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Everything posted by GunDOS

  1. @FlattestGuitar in general SoP is hard to enforce. Technically if you fire someone for an SoP breech your breaking the forward. I think we should codify punishments for breakage of SoP and/or inplament @Anticept's tiered SoP design.
  2. I agree wholeheartedly it makes Shadowling rounds a joke.
  3. @Dinarzad chill a little, this is just a forum topic. And we're doing each other no favours getting into a fight. @Shadeykins please listen to what they are saying, and not create straw men?
  4. On this, I think we should put in place @Anticept's teired SOP. That way, we can much more clearly define what the punishment for a breech of certain aspects of SOP. @Shadeykins let us please move on, if you want to talk about this further. Contact me on the discord. At this point we are just killing this thread.
  5. To start, you made a comment to my play time here. This looks very much like you were trying to invalidate my argument via making me look bad. That is, by definition a personal attack. But this is besides the point, and we should drop this line of argument. Secondly I was adding weight to another's argument with my personal experience. Also I do not believe that it was stated that if this came to pass the NT Rep would run the IAA "department", but only use them as an added resource. Though I may be wrong on that. Lastly, in my opinion NT Reps have in fact too little power. Sometimes it's just you and your fax machine, sending faxes that sometimes are not even read. And to repeat this thread is not about the NT Rep. It is about updates to SOP. Let us move back to the topic at hand.
  6. Firstly, I was just expressing my opinion using the noun "I". The point of this thread is to express opinions please refrain from attacking myself and not my arguments. The Nanotrasen Representative is in fact, a Representative primarily. That is stated in the name. What many NT Rep's have figured out is that if the crew are happy with you, they are much more willing to tell you if their boss is not doing the best job. It's a fallacy to assume that they will report it instantly. There is a trick to balancing your, to use borrowed phrasing "pro bono" work with the main job of making sure command is doing a good job. A NT Rep cannot investigate on a lack of evidence. To finish, this thread is not about the NT Rep and their role. It is about SoP and its need to be updated.
  7. I would like to say, that in reality, you have two types of IAA. One that does little to nothing and cryo's, and the often rare bird nowadays that does something. In my experience, if you want something done about someone, you go to the NT Rep, not the IAA. Though this argument has no place here. As another note, you are the "Nanotrasen Representative" not "Commands IAA" you represent NT. You do your best to make sure NT's Interests are secure, that is why you are there. As a final note. I have said before that if I had access to IAA's I could handle more than one case at once. Trust me, on very busy shifts you have three or four to handle. Having one to two guys and a good pAI to help you gives you a team. Making life significantly easier for the NT Rep. You can start to feel quite alone when you can only trust you and your fax machine.
  8. To clear this up, nada. NT Rep's are separate from the chain of command. The only people they report to is CC. If you're talking about the pop-up, that is I believe either a bug or the default setting for it. I would have to do a little code diving to make sure. But from my understanding that is the case.
  9. @Driker Thank you for reporting this! https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/labels/Bug
  10. I'm pretty sure that this was suggested before. But I would like a flat cooldown on the resist button. That would make it easier for this to work, and fix a number of things
  11. Really like this idea, if a coder was willing to pick this up. You could totlally just steal the welding mask code
  12. @Deanthelis as somebody who plays NT Rep every shift. I can tell you that is not feasible. Even if you copy-paste your paperwork like I do. From my own experience, it takes 1-3 minutes for me to write a fax to central. If we used your message formatting I could see it takeing upwards of ten minutes. Sadly, this is impossible in the game at this minute. As we do not have anything to reference what day it is. (E.G, is each shift a day? Or is it just one shift in a day)
  13. *cough* Let me try this again. This should be added yesterday, please please please please please x9999
  14. Unneeded due to edits! (We really need a delete option for comments :P)
  15. I like this, but I can see a situation where you say... have a greytide taking out a security officer in full gear because he had a higher ping than the sec officer and hit first. It also reinforces the stun-based combat we have already. Which is something I kinda disagree with. But that is only my personal opinion. I actually quite like this, it certainly makes it easier to detain people without running off. But I really would only like to see this implemented on one condition, that the person doing the restraining cannot do anything else the person at the same time (E.G cuffing). That way, we don't perpetuate the stun-based combat I talked about in the first section. (Which doesn't need any more buffs I might add) I deeply like this, it adds more subtlety to combat which is something a player with skill could take advantage of. Overall, I really like your ideas. Thanks for posting them. It's something I would really like to see in-game.
  16. Just today I saw a full medical setup being produced in front of the bridge. I very much like that. I made a suggestion about something similar a while ago, it was shot down fairly hard. But I love this idea,
  17. @TullyBBurnalot that sounds great, thank you. Though I believe SoP needs that second part. As for it to be enforced rather than ignored it needs as I said "teeth".
  18. Thinking about that, I have another problem. We need to define said context. As what you may see as context, I may see something else.
  19. I would go a step further than that, "SOP should not be looked at in a vacuum, and context should always be considered. Failure to do so is punishable by demotion" though the second part would only be necessary for command and security SoP as those are the most often broken.
  20. Firstly, thanks for opening this. For me SoP is actually quite fine as is, as far as the rules go. But there is one problem I have noticed in game. The forward. In particular I have seen this time and time again, as an excuse to keep terrible harmbattoning HoS's and vacant HoP's in there roles. The forward of command SoP in particular removes the teeth of SoP and in most situations stops it from being followed. In my opinion SoP should be STANDARD and in its current state, it is anything but that.
  21. Cool idea! But I don't think many would like it, myself included. I'm kinda used to my full degrees of sight!
  22. You're in luck my friend!
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