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Everything posted by FoS

  1. FoS


    Do it! Sprite all the things!
  2. Tradeband and Gutter can be nice to have. They're not a race specific one and it can be nice to have something to fall back on if you don't want to be overheard but also don't want to whisper. I mean i suppose yes someone could translate but..i've seen it used often enough. I don't like the idea of removing them. =/ If people can take a secondary racial language like Siik'tajr/Kidan they shouldn't be able to fully understand it unless they are the race that natively speaks it- some of it should get lost in translation to make things more interesting. I'm not sure how this would work code-wise but..it would make sense for languages that don't just rely on vocalization.
  3. FoS


    It's true. The longer a round is going on..the more bored i get.
  4. I have no idea what happened here but...it's Keagan's braaaain! We fed him all the snacks and brought him to escape! Apparently he was a traitor...and was supposed to kill me Called supply shuttle. It arrives like this but with the crates. I unloaded it using a deck of cards and sent it back and recalled it for science...same result. Spent the rest of the round insisting bluespace was eating all shuttles.
  5. FoS


    Birds are raptors!
  6. FoS


    It's random doodles?? I have no idea what you're on about.
  7. FoS


  8. FoS


    New ability: Tail Whip. All attacks done to a Tajaran are halved. [spoiler2]Yes, that's a joke. Don't kill me.[/spoiler2] I don't eeeeveen!
  9. FoS


    You should! There needs to be more ss13 art in general. All kinds of art! Silly doodles, Serious arts, all the art!
  10. Didn't Mortician used to be its own job? Maybe I'm thinking of a different server but I thought it was a unique job. Could make for a nice little change if it does end up being a job instead of a title. More doctors in medbay and alternate titles for whoever works in the morgue.
  11. What exactly is stopping anyone from locating a tank like the old one and getting it filled and then ditching the new one? I cant really comment on the leap since it was something i never really used anyways and I do think most of my enjoyment from Vox isn't from things like magclaws, leaping or tanks. I really just liked them because they're bird-like and are something a little different, even if it's not a bunch of fancy complicated game mechanics there's still a whole lot of behavioral things that come along with Vox to make them enjoyable (or frustrating to deal with).
  12. I've always been one for having lots of customization options. It's a nice way to make a character more recognizable and it just adds a little something extra. I just don't really understand why this choice was made. There is a whole lot of clothing that isn't exactly a 'costume' that is in the Autodrobe and it's a shame to lose out on that stuff. One of my characters is a civilian. She exists purely for when I don't feel like doing a job and I just kinda want to hang out but the first thing I used to do was go to get her a cute outfit. She looks pretty bad in a grey jumpsuit and with the current set up she cant possibly get to the Autodrobe because of the maintenance access required and even if she manages to get that access there is no guarantee that she'll be able to use that vendor if no one has set that room up. Is it possible to have a new vendor added with the non-costume items back into the dorms? Maybe even a vendor that costs credits to get clothing from? I really would like to see some of the other clothing that is in the files to be obtainable in game too. There are a whole lot of really cute outfits/dresses that aren't used as far as I can tell.
  13. FoS

    goaled extended

    It would be interesting to have a game mode where each department has to contribute to a project. Maybe one where another station needs emergency supplies sent over and each department has to contribute items created by their department and have them sent to cargo who has to ship them to the imaginary station that required them. I'm pretty sure most departments could make things to send and the required items and their quantities could be randomized. I think that perhaps having individual player objectives could probably help with this too. Currently Science is the only one with their research objective but it would be pretty awesome if every job had a number of different objectives assigned at the start of the round that the player could try and finish if they wanted to. But the way the currency/pay system is on here makes doing those things feel a little pointless since there is no real benefit other than giving players a sense of accomplishment. I suppose it would still give people something to "do" during a long or quiet round.
  14. I was always under the impression that Antags were generally supposed to just finish their objectives and if they wanted to do something more that may result in other players deaths/potential destruction that they were expected to adminhelp it to get permission? I'm a little bit confused by your suggestion and examples since they seem to be conflicting statements. You're saying that traitors should not be able to mass bomb or do super evil things that are not objective related but you are saying they should be able to do things that affect people around them even if it isn't objective related? It's not generally fun for innocent bystanders to be taken out of the game in a way that doesn't let them fight back or enjoy the situation. If they get taken out too quickly into the round then it isn't really fun for anyone except the Antag and I always thought the point of playing an Antag was to try and make it fun for the rest of the players first and yourself last? Maybe I just misunderstood the point of the role.
  15. FoS


    Started making some candies 'cause...halloween~ Will likely be scaled down after
  16. FoS


    OOOOOH BOY I just like animating. I don't generally even care what it is. Pixels are just fun and it's nice to contribute.
  17. FoS


    Decorative Plants: Just decorative plants! Teas: Various types of tea. Pill Counter Tray: Essentially an item similar to the Plant Bag. Can only pick up pills and bottles and then can load them into the Medical Fridge. fosdeco.zip fosdeco.zip
  18. FoS


    Just updated the first post to have a FosSprites.rar containing all the .dmi files i've made thusfar.
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