suggestions? P.S: Yes I know admins can't read everything and that some don't care for faxes, but still, it's a job, you spent karma for it.
  18. I'm ALFRED-AI, EPSILON and I need to think of a new one. I like to point out random stuff, spy on PDA mesages (Flirting in there lmao and traitors), point out failures as AI. As borg: Bound by my laws so I can't do much .. I set beepsky rogue once as a joke, since it's not harmful other than that everyone gets ZPPPD. I also rerouted disposals to one very much comdom HoP. But I stick to the rules. :) I like to clean things up. I clean people with soap.
  19. Yes. They should have a downsight. Slight health damage in light? Poison from normal food? Harmed by space cleaner? (lol)
  20. The zombies may not be friendly but flypeople can be. Especially if you vomit in front of them. Make them able to eat vomit AND blood, and those things ONLY. The filthier the station, the happier the flypeople. Make them able to eat burned mess (from kitchen) too. And fungus. It would be just some trash-parasite race. Somehow, this I would really like to see added. If I could code it, I would make a PR myself.
  21. So downsides can be created, of course. Also, zombies would be valid targets.
  22. Then do not add zombies. But flypeople .. for some reason I'd like to play as that race. ADD FLYPEOPLE?! PLS?!
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