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Everything posted by ZN23X

  1. Would this actually make things more interesting at all or would regular players just develop over inflated wallets with not enough to spend it all on? Or would it eventually lead to the overinflated market that all MMOs have where long term players have tons of money to afford things that seem insanely expensive to newer players? (i.e. chemists marking up the cost of common drugs to some insanely high price that only long term players with massive bank accounts csn afford) I like the idea of money having a useful purpose in this game but cannot think of a fair and realistic way to make that happen. Its nice to say "it would be cool to have this extra feature" but...would it? I feel like the method proposed would just turn money into a slightly different form of irrelevant fluff from what it already is. If that is all its gonna be, why bother. ...plus, as has been mentioned...money having actual value would add yet another version of greif and abuse we would have to monitor. If the players here have proven one thing, its that some of them will always try to game the system. I know...you can't help yourselves. This is why we can't have nice things.
  2. I know Cluwnes are valid but I'm pretty sure we need to nuke this one...
  3. Not a screenshot but a letter from a prisoner in perma. I feel like these always deserve a post because so few get to actually see them.
  4. I had the exact same thought lmao I was thinking "Shit, thats a strong umbrella!" They DO appear to be amongst the clouds, do they not? ?
  5. Doesn't look like a trap to me, just looks welcoming~
  6. I posted that just after the round ended.
  7. During a sling round obviously Honk
  8. When the nukies declare war, plow through the crews defense, get the disk, and then... DAMNIT! YOU HAD ONE JOB! ONE! JOB!
  9. @Crossbow7734 just curious...why is this exclusive to Polish speaking only? I translated it and the game sounds interesting...
  10. When I initially looked at this I was thinking "Oh neat, it'll be cool to see Jonah as a chick and Zeke as a dude" and then I realized the failure in my thoughts... I GET SO CONFUSED BY HIM!
  11. I saw this one and just immediately assumed it was taking a shot at the people who barge into Medbay and self help. Also... What a jerk.
  12. This is so visually pleasing. I've seen the floor before but I just think it goes really good with those style tables or something.
  13. Will I receive backpay for all the s̶o̶u̶l̶ ̶c̶r̶u̶s̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ hours I've spent protecting y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶w̶o̶r̶t̶h̶l̶e̶s̶s̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶u̶n̶g̶r̶a̶t̶e̶f̶u̶l̶ ̶a̶s̶s̶e̶s̶ the station while playing Sec? Cigs and coffee ain't cheap. I like the idea of any feasible economic system that makes money in this game more meaningful.
  14. @Kryson I'm talking about borderline antag behavior as greytide. Any good security player eventually ignores lesser crimes when the snowball of shit they are dealing with gets too big. I'm specifically talking about the players who try to be a noticeable nuisance to sec on code red. The only way the minor stuff is a bother to sec on code red s the flood of PDA messages or callouts on comms for the minor stuff that goes ignored. Just more spam. You also don't see a lot of officers end up in the morgue cuz their bodies are usually destroyed or spaced so they CANT come back. And any time their bodies are recovered they are cloned as a priority so they can get back in the fight, so all you'd get in the morgue is a naked body and probably unidentifiable body since they'll take all their gear from their corpse and they were most likely wrecked by something severe. Antags also frequently outnumber security on high pop rounds. There are mixed Traitor/Vamp/Cling rounds where there are literally 20sih antags. Fully staffed security (including the brig doc, warden, and detective who SHOULDN'T be fighting antags) is a total of 12 members, maybe 16 if you get a lot of borgs. And that's if security is even fully staffed. Security has to deal with that, while typically having the disadvantage gear/ability wise over many of the antags, while also lacking the element of surprise since we stand out like a sore thumb whereas the antags are hidden. Even on low pop there tends to be 5-10 antags where there is only half that many people playing sec, if anyone at all. Add greytide on top of that, it can be awful. You also need to realize that security doesn't know if you are or aren't an antag. YOU know you aren't. They do not. Play a few hundred hours in sec, you'll see what I mean. Again tho, I think we are talking about different types of greytide. If you are just talking about minor thefts n break ins when more important shit is going on, I promise nobody even notices what you are doing except maybe people in your immediate vicinity, so if that what entertains you, have a blast. I personally got bored of that after a few rounds of doing it. If doing that for endless hours keeps you entertained, who am I to judge. Could view me as equally insane for thinking playing security for endless hours is entertaining. Different strokes for different folks.
  15. You don't play security at all, do you? Or at least not much? I agree greytiding helps give security something to do early on, but if you don't have the capacity to cut the shit once stuff gets busy for security then you are just being a prick for the sake of being a prick and not actually trying to make anything interesting for anyone but yourself. It is unimaginably annoying and stressful when its code red and there is a known dangerous threat on the station and some dipshit is getting in the way cuz "lel muh pranks" completely ignoring the fact that half of security is dead and the rest are already overworked. From an IC perspective, once its code red and there is a known dangerous threat, you should actually give a shit about trying not to be a bother to security so they can better prevent you from being killed by said threat. I also agree with Alffd, if you are gonna greytide hard, accept the consequences when you are caught. If you take it on the chin and get back out there to do your thing once your time is up, you are actually trying to make the round interesting. If you are just gonna spam comms and whatever else with salt when you get caught, you are clearly just being an asshole to security cuz they are authority and you are taking our your frustrations you have with the authority figures IRL (parents, teachers, boss). Security are players too, and whatever hell you personally feel like you are dealing with, chances are they are dealing with worse. Respect your fellow player lol
  16. @Trubus I AM DEFEATED. You just gained everyone two weeks of me leaving this thread alone. and yea that counts despite me being an admin. (meaning the next number is 3)
  17. Tetra Vega thinks to herself: Plez growl more~
  18. When the server goes down for over an hour then restarts:
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