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Posts posted by ZN23X

  1. I've run into situation on the shuttle multiple times where a maint drone gets into either the security or command part of the shuttle and slaughters everyone because they are too hard to hit. I can't even disable them with a flash like I could do to a borg. Or at least flashing them hasn't stopped the slaughter. Maybe they are blind clicking.

  2. Alright I'll be proactive. Instead of addressing one of the issues that leads to powergaming we are yet again forced to fight fire with fire. Any time I work Medbay I'll just grab the wrench from cryo, move the fridge into the medical supplies room and patch the hole in the wall with metal from some of the chairs lying around. If anyone breaks into the room I'll report them to sec for B&E, trespassing, and petty theft (oddly petty theft under space law shows someone stealing meds from this exact room). They'll get 20-30 in the brig and people will learn to live with it. I suggest anyone here who shares my view does the same.

    • Like 2
  3. I don't know how this devolved to resulting in piles of bodies in Medbay. This sometimes happens even with the chems fridge where it's currently located, with everyone having access to it, when it's well stocked. It doesn't make sense to argue that restricting the chems fridge would cause this to happen when it already happens with an unrestricted fridge. At times the station is so chaotic that an overwhelming amount of bodies piles up regardless of how competent or incompetent Medbay is.

    Everyone dies, sometimes early, sometimes unfairly, and sometimes you cannot be brought back for one reason or another.

    • Like 1
  4. 33 minutes ago, EvadableMoxie said:

    Why aren't antags carrying SR to gib their murder victims? Instant easy cloning prevention.

    Wasnt my intention to promote powergaming when posting this. Thanks for giving everyone the idea ???

  5. Today I randomly got some boss battle music from an OLD game I played as a kid stuck in my head and thought to myself "This would sound real good at the end of a round" like after the shuttle docks, or when all hell is breaking loose and the station is screwed.

    What do you think would make good round end music?

    • Like 1
  6. Another thread made me think of one of the greatest flaws in Medbay that promotes powergaming. Why is it that ANYONE has access to the chems fridge? As long as the fridge is stocked, it allows anyone to come in Medbay and completely bypass doctors to heal anything aside from complex things that meds alone can't fix. I think it should be like the Nanomeds(son) and only people with medical access should be able to use it.

    Maybe even just putting the chems fridge in a room that only medical has access to. Move it up to where one of the pill bottle lockers is. Or the "medbay locker room" right behind the reception desk. That way in EXTREME emergencies the CMO can give the door(s) emergency access so anyone can use it, but it would put the fridge in a more secure location under normal circumstances.

    I feel this change would reduce powergaming and allow for more RP opportunities...and make less doctors go SSD because they are bored or aggravated that everyone is doing thier job for them.

    • Like 3
  7. 1 hour ago, Valkuma said:

    Anyone that can enter medbay or is let into medbay heals themself anyway.

    The point of a doctor is that they need to specialize in fixing oddball problems (infections/genetic disorders) and surgery.

    THIS mindset is a powergaming mindset in general. Doctors SHOULD be healing people. Slow down and tell a doctor you are hurt, tell them what happened to you, allow them to fix you. Don't be in such a hurry. Just gave me an idea for a new suggestion.

    • Like 1
  8. I love this.

    I love how much faster rooms would get overwhelmed by fires or breaches, it'll make it more perilous in the moment instead of just being like "Let's get out of here before things get bad..."

    The "throw instead of push" to space thing will make it harder for anyone to make any exterior point of the station into an airlock by putting a false wall there...and more resembles what seems to happen in movies n such when a hole is made into space from a pressurised environment.

  9. 8 hours ago, Spacemanspark said:

    You can always ahelp if you want it removed for the round.

    I'll do that when I get nuke ops again in a few months lol

    Thanks tho, didn't know I could do that.

  10. Here's a "I died plz nerf dis"

    Sort of...

    Just rolled Nuke Ops for the first time in 2-3 months. My regular character has a mechanical heart. I was unaware my nuke op apparently also has a mechanical heart because of this. I died to a fellow nuke ops EMPed a borg near us. *I* even though of getting EMP implant which I apparently would have killed myself with.

    Can Nuke Ops be altered to just spawn as a generic meatbag instead of carrying over my other character's traits? 

    I know the easy solution is don't have a mechanical heart. It leads to some interesting situations IC from time to time and follows my characters backstory.

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  11. On 4/30/2017 at 10:44 PM, GreenCactus said:

    Yes, that's something that I've started to realize, sometimes things just doesn't and you have to put up with it, last shift for example I survived the round on cup noodles because the chef was missing but oh well...

    I unfortunately don't think many experienced players enjoy playing chef too often, I end up living off vending machines more often than not.

    I agree with what Tay say about reporting stuff to sec but also wanted to add that if it's later in the round sec can usually be very busy. The busier sec is, the less likely they are too care about smaller crimes. I know when I'm HOS I'll sometimes get bombarded by PDA messages about people reporting stuff that we either can't or don't need to do anything about. When I'm warden or HOS I mostly try to keep an eye on comms. 

    Medbay...sort of like the food...hit and miss depending on who's working. When I'm in Medbay I make it a point to try to treat everyone as fast as possible, some people are either not as capable or just lazy.


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  12. If not...to bad!

    I'm that exceptionally  r̶o̶b̶u̶s̶t̶ clumsy green eyed red head in security that many of you have come to love or hate! ?


    Tetra is a character I originally created in Anarchy Online back in 2001 (yes, my character in a video game is as old or older than some of you and I am in fact THAT old) and I've used her in any game that has had a character creator since. She has her own personality in my mind and I've grown quite attached to her.

    Occasionally a goofy Unathi named Chakax who speaks bad  E̶n̶g̶l̶i̶s̶h̶ Galactic Common or rarely stereotypical "robotic" IPC named KR4-3SHA who REALLY likes her robot drugs and regularly gets mistaken for a vampire...and a man... despite being a machine with a female chassis.

    I began playing this in January after my friend told me an absurd story about thier first time playing the game. They were bored one night and found it on some "Top 100 Indie Games" list and said "Eh...why not?"

    So I too, said "Eh...why not?" figuring I'd play once or twice then move on. OH WAS I WRONG. I got sucked in like many others by the unique experiences and environment this game offers...something like no other.

    IN FACT! Stories about SS13 have become regular dinner table talk in my household. No joke! I get alot of "So what happened last night?!" My spouse who doesn't even  play the game is as familiar with some of your names as I am! I'll be like "So Mike Murdo-" and I'll get interrupted with "Yea I know Mike, no need for the last name, continue the story" ???

    While many video games in the past have eventually turned into me trying to grind out my character, get that new loot, or complete the story...this one is different. I play it to see what crazy thing I've never seen before is going to happen next. It keeps delivering.

    This has become my home away from home. The perfect ending to my long busy days after the rest of my family is asleep. I HAVE been much busier lately and opting for more sleep so haven't had as much time to play (don't be in a rush to grow up kids) but I promise that I'm not planning on going anywhere!

    Y'all are stuck with me. Maybe. Till I finally get bored. If ever. Probably never.

    • Like 2
  13. When Paradise attempts to have a trial. The screenshot didn't catch the chat log but it was too filled with 12 year olds various people spamming emotes and nonsense to actually hold the trial. Most people seemed to enjoy it. It hurt my soul. I couldn't escape from the hell so I committed suicide.


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  14. Then the powergamers who abandon their jobs and rush through maint at the beginning of every round can have them instead.

    I feel like this argument could be made for many items, not just the goggles. The toolbelt and tools in escape shuttle podbay. The entire old surgery room. Everything in tool the tool storage rooms. The hatchets and buckets in the garden? Where do you stop.

    I don't think the goggles need to be moved...nor any of the other items I've listed or forgotten to list but are of a similar nature.

    41 minutes ago, Cidolfus said:

    I assumed that the main attraction in the assembly line was the toolbelt.

    ...and the toolbox down by the surgery table that can be used to fill said toolbelt. The goggles are just a distraction away from those more valuable items.

    • Like 2
  15. You speak better English than most speak...hell I don't even know what they speak in Argentina without googling it and I'm not gonna cheat, so you are already one step ahead of most of us.

    Never woulda known English was a second language if you never said so.

    Seeya on station ;)

    EDIT: I believe you've inspired me to do a super late intro 100+ posts in. Stay tuned.


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  16. From everything @ChaserGrey said, it sounds like anyone who thinks there are problems in Paradise should spend a few days in a LRP and HRP servers to gain a new appreciation for Paradise.

    That being said, knowing that people enjoy different playstyles, I think the server would be better if more people realize that and are respectful of that, both IC and OOC. If you are bored or angry, take a break and go do something else, because more likely than not your boredom and anger is going to ruin the game for other people, whether intentionally or not. This is an extremely small community compared to other online games, we would all do well to be less selfish and treat each other with more kindness.

  17. Do people really award karma to players for making security miserable? Says more about the player base than anything, a few too many teenagers with parent/authority problems that want to use the game as an outlet for thier frustration. Go shout REEEEEE over comms somewhere else please...possibly in response to this post :P

    I personally award karma for 3 things: good RP, unique experiences created by others (this includes creatively killing me), and people who go out of thier way to help me.

    I would love these tokens as I usually only have time for 1 or 2 rounds a day and rarely get antag (like maybe a handful of times a month...if that). I don't have time to play for 10+ hours a day (enjoy it while you can kids, don't be in a rush to grow up) and roll for antag over and over again, but I DO have time to earn the karma to at least give me a guaranteed chance at antag every once in a while.

    That being said...100 seems like alot for one token...I've been playing for months and I've barely earned 100 total karma.

    Instead of the token guaranteeing antag, just make it prioritize antag for the players who use tokens. Let's say 10 people use tokens on a nukie round. The nukies would be selected from those 10, but not include all 10. The ones who aren't selected keep thier token and use it later.

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  18. 5 hours ago, Birdtalon said:

    I thought this is just considered basic self antagging if it's known that it's a nukie round and a player is deliberately hampering the crew.

    How about people during any rounds that are a station wide emergency who don't care about what's happening? OOC, you are obviously bored of the game because this is your 50th nukie round you've experienced. IC you should be genuinely worried and/or terrified that there are well armed soldiers attempting to blow up the station, instead of fucking off and getting in the way, or not helping at all.


    Edit: By "you" I don't mean you specifically @Birdtalon, your quote just led me to what I'm talking about. "You" targets whoever fits this description.

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  19. 2 hours ago, Vladimir Lukowsky said:

    I never knew!


    In your defense, I don't even think all janitors know it. I never really played Janitor except for when I was new to the game. I didn't know about it then. I didn't even know how all my equipment worked. I WAS janitor recently for 1 round and when I saw the dispenser in the closet I was like "How long has THAT been there?"

    So now, whenever I'm chemist and a janitor asks me for more cleaner, I direct them to thier closet.

  20. 54 minutes ago, Vladimir Lukowsky said:

    Perhaps an unlimited space cleaner tank mounted on the wall (similar to the welder fuel tank in the medchem office) in the janitorial  closet would be nice?

    Janitors already have this. It's to the right of thier door in thier closet. It can be used to refill both cleaner bottles and the backpack tank. Can even be used to fill a bucket to transfer space cleaner in virtually anything that holds liquid.

    Also...janitors...have sci-chem make you some smoke based cleaner grenades. They do the same job as foam ones, minus the slipping.

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