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Posts posted by ZN23X

  1. Sec just needs to be on point so the admins don't get flooded with things that can be handled IC. No kid gloves. Don't let anyone get away with anything, brig for all infractions for maximum time, they'll either get bored or they will learn how to act like a h̶u̶m̶a̶n̶ sentient being.

    Keep a level head. Don't drown in the tide.

    (Sounds like a good speech to give at the beginning of the shift as HOS)


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  2. @apneaman the only response I have to that one is ????

    I don't know how in God's name they managed to perma you with no real evidence of you being a traitor. Technically if they thought you were disabling cameras the most they could give you is vandalism and maybe workplace hazard.

    Awful and paranoid sec crew...RIP

    @Spacemanspark Come to think of it, I have no idea why either. I think it's for fear they will be cloned but you could argue that fear for any antag.

  3. I don't have a problem with the old version or the new version. I just love the fact that one day I walked into maint n went "Woah...this looks different..."

    To that point...not sure how much work it takes but I'd be a fan of several versions of maint (a half dozen to a dozen?) that either randomize every game (if possible)...or just get rotated regularly to keep things fresh.

    • Like 2
  4. 4 minutes ago, FPK said:

    20 whole minutes? I've stopped being that strict about SL a long time ago. But we're not here to discuss spesslaw.

    I'm only strict if they earn it. I'm also very lenient if they earn it.

    Not sure if anyone brought this up yet...on the note of comparing to gas masks from BF1  (I think that was World War 1?), I imagine gas mask tech has evolved substantially since then. I have no problem with people having full vision with them.

    From an RP stand point it would be uncomfortable to wear all the time, so would wearing EVA 24/7, as would surviving on hot cocoa, and various other things people regularly do every round. If it was a pure HRP server it'd be a problem. 

  5. Just now, shazbot194 said:

    One way to possibly solve the one changeling dieing super fast is to have them supplemented with other antags, namely traitors, although I wouldn't mind seeing cult vs changeling.

    I like the idea of a mix of more antags in all rounds to make it less predictable. Give me a round with a vamp, a ling, a cult, a handful of traitors, AND vox raiders. Chaos ensues!

    • Like 3
  6. I can't think of any antag round aside from off station cult where the station isn't aware of thier presence within 30 minutes.

    The strength of the antag is based on who is using it. Some lings are nearly unstoppable, some flop. If you reduce the number to 1 that is super buffed (like wizard level strength) but the person controlling it sucks then you'd have 1 really powerful antag that dies quickly  (like a bad wizard). Having multiple lings at least gives more of a chance for there to be a good one.

  7. Ive primarily worked sec for months, dealing with every type of antag countless times. Aside from like...a wizard...or an ascended shadowling...changelings are the most dangerous antag I ever deal with. Stun break. Ability to escape cuffs. Ability to heal and summon weapons and armor on the go. Ability to revive themselves from being dead. AND they can change thier identity so it's not as easy as "so and so is a vampire/traitor" You want them MORE dangerous? Aside from really skilled vampires, I've never seen anything but a changeling fight against multiple members of sec at the same time and win. Changeling rounds are also one of the most challenging for sec because there is so few ways of confirming if they are in fact a changeling. I don't get the "they aren't hard to detect" aside from if you are talking about when they destroying people with powers in the open. Aside from that capturing someone with the IDs of multiple dead crew members there isn't really any "smoking gun" when it comes to changelings. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Doukan said:

    Yes, you are the cancer that is killing us

    I mean no, but yeah I play a lot probably a lot more than I should and imagine a lot of it comes down to just being around to roll more dice.

    First of all, A+ on the first comment ???

    More rolls of the dice would probably help in my case. I only have 1 or 2 rounds a day where I actually get to declare ready at the beginning. I play 3-5 rounds a day but earlier in the day it usually consists of me joining a round in progress and sometimes later at night, if the population is low, I'll wait till after the round starts to pick which job is NEEDED which would exclude me from any round start antag options. 

    I get to play alot given all the responsibilities at this point in my life...but if it was a decade ago when I was living at home with a part time job and no kid I'd definitely be able to declare ready in more matches lol

    Maybe it's not meant to be :P

  9. 49 minutes ago, Bxil said:

    It's not hard to learn the thing. I am learning to become a programmer, and I encourage you to try yourself in it. But BYOND code keeps scaring me. Every time I try to learn it, I get scared away pretty fast.

    I imagine it can't be any harder than learning to fix my own car, minus the potential financial and safety risk if I screw up.

    ...and minus the mess...

  10. 9 hours ago, Doukan said:

    Any such system would only end up infested with shitty player drama. 

    Like someone posting on the forum because they don't know if they'll ever get a shot at wizard or blob? :P

    5 times in a row?! I've never got antag 5 times even over the course of 2 weeks. Of course YOU wouldn't think change is needed. I wouldn't have generated the thought of my initial post if I had ever gotten antag 5 times in a row. Or maybe I would have? Same problem from the opposite side. I'd be okay with a 2 month break if I got 5 times in a row too.

    ...and to @Shadeykins point that a portion of people have antags set to no because that is default, that supports my point even more. So a chunk of the player base doesn't even have it turned on and I still rarely get it? So it'd be even harder if more people had it turned on? I may as well just turn all of em off because even if I practiced I'd still be clueless in a live round.


    I know...its not gonna change. Anyone who has posted here has wasted thier time. Most suggestions are just blowing hot air unless you actually know how to code. If probably be better off using all the time I spend writing suggestions posts learning to code instead. Can't be that hard? YouTube DIY here I come!

    *waves white flag*

  11. There was an adminbus like this one time where we got an announcement that the station was under control of the syndicate, and we were taking part in a nuke ops training program. After a certain duration of time 5 flags spawned. The goal was to get on the shuttle alive with a flag. I think the captain and HOS got all of them. It was...interesting. I didn't even realize everyone was given telecrystals till another sec officer with a guardian saved me.

    Just like in Tay's scenario though, even protected jobs were traitors. If security wasn't traitors in a round with all traitors, I imagine the brig would be turned into space very quickly.

    • Like 1
  12. 14 minutes ago, Bxil said:

    Antag tokens...?

    I've heard that if you have an unusual problem as certain antags that leads to your round ending that you can AHELP it and get an token that  allows you to become that type of antag again. The example I can think of it a blob that got killed immediately after turning into a blob because a civilian  (luckily?) was RIGHT there. And as I've said, it could have been someone who's never been blob before, and from my experience, may never be a blob again for months...or if something happens where you got disconnected randomly at a critical moment and it ended your round. Those are the examples I've heard of.

    I don't know if the token is just a note on your account and you get it via adminbus, if it's something you select yourself, or if it's just a myth. Admins confirm?

  13. 9 minutes ago, Birdtalon said:

    It's done completely random with no weighting on anything and I think that's the best way.

    ...entirely random aside from adminbus or antag tokens (don't know if the tokens exist but I've heard of them)

  14. So...I've been playing since December. I play at least 2-3 rounds a day. I've had Wizard, Blob, and Nukie set to YES pretty much since day 1. Ive been a nukie op twice, never been a blob or wizard. Played 2 rounds in a row last night where the SAME PERSON got vampire in both rounds. That seems a bit unfair to people who rarely pull antag. Is there a way to make it so the game keeps track of who has been what kind of antag how many times to try to give more people a chance?

    Worst part is the day I finally get to be a wizard or blob I'm going to die fast because I'll have no clue what I'm doing, then I'll have to wait another forever to try again.

    • Like 1
  15. 4 hours ago, Love-To-Hug said:

    I am curious why we don't just make all the stun stuff work like the disabler.

    There has actually been alot of discussion for this lately. For everything that stuns or knocks down. Including disarm.

  16. The best with Xcom is when you would be aiming at an alien in front of you and manage to hit and kill the 2 of your soldiers that are behind you lmao

    That freaking game...

  17. 7 minutes ago, NethIafin said:

    @ZN23X and no admin bwoinked you? daaaaamn

    I've been bwoinked for this but never gotten in trouble for it. It's a salty person complaining to an admin (probably with the same attitude they've been giving me while arresting them) vs me with a calm demeanor and a clear explanation of my actions.

    All I'm doing is following SOP and Space Law.

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  18. ...as with most of the problems with the server...a behavioral problem that can most easily be corrected with better practice.

    I LOVE enforcing code red SOP.

    Greytide wandering around the halls with no ID at code red. 

    HALT "Please display your ID"

    They run off. Chase. Tase. Cuff.

    "You can't arrest me, not wearing an ID isn't a crime, I can't be resisting arrest if I haven't committed a crime. SHITCURITY!"

    They cuss and scream the whole way to the brig, mocking me for not knowing how to do my job, for having bad aim, etc.

    "You are being arrested for failing to follow an officers orders at code red which is creating a work place hazard, that's ten minutes, and since you are being SO cooperative, let's give you another five for resisting and another five for being uncooperative. If you have a problem with that I can have IAA sit outside your cell and read space law and code red SOP to you."

    Not knowing what crime you are committing does not give you a free pass.

    They were arguing against getting a 5 minute sentence for resisting arrest, now they are in for 20 for being a smart ass...and I bet they won't run around at code red with no ID ever again.

    Tastes like victory.

    I guess the lesson here is, if you want to see SOP enforced and abided by, play roles that allow you to enforce SOP. Lead by example and others will start to follow suit.

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