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Retired Admins
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Everything posted by DarkPyrolord

  1. MarcellusPye has retired from their position as Game Administrator.
  2. One chem grenade to take them down. Back to zero. Also @Dumbdumn5 can I be player as well now?
  3. Alright, we got a quick one here folks for the people who comment on github, easy enough to follow for the ones who do comment there! Credit to this goes to old man TullyBBurnalot
  4. Oh I have plenty of this thread... When admins do Virology. When admins select the wrong character. When admins roll chaplain. When admins play with SDQL2. When admins accidentally mess up VV and turn any new spawning human subtype in the world into spiderpeople. When three admins decide to have a casual meeting in the library. When all online admins decide to join cargo. When admins feel like giving out some FREEDOM! When adm... BAWK! ' And a bonus ones, come up with your own caption for this if you want.
  5. Time to cluwne you next time I see you in-game RIP Oh, right, also RESET
  6. They were slaughtered by a demon in maintenance, they threw toolboxes at it.
  7. Of course, yes. I think it would be nice doing raids, strikes, crucible matches (or the trails of MIDA, honk) together, think it would be fun as well.
  8. Oh boy, time for my ones, I'll stick to three so I don't overload people with stuff. Security Anyone who doesn't use security comms or only uses it once or twice a round (bowmans exist for a reason!) Officers who bring in the clown/janitor for slipping them on Green alert Officers who wordlessly bring someone in with nothing on their records before hand To follow on with that one, when you ask over comms why they were bought in and no one responds. And another follow on when you release said person because no one said what they were bought in for and the moment you say you let them free you hear the arresting officer finally respond with "HE MURDERED SOMEONE!" or "HE ASSAULTED PEOPLE!" When as warden people demand lethals as soon as the alert jumps up when there is no real reason to give lethals out (bonus points of you ask for a combat shotgun loaded with buckshot) When as the pod pilot, the HoS steals the security pod for a half hour 'space patrol' without even talking over comms about it with you first Any prisoners who commit suicide the moment they are pulled into processing (bonus point if they were just going to end up with a verbal warning or five minutes) Officers who arrest the chaplain over their null rod reskins (bonus points if you fall for the armblade null rod and demand cremation over it) Detectives who SSD round start in their office and don't reconnect (personally I'm tempted to use the new SSD tool to start dealing with that) Detectives who somehow manage to ignore every single call for them and only show up when they have arrested a civilian with their revolver because they were breaking into a place (bonus points if they used a whole clip to try and gun down the civilian) Anyone who thinks a single call over comms with no other evidence supporting it means it is true and that the alert should be raised to red IAAs who argue any and every case, acting like they are a super lawyer And there are plenty more for this section, but I don't want to put too much in so one last thing I will put down... DIONA WARDENS ON SECWAYS ACTING LIKE NORMAL OFFICERS! Command Captains who don't pay attention to comms Battle captains Captains who wear their space suit on green Captains who jump through an uncalibrated teleporter round start and get lost in space (bonus points if you lose the nuke disk while you are at it) Captains demanding the bridge be made into a fortress round start When there is no captain and the HoP refuses to become acting (bonus points if you give the clown enough time to break into the captain's office and make themselves the captain cough @Penguinizer honk) HoPs who give out all access to random people for 'the lulz' HoPs who open more clown/mime slots for no apparent reason (bonus points if they hand out extra access to these clowns) Any head sticking on the bridge for the entire round and not watching over their department in any way Bridge assistants every single round (every once in a while for a random person is fine, just not the same person multiple rounds in a row) Redshields NT Rep/Captain assfaxing CC (and eventually being cluwned, BSAed or killed in some other horrible way) Supply Chaplains who aren't creative and try to make a pseudo-cult based around murder Chaplains who pray for superpowers because it is needed for their 'holy crusade' "DEUS VULT" chaplains in general Following on from the last one, battle chaplains Chefs who make nothing and run off to greytide with a knife Chefs who throw themselves in the gibber Bartenders who don't actually serve drinks and run off to do nothing Barbers who run around thinking it is a license to dye anyone and everyone they see an eye burning neon colour (at least get people to pay for dye hits, make a business out of it) Botanists who make dangerous/toxic fruit and hand it out to the public Botanists who make bluespace fruit and hand it out to the public Botanists who make tesla fruit and throw it in any crowd as soon as they get the chance Botanists who make throwing omega weed and then proceed to put it down in escape, ending in at least one person throwing it and melting the faces off of at least five people and possibly killing many
  9. I find it strange how no one has bought this up yet... but when it comes to cult rounds it would mean you pretty much have to kill cultists as holy water would damage them and charcoal would only hinder the deconversion process as it has a 50% chance to remove 1u of reagents in the cultists system per cycle, as on average it requires around 30u to 40u of holy water to actually cure one of them. In other words it would only cause salt in another way unless the deconversion amount was drastically lowered. Or the whole brain damage thing could come back, I think that would personally be much better as that can be fixed without halting things for too long.
  10. That looks amazing, I love the style of it all as well!
  11. Alright, just thought I might as well make a forum post about this as we have been doing this often enough now. Every once in a while a small group of us nerds (usually Dragnoir, Twinmold and maybe me though I don't do the kick off part of it often) all gather on voice chat for a bit of singing every now and then, just to have a bit of fun and sing a few good songs... and some not so good... Never singing Banana Man or Toxic ever again... Anyway this is just here to inform people that yes, this sort of thing does go on in the public discord at random times as we don't have a set one and that there is no need to be shy about it. Hell, a few months ago I wouldn't be caught dead singing to people over discord but now I do it each time Dragnoir or Twin bug me enough to do so. Usually when this thing goes on one of us will inform people in game via OOC or you'll just see us filling up the music channel with more posts than usual and a bit of friendly banter between it all as well. Hopefully I will hear a few of you nerds singing soon and not just the usual crowd!
  12. Yeah... the types of gateways that have the 'harder' mobs to face are typically the gateways with the larger rewards to them, even then they are pretty easy to take out if you play it correctly as well, they are like braindead monkeys who only have one thing on their mind, shoot directly at person. Past these guys or even if you kill them there is typically loot they drop you can use to face future types of these foes from range yourself with ease.
  13. I don't really see a need to nerf it as it well... isn't that fast in healing, even a sheet of cardboard could out damage the heal of it (and yes, cardboard sheets can be used as a lethal weapon). If you really did need a way to nerf it though, I did look up what OD on Saline does which can be pretty nasty, not saying these should be solid suggestions, just small ideas. Too much fluid in the blood, leading to water building up in the lungs, dealing very minor to medium amounts of oxy damage could be done. Build up of acid in the blood caused by an overdose, in SS13 this could be simulated by dealing small amounts of toxins damage . Also going to ping @SomanB on this one, as they would know much more about this stuff compared to what I know, anyway that is my short little thing on it all, don't think it should be nerfed but there are a few neat suggestions if a PR is ever made.
  14. I'm going to bring up the Old Guard name here as well. Afrum Bowhawk, I will forever respect and fear that man for how easily he could take out a sec team, usually in under ten minutes once be began, only real way to actually get him in the end was a full scale assault, even then all but one sec officer would get out. @Hylocereus I feel your pain... many of my rounds in sec ended at the end of his gun barrel or blade.
  15. Sec beret all the way, people might be able to take me down and steal my headset at a faster rate but that's the price one pays for style
  16. Hihi and welcome to the forums! Also I've seen those names around, will have to catch them around (totally not haunt at all... I wouldn't ever do that) and have a chat!
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