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Everything posted by Keroman

  1. 100% agreement from me. This is the kind of chaos I like to see in a round, not a bunch of people running around fucking over other players for shits and giggles.
  2. Gag first, stun again if possible, cuff? I really do support this idea but there should be a few more rags that spawn in. Maybe random spawn in maint. Does the janitor have rags? I've never really played that job. Only rags I know of off the top of my head are in the bar, kitchen, and old bar.
  3. I couldn't tell you how many people I've murdered on accident. Oh wait, I can. Three. This is the server of second (and third, and fourth, and fifth) chances though, so no worries. As long as you understand what you did wrong and avoid it in the future then no big deal. Welcome!
  4. It really does feel like there are days or weeks that go by without a certain round type. It's been about a week since I saw a malf AI round and then we had two in a row last night. It happens. Part of being random round type selection I guess.
  5. Last week we had 2 nuke-ops rounds in a row. We had at least one yesterday while I was playing and one is just winding up as I type this. I have to assume that there have been several in the last few days that happened while I wasn't around. I don't feel like it's underrepresented in terms of how often it occurs compared to other gamemodes.
  6. The server is actually closer to you than it is to me. It's hosted in, like, Sweden somewhere, while I'm on the west coast of the USA. Do you also play Bruce Magor? Or maybe they're a friend of yours? I've seen both Sage and Bruce online. I got to see Paris in the summer of 2014. I was only there for about 2 days but the city was beautiful and the people were friendly. I'd love to see more of France outside the big cities someday. You have such a lovely country and I'm super jealous that it has such a rich history, especially compared to the western US.
  7. Always good to have folks join up, new or returning. Don't stress about your RP skill level, there's plenty of people on Paradise who don't really seen to RP whatsoever.
  8. Sometimes as a botanist it's easy to just ask the chemist for radium while you're also there asking for unstable mutagen. Radium is required to create the floral somatoray. Anyone who can print the somatoray in R&D also has access to the science chemlab for radium, but for whatever reason so many of them refuse to go get it.
  9. Keroman


  10. I bet you're just hoping the answer's yes.
  11. As an AI during one shift I successfully prevented the kidnapping of an officer by repeatedly cancelling the science outpost shuttle until officers could get there and arrest the abductor. I'd be happy if we could add a short spin-up time to the outpost shuttles but leave the evac shuttle as it is now.
  12. You just gotta make sure you cover the wall with a poster of Raquel Welch. Nobody would ever believe she was hiding an escape tunnel.
  13. The cutesy style is great, especially the little smiles on Aladdin and Jasmine. I have to say, though, I feel like Genie's in the back there going, "Kill... me..."
  14. My vote would be one set in or near the electrical maintenance area (the room with the borg recharger in maint just fore of the chapel). Port side already has the solar airlocks as well as the airlock just fore of the gateway. There's several airlocks in arrivals as well but no button to open or close them. Maybe just add that functionality?
  15. I don't think I've ever had my office invaded during shifts as a QM... Hell, the RD doesn't even have shutters on his/her office windows. Add those.
  16. Well glad someone finally replied. Was waiting to post my own idea for a name until someone else got a post in. Immobile Partisan (Once Swift Ark now Rendered Immobile, Voice of the Old Home, Watered by the Blood of Partisans, Taproot to Eighteen Tribes, Host to Five Trees)
  17. Vox players unite! Don't let the IPC players have all the fun! The Vox lore is pretty well-written and not in need of much in the way of change. The one thing I feel is lacking is a list of known arkships. Pretty much every other species has specific names listed for their homeworlds and other important locations to their people. As it is there are more than 20 different Vox characters that are played on the server which means if each character hailed from a different arkship it could potentially conflict with the lore. The only two arkships that are actually named within the Vox lore are First as well as Sunheat Leviathan (which is really only an example name, although I think it's safe to assume that in-game there really is an arkship with that name). Here's what the wiki has to say regarding naming arkships: Could we come up with 18 or so more names for arkships which we can list on the wiki? It would be a nice addition for we who regularly play Vox characters to be able to decide which arkship we hail from and potentially meet others from the same arkship. I don't think it would change interactions much between Vox, although it could set a precedent that Vox from one arkship aren't always cloes to Vox from another. I don't think we need to set up a full-on google doc like they did with the IPC lore rewrite as we're only potentially changing a small part of the Vox lore. Just post your suggestion for an arkship name in this thread and once we've gotten some suggestions I can put up a poll to find out what the most popular suggestions are. Even if we only end up getting a few suggestions for names it'll be better than what we've got now and there will always be room to expand the list in the future. At the very least it would be nice to have 10 named arkships with 10 unnamed ones which we can fill in later if need be. List of Arkships: - First (First)- Sunheat Leviathan (Rolling Vessel of Seeking Souls Built on Bones of Leviathans, Scarred by Sunheat from Fifteen Systems, Scored by Weapons of Lesser Foes, Taproot to Thirty Tribes, Host to Six Trees)
  18. Maybe set it to people with bridge access only? That would severely limit the number of suspects if things started going missing in rooms where it was obvious nobody has emagged or hacked their way in. Even if a traitor scientist emagged their way into the teleporter room the pool of suspects grows by just the people in the Science department. Though I like the possible placement of the room I do not like how close it is to the maintenance tunnels. A random traitor without access to that area would only need to get through 2 doors to get in and start mucking around with a teleporter, unless the console could be access-locked too. Overall while I would like to see a telesci room added I recognize it would cause a lot of problems that would need to be fixed or accounted for in some way.
  19. Keroman


    Doot! I'm always in favor of adding new stuff for players to interact with. More instruments in general, please!
  20. I don't know what happened to the other cultists that round but I'm proud of the fact that as a mere Cargo Tech I converted something like 4 or 5 people AND killed the HoS. Admittedly he got cloned and then took me into custody at which point I was deconverted. Still, given the fact that I don't think a single other cultist converted anyone... At the very least the Mask was competent.
  21. Heyo. You already know me.
  22. I don't get where you're pulling this "no-logic" stuff from. 2dspessmens is NOT real life, it does NOT have to follow real life logic. If there's an IPC who wants to experience life as an organic for any reason then why not have a way to make it happen? We literally already have in-game a way to transfer a consciousness from a posibrain to an intellicard and back using an AI core. You could even take that intellicard and use it on an AI core with an organic brain installed and place the consciousness there. And it's NOT an exploit, either. There's just no way to remove brains from an AI core to use them elsewhere. There's no logic or illogic behind it. The Admins literally get to decide what should be possible and impossible within the context of the game. You may not LIKE the idea of someone turning a synthetic into an organic but simply not liking something is no reason to leave it out of the game if it's something that other players will use.
  23. NTSAM, no offense intended here at all, but I wish you would realize that sometimes other players have different motivations and ideas than you. Having this process in place isn't about forcing any synthetic character into an organic body, it's about providing a way for synthetic characters who want to be in an organic body a method of doing so. You may not understand why someone would want to do something like that but nevertheless it has happened in the past and it will happen again in the future. Having a process to allow for it to happen legitimately in-game will have absolutely no affect on your character. If someone tries to force one of your IPCs into an organic body you can just ahelp it. Remember, I suggested we add some sort of prompt to make sure that it's 100% consensual by the person whose mind is being transferred. It sucks to see someone I consider a friend getting so worked up about this. As I said before, all I'm looking for is a way to give players more in-game options, especially in terms of RP. More options for players can never be a bad thing in my view. You may not like all the options that get added, but I hope you can learn to just ignore the ones that don't matter or have any affect on you.
  24. You might have heard of Danny Elfman, the man responsible for many of the musical scores to Tim Burton's movies. He's also well known for creating the themes to The Simpson's and Weird Science as well as the vast majority of the music in The Nightmare Before Christmas (as well as providing Jack's singing voice). You may not have heard of his 80s band Oingo Boingo (originally called The Mystic Knights of Oingo Boingo.) If you haven't you're missing out big-time. It's a very unique sound, blending 80s rock, pop, and some big-band elements. You can certainly hear the influence it had in a lot of his film scores through the 80s, 90s, and even the early 2000s. Some of my favorites: No One Lives Forever - Just Another Day - Sweat - Dead Man's Party - Fool's Paradise - I am very much of the opinion that Oingo Boingo is one of the most underrated bands of the 80s. They certainly had some small measure of success, especially given Danny Elfman's work on several films of that decade, but hardly anyone I meet has heard of them. Most of my friends have enjoyed the examples linked above and I hope you do as well. Check 'em out!
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