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Everything posted by GunDOS

  1. It would be easier making it use the help intent probably, but you will need a coder.
  2. Really like this idea actually. +1 from me!
  3. Making those two chems requires a decent chemist, also why make Stypic or silver when you can make synthflesh? So much simpler granted not to make. Anyways, it's my opinion that this makes it a little too easy. Chems need to be made, and you require a little skill to make those chems in good doses fast.
  4. Ummmm, that's an easy way to get yourself banned... I wouldn't advise that
  5. I think all this time over the fryer has driven you all batty...
  6. @Cyiko it still requires effort to make chems, a medigun is one click heal bones and damage. Think of another scenario, you could have medigun and a spray bottle of mito. GG you have just made surgery obsolete. Medical does not need any more labor saving devices. In my opinion, it's only when say... the cloners break or we don't get any chems due to a traitor chemist, that's when medical gets really fun. You have to think to save your patient, using all the tools you have available. And not doing something your average monkey can do.
  7. I agree wholeheartedly, but I would go a step further. Personally disrupting another's job to such an extent that people are hurt and or die, is something Admins should be involved in. Also, if it happens again you should probably Ahelp it.
  8. When I was talking about the personal attack I was referring to your comment on "fancy colour names" and your generalisations about them not playing the server. That is by definition you trying to shut down their argument by invalidating the person making it. You also forget that I am also a silicon player, who appointed you as our spokes person? I have just as much a right to speak. And so does everyone else. Those threads, for example Love to hug's removal of sec borgs thread, Would never ever happen, we're not gonna remove borgs there may be a few people who believe that. But I don't think the majority of the player base, and to be honest the maintainers who matter more, agree with that standpoint. Add to that the very small minority of the player base who actually talk on the forums. On balance, this is a video game. It must appeal to every player playing not just us. On the fact I mentioned AI, apologies. I agree that is a whole new kettle of fish. I was referring to you implying that the cause of this was "silicon hate" I was not denying that people dislike machines. I was denying that the reason we are saddled with balance decisions like this was due to the hate of silicons. I can say most assuredly that the staff do care if someone is being a dick. It's a matter of Ahelping. The admins aren't omnipotent and if you seem like you don't care, they don't need to try and fix it for you. They can't see what's inside your head, you have to tell them that. lastly "silicon hate", "IPC hate", "shitcurity" and so on are not going away any time soon. It's a community problem, that honestly I have no idea how to fix.
  9. The thing about SoP is, that it's broken at every bend and turn, especially by security. Now, there is already a thread up on a new update to SoP which hopefully will give it a little more teeth. But in its current state, SoP won't stop the valid at all. ^ Said update
  10. I actually really like this idea it makes a lot of sense. From knowing the various people who have made and added and changed this amazing game. I don't think you can give them enough credit, I also never said that it couldn't be changed. This is an open source game, so of course everything is "up in the air". Also those extra seconds add up, and in my opinion that frustration and need to micromanage is what makes Borgs what they are.
  11. Alright. A Borg is designed mechanically to be inconvenient in that way, its there purposefully to stop you from defibbing very fast. I realise that's inconvenient, but this is a multiplayer video game. It needs to make sense gameplay wise, it was I assume a conscious choice when we first implemented Borgs for it to work that way. It's to I believe make borgs harder. I disagree that giving them an extra slot doesn't give them any extra abilities. It allows me to say, carry both my brute and burn kits, my hypo and my scanner all at once. Allowing me to, with very little effort heal someone very fast. Granted you can do the same with three, but the added "micromanaging" as you said slows down the process.
  12. Why not give them a timer on how long they are emmaged? So after they are scanned, they are only in a controllable state for ten minutes. That way we're not punishing the player playing the drone, while still nerfing it.
  13. No worries. Medical cyborgs are an amazing asset to medical. Having one on hand makes life so much simpler, as you can have one in reception doing triage or have it go to surgery if a doctor is unavailable. Borgs are a "Jack of all trades master of none" race, adding another hand makes them even stronger. The micromanaging you were talking about is part of what makes a Borg, well a Borg. To clarify my point, Medical borgs are there to assist medical not be a full doctor or a full surgeon. That's the way it has always been. It may be wrong, maybe the majority of the community may disagree with that. But that's something that affects the direction of the server, and is waaaaaay above my pay grade.
  14. Alrighty, to clear this up a little. The AI is there to assist the crew with station running, it is not there to do the crews jobs. Borgs, are there to assist individual departments in certain tasks, not make the entire department obsolete. Borgs are given limitations for balance reasons, there is no "silicon hate" as you said. On a side note, it's outright disrespectful to assume that the "fancy colorful names" don't play on the server. You may not see them playing, but I assure you they do. You may have a different opinion to them, but that does not make yours or their opinion Invalid. I would also ask that you dont attack people personally, it's the arguments that you should be fighting. Not the people making them.
  15. Borgs are supposed to assist there respective departments, not do there jobs. Again, it's inconvenient for a balance reason.
  16. I personally see this as a bit powergamey. For example, I'm a cultist and have converted the RD. Command figure out the RD's a cultist, then use the coordinates from the tracker to send a team of security to the RD's position on the science outpost. I myself don't like how easy that makes taking down a conversion antag.
  17. The reason cyborgs have three "hands" is for that reason. It's for balance, it purposefully stops a Borg from being a super doc. Trust me, I know how annoying it is. But it's there for a reason.
  18. In my personal opinion, medical should be made harder not easier. Currently (assuming you have a decent staff) you will have healing chems (synthflesh, etc) and the cloner stocked within ten minutes. At around the half hour mark you will have Strange Reagent which granted is not as useful as before it's nerf, it still allows almost instant revival assuming you have some synthflesh and a cryo pod on hand. At around 40-60 minutes viro will have produced and started distributing a healing virus, making your job effectively obsolete already. Apart from reviving and treating broken bones and damaged organs. Medical does not need anything to make the job even quicker and easier. Yes, but at least with chems there is still required the cost of making said chems. And the fact that they are in limited supply. Giving medical the gun is just free Mobile healing. You may as well add a portable sleeper.
  19. I like the fact we're using Steeilizine for something. It's been useless for as long as I have been on para.
  20. Honestly, I liked karma far more when it had its own tab. I agree it hampers newer players from spending karma
  21. GunDOS


    Yep, we need the ERP squad. Implement this plz!
  22. This is super handy, great idea guys!
  23. Hmm, I don't think it has ever worked. Though you can achieve the same effect by using the surgery cleaner and washing your hands before and after surgery.
  24. Heya! That sounds like they either had napalm in there body, and or were covered in fuel. Or else that... genetics ability. Anyways! Cool idea, although in my opinion it should be specific items that are already fire-retardant, such as the fire suit and so on. We don't want to make it too easy to put out fires. They are too much fun!
  25. EEP! You shouldn't know about that, it's a secret!
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