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Everything posted by FoS

  1. So I noticed you can pick up dead mice and they don't have a sprite. I also noticed you can wear mice on your head and that reminded me that I had done some sprites for in-hand and hat-form for mice similar to how diona are held/worn. If anyone wants 'em i'll leave 'em here. Hat_Mouse.zip Hat_Mouse.zip
  2. FoS


    visualize B.I.R.D She ended up vomiting randomly during the round. It was pretty amazing.
  3. Wings could probably work as a 'body accessory' option. That would probably help since the wings would appear over clothing then and you could always have an option to not use the wings at all (do kidan have wings normally or was that just wyrn..or whatever the other bugs were?). We also have that marking layer now for unathi/vulp/etc and that could also be useful for customization.
  4. Science goggles already do this. You just have to toggle it on and then examine the machine and it tells you what parts are in it. I do it all the time.
  5. FoS


    Well, they are I know you can but that doesn't mean you should!
  6. FoS


    Dave thinks nymphs are food.
  7. FoS


    I always imagined they'd be more viney since I think I remember their lore saying things about how they're made up of multiple smaller things and that they interlink with others of their kind or something. I just always thought that tendrils and vines would make for better grasping and grabbing, probably supported on stronger inner branchy bits. Either way. Just my interpretation annnd personally I like nymphs better.
  8. FoS


    Thank you ^-^
  9. FoS


    ` Terrifying. Do not want.
  10. I don't really think you can argue 'realism' when it comes to grabs. Realistically you would probably notice someone trying to grab you much sooner and would have a more instinctive reaction to getting away. Often if someone manages to actually grab me it's because I was tabbed out or afk. Moving away is struggling though. If someone can move away from you fast enough to not be grabbed then they're actively resisting your attempts to grab them. It's a pretty short amount of time to react to someone too. Why should they suddenly be unable to move and have to attempt to spam resist and hope RNG likes them? What stops them from just spam grabbing you again if you cant break a grab by moving?
  11. I started scribbling some spiders as well. I am a little unsure that a 64x64 spider should be done since sprites bigger than 32x32 have weird clipping issues and playing as something that big tends to cause that player to end up hitting themselves more often than not. but yeah, smaller sprites would be nice too but maybe not practical as they might be too difficult to see or hit.
  12. There is something you can do about it though. You can wait until later in the round to give out your karma. I usually wait until the shuttle leaves the station and then think back over the round and pick a person who really truly stuck out. If the round ends earlier than a shuttle call then the score/reminder popping up usually is your cue to give out karma if you feel someone deserved it. Ultimately it just seems like people need to think ahead and consider the amount of time remaining in a round before they hand out their karma to the first person that does a thing. Sure, that doctor saved you and the clown was hilarious but you can easily jot down their names in a little text file if you're worried you wont remember them when the round ends. The system isn't the problem.
  13. The sorts of people who randomly mix chemicals don't seem like the sort that would even observe a chemist as a ghost. If someone isn't willing to use the wiki to learn then why would they even view anything as a ghost? The people that randomly mix things are probably going to do so regardless. Yes. Reading the wiki gives players an explanation. Watching someone as a ghost tells you nothing except what they are placing in a beaker. You're not getting a description or an explanation for their actions. You're literally only getting what you can see and you probably wont understand what's going on unless you already know chemistry. It's easy to replicate something you can observe but it isn't quite so easy to understand it if you didn't take the babysteps to get to that point in the first place. Making machines not viewable by ghosts isn't preventing someone from learning. People can easily learn via the wiki or in-game if they want. If anything it feels like an inexperienced player observing a chemist without any additional information would be more of a risk. They could very well replicate something someone did (to the best of their knowledge) and end up causing more damage because they don't fully understand the process they merely watched. Then they can argue "well i watched ____ do it! I didn't know it would do what it did!"
  14. Yes. It should not be view-able by ghosts. I find it highly unlikely that a new player is going to actually learn anything from observing as a ghost. It's far more probable that they learn via the wiki or in-game. It seems like viewing chemistry machines as ghosts would lead to more harm than good. People already seem to have a difficult time remembering they're not supposed to 'remember' things they saw when dead if they get cloned and we certainly have a problem with people being extra metagamey. Suppose we cant forget the people who specifically observe to grief/troll with friends either. We may not have the same super-secrety-stuff like Goon but it doesn't make sense for someone to essentially learn what older players may have taken a very long time to figure out by simply observing in a way that a player cannot defend against. At least in-game you know when some random person is trying to peak at what you're making and honestly - knowing absolutely what everyone at a chem machine is up to seems like it would ruin any mystery. If a player wants to learn then the wiki can teach them, all the information is there and available if they actually want it. If they want to perfect a mix or something then that should be up to them and actually experimenting in the game. Do we really want more people making terrifying mixes when they don't even understand why what another player is doing works the way it does just because they peaked at a machine?
  15. In all of my time playing here I think I've seen people use this feature maybe three times and two of those times involved them asking if they could eat people and those people agreeing to it. The other instance was actually bad as someone was eating SSD people and other random people who were clearly afk (seeing as how it takes a while to actually devour someone). I don't think this is really a reason to remove a feature. I don't care for it but it's also not something that happens often. I would, however, like to see better logs generated for this since that seems to be something that was lacking when the incident with the guy eating ssd people occurred.
  16. FoS


    Make cute image of sprites Open in Photoshop (I use CS6) Image -> Image Size Change from pixels to percent (usually 200-300 percent is good) Switch from bicubic automatic/etc to Nearest Neighbor -> hit ok. Copypaste normal sized sprites onto hyoooge sprite sheet + save. Yaaaay Not sure if possible or similar on other programs but yeah. I do all my sprites in CS6 and import them after to a DMI.
  17. "baby it's cold outside" *bundles in cute scarf*
  18. You have two options when making a new race. Option one: Totally unique sprites. A totally unique sprite is a lofty goal that comes with an assortment of issues. If you deviate too much from a human base then you're going to have to remake or edit every single thing that can be worn as well as every in-hand item. You still cant deviate too much either, you are absolutely confined to 32 x 32 and similar sizes to humans unless you want to encounter the problems that come with both large and small sprite hitboxes being either too easy to hit or impossible to hit. You'll also run the risk of a very unique sprite not properly fitting on vehicles/chairs/surgery/cryo/roller beds/etc. You also will have to constantly be making more and more sprites (yay, excessive sprites/bigger downloads!) as more things are added that are worn/held, which isn't a realistic expectation for any artist to always be able to provide support for something. What'll likely happen is things just wont be able to be worn by that race or when worn will not fit properly and will look pretty unappealing. The other issue with doing something entirely unique is that you run the huge huge risk of it not fitting in with all the other things. This was a big deciding factor for me using the human as the base. It is difficult to make nice improved shiny new sprites without people complaining that they look out of place. Option Two: Human Base + Using the human as a base means that you are limited but it also means that you cut down on the amount of sprites needed to implement a new thing. You also are pretty safe to assume your race will work with any future things made for humans since they're the base for absolutely everything. If something is ported from another place for humans then there probably wont be much additional work to ensure it works with races that use the human as their base. This is why I chose to use the human body as a base. It enabled me to make a race that is quite compatible with all existing and future things made for humans. You are not restricted to a sparse amount of clothes (like vox are) and you don't suffer from the "you cannot wear that" problems that Tajaran/Vox sometimes encounter. We've had both vox and tajaran for ages and only recently did vox even get shoes and their proper jumpsuits. More Differences: ???? The fact is that both options are an obnoxious amount of work. I'm not sure what bigger differences people expect to happen with a humanoid canine race. What more could possibly be done to make it 'stand out' enough without causing an excessive amount of extra sprites or making it similar to other things? Digitigrade legs? Then we suffer the same problem as tajarans/vox. I don't really think having lots of benefits/downsides to a race should be their defining feature or only reason for playing that race. It's much more enjoyable when people play a race because they're interested in the race compared to wanting some sort of gameplay advantage. That merely attracts the wrong people and gives the race itself a bad reputation (eg: vox leap, slime vent crawling etc)
  19. This...this is terrifying ;-;
  20. One of my friends and I use this arkship name for our vox Shimmering Guardian ( Stalking Talons Returning from the Void on Wings of Shadow, Surrounded by Fallen Foes, Illuminated by Ancient Starfire, Host of the Shimmering Vale, Scourge of the Central Ring, Liberator of the Light, Taproot to Twenty-Five Tribes, Guardian of Seven Trees. )
  21. Chichi and I threw a lovely themed vox teaparty. The theme was "Murderbay" / "Death Dungeon". Tea and Snacks were served.
  22. Honestly? I find ghosts to already be pretty disruptive and I really don't think we need to add even more disruptive things that serve to distract and derail whatever is actually going on in game. Yes, you died but there are options for you if you don't want to sit around and wait to be found/cloned. You absolutely can play as a npc if you want and if not then that's kinda on you. At least with boo/light flickering you can pass that off as just your imagination or power issues if you don't want to get into ghostly nonsense. Chair spinning is actually really annoying and super disruptive to the point where if it happens excessively when I'm trying to enjoy interacting with someone ICly then sometimes I have to just remove all the chairs. People are trolly with the things they already have, lets not give them more things that impact the people who are still alive and trying to play the game on a greater level of disruption that is difficult to "explain away".
  23. FoS


    Random nymph doodles! *chirp
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