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Everything posted by DisreputableSquid

  1. I've not been able to find a single drawing of a full grown dionae anywhere, really. Been looking hard so I could use one in my signature or possibly even change my Avatar to it, but no luck so far. I guess a Mature Diona might be a bit of a pain to draw since they are so.... weird looking, for lack of a better word for it. In my head, they look kind of like Groot, except lacking any facial features except eyes (No nose, mouth, ears, or even eyes that look humanoid) and little crystal-ish spots here and there, kind of like the eyes on a nymph. Heck, it probably would be hard to tell the difference between their 'eyes' and the crystalish spots on the rest of them.
  2. What i meant was that damage wise, its faster and easier to have your arm completely blown off and then sewn back on then it is to simply have it broken. That just felt a little silly to me
  3. Fair enough, I guess it might be more of the janitor's problem anyway. Should there be any guidelines about when to use MULES vs disposals shipping? On how to send packages and retrieve crates? Should we leave the shipping manifests on the crates and have them signed/stamped by the receivers and then again by QM before sending them back out? (I've always wondered if there was a better way to send them back then just dragging them on foot, and it always felt weird that we just tore off the manifests right when we get the crate and such.)
  4. Man, I'm slowly working my way through this whole thread, but this artwork is really great Now I know where a lot of the avatars I've seen came from But I'm curious if you've even ended up drawing a Dionae before (I've worked my way through to about 20 pages in so far from both the beginning and the end of the thread and haven't seen one yet) Regardless, this is awesome and it makes me want to try and find you on shifts and cavort around with you on your adventures They sound fun!
  5. Sorry, I wasn't clear. I didn't mean on the materials side, I meant making sure that the stuff that gets flushed down it actually GETS ejected at some point so you don't end up with a huge pile of junk sitting in there slowing down the server. I know the grinder takes care of most things, but a lot still goes through.
  6. For Dionae, this actually makes perfect sense since they can heal from almost any injury just by being in light and have no skeletons. Just put the pieces together and they should heal on their own. For all the other races, however, it makes no sense at all. (except slimepeople, maybe) You should need to set and bone gel the bones, Fix-o-vein the blood vessels, and probably use retractors or such to pull the lims to the body before finally closing up the wound with a cautery. just feels silly that its actually WORSE to have your arm broken in an explosion than it is to have it completely blown off
  7. Is the final disposals area (with the grinder and ejector) part of Cargo's responsibility as well? If so, they should have a part of their SoP reminding cargo-techs/QM to ensure its running properly and flush it regularly.
  8. This breaking story, brought to you on the 6 O'Clock News!
  9. And Dionae will still never end up on the operating table! They may have organs but I've never had one be damaged, I believe, other than the time I got brain damage from someone hitting me with a super potent mix of toxins. I guess their organs regenerate damage too, and they have no bones to speak of either. Only surgery I can really think of that's worth doing on Dionae (outside the anti-antag stuff like pulling thrall tumors) is to re-attach limbs, which can currently be done by absolutely anybody by just laying the Dionae on a table and then clicking the on them with the limb while targeting the appropriate area. As for a new surgery you could add to them, there could be something like surgery to remove absorbed Dionae Nymphs (as far as I can tell, currently the only way to get a Nymph out is for a player to take control of it and leave the body) or possibly even harvest something from Dionae bodies that would be the equivalent of a brain, Slime Core, or Positronic Cube that you could use for a Race-appropriate cloning, such as taking them to the gardens or hydroponics and then planting it so they will be "Cloned" as a nymph, or at the very least be coned via plant-pod rather then traditional cloning. Makes no sense for them to be cloned the normal way, after all, since their bodies are not made of meat.
  10. This whole thing strikes me as the spitting image of the discussion to toss out the Old Xenoarch code to implement the new mining, or swapping in new virology. Yes, it might be difficult at first but modularity and simplicity on the back-end means more possibilities in the future. Who knows? With a new system for this stuff you might be able to make the surgery function or feel unique depending on the race involved.
  11. The fact that Kinetic accelerators are easily on hand in cargo means that they really need to be told to NEVER break open crates with ANYTHING on hand, since being specific only leads to loopholes.
  12. I've seen one or two Miners bring back a Facehugger in a locker before, usually by loading the locker first with facehugger toys then a live one, then finally dragging it on board the station and letting it cause havok when someone opens it in the bar or such.
  13. What kind of tea are we having, by the way? My favourite are always the Four flavour blends!
  14. I've spent entire rounds as Clown trying to build a pnumatic cannon just to fire pies out of it, but only to saddly learn that I can't fire it because of clumsy. My little banana-heart was broken. Any sort of pie-traps would be appreciated.
  15. If nothing else, give them a ball to bounce against the wall or something. Ive never been brigged, let alone perma brigged, but id hate to be stuck with nothing.
  16. I might be wrong on this, but from what I can remember, wasn't EVERYTHING causing dirt to build up, including ghosts and observers? Its one thing to have dirt, another to have even ghosts tracking filth into places the janitor cant reach. If we want janitors to have even a remote possibility of doing their job, then dirt needs to at least be nerfed so it accumulates slower, if there is such opposition to it being yanked entirely
  17. I'd be happy seeing Xenoarcheology make its return in any form, but I do admit I enjoy the digging part the most.
  18. +1 to having cameras in engivends. Would be SO helpful to Engineers trying to replace broken cams or Cam maintenance.
  19. Definitely, the racial pages need to be redone to say the least, and I know the Dionae page is very much in need of some love. They might not get played a lot, but having a severely outdated wiki page for them will only make it less likely that people will play them. Also, on the Dionae front, the Dionae lack an entry in the Guide to Medicine, which should probably be fixed since I honestly have NO idea how you are supposed to treat one at the moment. I know they regenerate brute and suffocation damage in light, but someone probably should state if that includes things like broken bones or ruptured organs. Hell, the fact that they have no blood and no pulse is worth an entry in and of itself.
  20. Seeing as how I havent seen it here yet, is the geneticist SoP going to only be in the Science side? This seems a bit awkward, as they are still a medical job, and are the ones who are SUPPOSED to be running cloning
  21. My thoughts exactly! And if you tweak things to include a Geneticists ID locked locker in there, they can keep the newly cloned and their items safe from the vultures that are the gray tide. And remember that any door you put in should be put in with the understanding that it will, quite likely, get EMP'd, shocked, bolted by rogue AI or antags, or otherwise messed with and could possibly seal the area off until engies can come and fix it (never exactly a timely responce) and for something as VITAL as cryo, this could lead to very full morgues and VERY unhappy players, especially since anything done to seal the Cryo-side doors could be used on the Geneticist's doors as well, sealing both Cryo AND Cloning off until someone can fix it.
  22. I second with force. I NEVER want to lead a Nuke Ops team, and the fact that I might have to by the whim of the RNG terrified me into not wanting to play Nuke Ops at all
  23. It got shot down because when we DID have them, security never actually stayed there, used the door to storm medbay when they felt like it rather then being there to help on demand, and their supplies were stolen by Medbay and used to defend themselves. Maybe I should still ask the HoP for just a custom job then. I don't want any access or equipment, just the right to kick greytide out of medbay when doctors are busy actually doing their job. I doubt it could become an official position, but If I keep pitching it to HoP's, eventually one will say OK
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